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Queen Blatand became very still, as though suddenly flash frozen. Then, without warning, she became animated again. “That would make Rodney extremely formidable.”

“Yes, my queen,” Elder Futhark added quickly. “Hence, when our cousin saw a way to ally with the Vampire Cartel by simply sharing information, finally having something that they might find of value… something that he could negotiate with, he seized upon the opportunity. The only small bit of remuneration he asked was for the rightful return of his Seelie-nationalized property… the old Dugan Bed & Breakfast and Fi

“Seems a fair price for such intense labor,” she said, begi

“Yes, yes, my queen. This is why we must go to the UCE trial to urge that Kiagehul be remanded to our custody-it is far less harsh to be banished from the Americas, versus being beheaded.”

“So, after all these years of straddling the fence and working for Sir Rodney, the prodigal son wanted to return home to me. Interesting. I wonder what gifts he’d meant to bring?” She nodded as she strode back to her elaborate, ice-sculpture throne and sat. “I do need to stay more co

“We don’t know if this will work,” Sasha said quietly, holding Silver Hawk’s and Hunter’s hands as they stood around Clarissa’s bed. “But if we can go into the shadow lands as one, we might have a chance.”

“This man still has an IV attached to his arm,” Dr. Williams said, glancing at Doc for support.

“We put it on a walking pole,” Hunter said. “It’s either that or it comes out. Time is essential-we need to go in and reinforce her before the sun sets.”

“Anything that you can do,” Bradley said, clasping Clarissa’s hand. He gave Sasha a pleading look and then handed her a small, white, linen charm bag on a long, white satin cord. “It’s got an iron slug in there, a copper pe

“You keep this on her, Bradley,” Sasha said, slipping her hands out of Hunter’s and Silver Hawk’s. “We have the amber and silver amulets from the clan.” Sasha gently looped the charm bag over Clarissa’s head and kissed her forehead. “You put so much love into that charm, Bradley, that it belongs right over her heart.”

Silver Hawk nodded and the confirmation from the older shaman seemed to help Bradley’s confidence. Bradley wiped his face with the back of one sleeve, never letting go of Clarissa’s hand.

“The power of prayer always triumphs over the power of evil spells,” Silver Hawk said, landing a time-weathered, supportive hand on Bradley’s shoulder. “You continue to pray with all your might… you, Doc, and Winters, a strong pack bond of three-while we go into the darkness to bring her soul back to wholeness.”

“We have to go,” Hunter said, looking at the waning sun.

Sasha and Silver Hawk nodded, stepping into the nearest shadow with him.

“Sir Rodney! Sir Rodney! Lower the drawbridge!” A breathless Fae archer held his prancing chestnut Unicorn tightly as the beast reared and the drawbridge came down with a thud.

“A cold front just blew in to New Orleans,” the guard said, not waiting for the normal protocols. “We must send reinforcements to the area to brace for a possible onslaught! We have Seelie civilians… humans… there could even be ice storms in June-we don’t know what all could occur, but our people must be evacuated immediately.”

Woods and Fisher ran up to the front gate with Shogun and his men.

“Just like we helped you get the prisoner down to the dungeon, we’ll help you get him to UCE trial and will assist with the evac efforts,” Woods said, staring at Sir Rodney. “We’ve got your back out there in the streets of New Orleans, too. Sasha wouldn’t have it any other way. Plus, if humans are involved, we’re involved.”

“We owe you,” Shogun said. “This battle is not yours to fight alone.”

A nod of acceptance was all that was needed. Sir Rodney turned to his guards and prepared them for war. “Full garrison alert,” Sir Rodney shouted. “I want all civilian Seelie behind these walls before sundown. As we’ve expected, there will be vicious Vampire retaliation for the accidental lair destruction, if they’ve gone so far as to call me ex-wife.”

Hunter and Sasha sat quietly inside the full-moon circle that Silver Hawk had drawn on the ground of the shadow lands, listening to the low, resonating prayer chants of their clan shaman. The insistent wail of his voice and the rhythmic thud of the finger drum he used soon merged with their heartbeats and breaths until it was all one and the same. Then his sad, native chant ceased and he closed his eyes.

“We ask permission to speak with Clarissa’s higher spirit,” Silver Hawk murmured. “Let her come into the healing circle that is guarded by those of the light.”

Sasha fought not to gasp as Clarissa’s battered soul drifted into the center of the circle. Her eyes had been put out and her ears were bleeding. It seemed like her spirit was struggling to breathe as she scrabbled at her throat. But there was no way Sasha could stop herself from reacting in horror as Clarissa opened her mouth and her tongue was missing.

“Oh, baby…” Sasha said, covering her mouth and rocking. She finally allowed her hands to fall away. “ ’Rissa, who did this to you?” she whispered.

The spirit slowly lowered herself to the ground, and scratched out the letter K into the dirt.

“It was a specific hit,” Hunter said toward his grandfather.

Silver Hawk nodded. “Kiagehul went after the weakest target… She was psychically open in here; the others were not, save me, but he could not attack around my Shadow Wolf’s silver aura. But the human woman was vulnerable… and he knew that that would hurt us all.”

“He was going after Bradley,” Sasha said through her teeth and almost went to Clarissa when her body started thrashing about in u

Sasha turned away as Silver Hawk and Hunter gripped her hands tightly. Clarissa’s head spun upside down as her limbs cracked backward, making her twist into a human, crab-walking monstrosity that peered at them through vacant, black holes.

“Yes,” Silver Hawk said in a tight voice, controlling his rage. “The backlash was sent against the one who figured out how to break the evil spell-that would have been Bradley… and the best way to shatter him would be to sacrifice her.”

“Seal her in the protective circle, Grandfather,” Hunter said with a snarl. “I know one way to break this spell is to behead the little bastard that cast it.”

“We have laid down light-prayer sealants to keep her from being drawn into demon doors or being lost as a wraith in the shadow lands,” Silver Hawk reported in a sad tone. “We called for the ancient spirit healers of all time and higher realms to come into the circle to stand with her and to heal her of this nightmare condition.”

“We surrounded the circle with brick dust, sea salt, holy water, you name it,” Sasha said, touching Bradley’s arm. “This way nothing else can attack her, and it buys us a little time to figure out how we can undo this really bad thing that’s happened to her.”

“Not much time, though, I’m afraid,” Doc said, glancing around the group. “Her MRI and her CAT scan came back with lesions forming in her brain, her eyes, her throat, and her lungs. There’s a black mass also forming around her heart… It’s like hematomas and embolisms are just ripping this girl apart from the inside.” Doc let out a long breath of anguish. “The closer it gets to sunset, the worse her vitals become… We may have to move her onto a respirator soon and even begin dialysis. Her toxin levels are off the charts and her kidneys aren’t doing their job.”