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In 1986, A

She Drained Me of My Very Marrow: The Female Vampire in History and Literature 4.The success and influence of this work ca

Disagreements arose between A

7. In 1991, she left Constantinople and took the prestigious Geisslerin Chair at the University of Budapest, where she teaches to this day.


8 . ____________________

1 It is considered somewhat gauche to reference one's mortal parentage when in polite society. Most modern vampires trace their heritage purely through the line of Conversion, often in the Spanish style, in which case A

2 Dr. Mosshammer has kindly agreed to write an introduction to Dr. Petrescu's forthcoming work, Exsanguinations: A Handbook for the Educated Vampire. (University of Csejthe Press, 2005). The apprentice-master relationship between many vampires and the quasi-parental figures who Converted them is well-documented, but Dr. Mosshammer has been particularly supportive, and the editors of this site wish to take this opportunity to publicly thank him.

3 And thus able to take part in such specious feminist activities, as the Danube is well-known as a hotbed of radical thought and shoddy workmanship-even popularly referred to as "The Berkeley of Eastern Europe."

4 University of Darvulia Press, 1987.

5 Black Feminism, a movement which centralizes the role of the female Vampire, the succubus, in Sanguinary History, is somewhat tainted in the view of most historians due to its roots in human scholarship. In the mortal world, second-wave feminism resulted in a great deal of literature-much of which was written by women like A

6 The 2005 Conference will take place July 25- 29 in Lodz, Poland, hosted by Plogojiwitz University. Hotels fill up quickly, so reservations are suggested.

7 Much as it was once considered beneath mortal nobility to engage in mercantile activities, it is widely asserted that for Vampires to produce their own quasi-fictional texts is vulgar in the highest degree. To speak for ourselves threatens the exposure of our entire Community, and most agree that the formulation of ridiculous and outlandish stories of bloodletting and ca

8 Predictably, this has caused a number of rumors to arise as to the orientation of Dr. Petrescu. While the editors of this site feel that such a subject is merely salacious and has no place in a professional biography, or in the parlor rooms of certain aged male Faculty members, they will note, without commentary, that Dr. Petrescu has co-habited with the Italian Edenite scholar Genevra Verzini in Budapest since 1995.

University of Csejthe Press

14 dr. Razvan Zeklos str., bl. 12C, 1st floor, 1st district, 011035 Bucharest | Phone: +4021.3316688 | Fax: 4021.3316689


CONTACT: Andrei Bogoescu, [email protected] /* */


A Handbook For The Educated Vampire

by A

translated from the Romanian by Cathery



In October 2009, the prestigious University of Csejthe Press will release A

Exsanguinations: A Handbook for the Educated Vampire. This much-discussed volume will contain a distillation of 25 years of research into the Origins, Customs, History, and Literature of the Vampire Community. It will serve both as a primer for the Newly Converted and a convenient desk reference for the experienced Dark Academic. Never before has such a variety of scholarly work been brought together in one place, and readers can look forward to a truly definitive delineation of the Vampire Culture in Dr. Petrescu's trademark simple, elegant prose.

Look for

Exsanguinations at fine purveyors of Demonic Texts throughout Europe and America in October 2009.


"Petrescu has done it! This text will stand for many cycles of Conversion hence. There can be no finer manual for the Vampiric existence than this lovely volume, no more concise and sensitive expression of the postmodern fiend."

– Genevra Verzini

"Dare I call this the Vampiric Bible? I think I must, for no more inclusive and profound a book has yet been produced in the Community."

– Adrian Maru

To interview A

Exsanguinations or any other Csejthe Press titles, contact Csejthe Press publicity director Andrei Bogoescu at [email protected] /* */


by A

(Non-Fiction / 978-1-59780-156-0 / $15.95 / 400 pages)

a Csejthe Press trade paperback / October 2009

to learn more visit www.csejthepress.com