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“Merlin!” he a

“Yeah, the kittens, too,” I said. “Congratulations on your coronation day “

“Hey! You're wearing the school colors!”

“What the hell. Why not? You won something, didn't you?”

“Listen. It's not as festive a thing as all that. In fact, I was about to call you. I need your advice before this goes any further. Can you bring me through?”

“I'm not in Amber, Luke.”

“Where are you?”

“Well... downstairs,” I admitted. “I'm on the side street between your palace and the building next door that's sort of like a hotel at the moment.”

“That won't do,” he said. “I'd get spotted too quick if you bring me down. Go on over to the Unicorn Temple. If it's relatively empty and there's a dark, quiet corner where we can talk, call me and bring me through. If there isn't, figure something else, okay?”

“Okay. “

“Hey, how'd you get here anyway?”

“Advance scout for an invasion,” I said. “One more take-over would be a coup-coup, wouldn't it?”

“You're about as fu

Break. So I crossed the plaza, following what seemed marked out as the route of the procession. I thought I might meet some trouble at the House of the Unicorn and need a spell to get in, but no one barred my way.

I entered. It was big and all decked out for the ceremony, with a great variety of pe

“Luke,” I addressed his Trump. “All clear. Do you read me?”

I felt his presence before I caught the image. “Okay,” he said. “Bring me through,” and we clasped hands, and he was there.

He clapped me on the shoulders.

“Well, now, let me look at you,” he said. “Wonder whatever became of my letter sweater?”

“I think you gave it to Gail.”

“I think you may be right.”

“Brought you a present,” I said, tossing back my cloak and fumbling at the side of my sword belt. “Here. I turned up your father's sword.”

“You're kidding.”

He took it into his hands, examined the sheath, turned it over many times. Then he drew it partway, and it hissed again and sparks danced along its tracery and a bit of smoke drifted upward from it.

“It really is!” he said. “Werewindle, the Daysword-brother to the Nightblade, Grayswandir!”

“What's that?” I said. “I didn't know there was any co

“I'd have to think hard to remember the full story, but they go back a long way. Thank you.”

He turned and took several paces, slapping the weapon against his thigh as he walked. Abruptly he returned.

“I've been had,” he said. “That woman has done it again, and I am peeved to the extreme. I don't know how to handle this.”

“What? What are you talking about?”

“My mother,” he explained. “She's done it again. Just when I thought I'd taken the reins and was riding my own course, she's come along and messed up my life.”

“How'd she do that?”

“She hired Dalt and his boys to take over here.”

“Yeah, we sort of figured that out. By the way, what happened to Arkans?”

“Oh, he's okay. I've got him under arrest, of course. But he's in good quarters and he can have anything he wants. I wouldn't hurt him. I always kind of liked the guy “

“So what's the problem? You win. You've got your own kingdom now.”

“Hell,” he said, then glanced furtively toward the sanctum. “I think I was co

I shook my head.

“I don't understand at all,” I said. “You got it for her. Why not just turn it over to her and do as you pla

He gave a humorless laugh.

“Arkans they liked,” he said. “Me they like. Mom they're not so fond of. Nobody seems that enthusiastic about having her back. In fact, there were strong indications that if she tried it, there would indeed be a coup-coup.”

“I suppose you could still step aside and give it to Arkans.”

Luke punched the stone wall.

“I don't know whether she'd be madder at me or at herself for having paid Daft as much as she did to throw Arkans out. But she'd tell me it's my duty to do it, and I don't know-maybe it is. 'What do you think?”

“That's a hard one to answer, Luke. Who do you think would do a better job, you or Arkans?”

“I honestly don't know. He's had a lot of experience in government, but I did grow up here, and I do know how the place is run and how to get things done. The only thing I'm sure of is that either of us would be better at it than Mom.”

I folded my arms, and I thought hard.

“I can't make this decision for you,” I said. “But tell me, what would you most like to do?”

He chuckled.

“You know I've always been a salesman. If I were going to stick around and do something for Kashfa. I'd rather represent her industries abroad, which would be sort of undignified for a monarch. Probably what I'd be best at, though. I don't know.”

“It's a problem and a half, Luke. I don't want the responsibility of telling you which way to go.”

“If I'd known it was going to come to this, I'd have smeared Dalt back in Arden.”

“You really think you could take bim?”

“Believe it,” he said.

“Well, that doesn't solve your present problem.”

“True. I've a strong feeling I may have to go through with this.”

The woman up front glanced our way several times. I guess we were talking kind of loud for the surroundings.

“Too bad there are no other good candidates,” I said, lowering my voice.

“This must seem like pretty small beer to someone from Amber.”

“Hell, it's your home. You've got a right to take it seriously. I'm just sorry it's doing such a job on you.”

“Yeah, most problems seem to start at home, don't they? Sometimes I just feel like taking a walk and not coming back.”

“What would happen if you did?”

“Either Mom would restore herself to the throne with Dalt's gang to back her up, which would require a mess of executions of people I can think of who'd be against it, or she'd say the game isn't worth the candle and settle for the Keep. If she decided to enjoy her retirement, then the coalition which backed him in the first place would probably spring Arkans and continue things from where they'd had to leave off “

“Which course of action seems most likely to you?” I said.

“She'd go for it and there'd be a civil war. Win or lose, it would mess up the country and doubtless keep us out of the Golden Circle this time around, too. Speaking of which-”

“I don't know,” I said quickly. “I'm not empowered to talk Golden Circle Treaty with you.”

“I'd kind of guessed that,” Luke said, “and that wasn't what I wanted to ask. I was just curious whether anyone back in Amber might have said, 'They just blew it,' or `Maybe we'll give them another crack at it a little farther down the road,' or `We'll still deal, but they can forget the Eregnor guarantees.”

He gave me an artificial grin, and I returned it.

“You can forget Eregnor,” I said.

“Figured that,” he said. “What about the rest?”

“I get the impression it's 'Let's wait and see what happens.”

“Guessed that much, too. Give me a good report, even if they don't ask, okay? By the way, I don't suppose your presence here is technically official?”

“Personal,” I said, “from a diplomatic standpoint.”