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“Arc you kidding? I don’t believe Junior would hurt a fly, not on purpose.”

“You know that,” Joa

“What do you want me to do about it?” Butch asked.

“Fill the moat and raise the drawbridge. If she comes by the house and tries talking to Junior, don’t let her near him. Period.”

“With pleasure,” Butch said. “I can hardly wait to see her try.”

Reassured that Marliss wouldn’t be hassling Junior, Joa

“I’ll be out of the office for the next little bit,” she told Kristin. “Probably until late afternoon. I’m heading out to Sierra Vista to check on things.”

“Will you be seeing Deputy Gregovich?” Kristin asked. “Probably,” Joa

Kristin sighed. “He’s so cute,” she said dreamily.

Cute? That was hardly the term Joa

Frowning, Joa

Had Joa

“For a rookie,” Joa

She made the comment in hopes of stressing the law enforcement nature of Terry Gregovich’s job. She also wanted to make Kristin aware that, as sheriff, Joa

“And don’t you just love the way Terry and Spike get along?” Kristin continued adoringly. “I mean-you know-it’s like they really like each other.”


While Kristin continued to gush, Joa

Kristin stopped short. “Are you telling me I shouldn’t have anything to do with him?” she asked.

“No. What I’m saying is that at this time Deputy Gregovich really needs to have his mind on the job. He can’t afford any distractions.”

“Which I am, I suppose?” the secretary asked with a pout.

“Kristin,” Joa

Kristin had to think about Joa


When Joa

About then she caught sight of a pair of work boots sticking out from under the midsection of the jail’s utility van. Seconds later, Da

“I’ve got a little problem with my Crown Victoria.”

“Not another water hose.”

“Not a hose,” Joa

When Joa

Other people claimed to see things in their mind’s eye. Joa

As far as Dena Hogan was concerned, Joa

That was how far she had gone in her thinking process as she drove across the San Pedro at Palominas, where a blazing column of golden-leafed cottonwoods followed a meandering path through unexpectedly lush green river-bottom farmland in the middle of an otherwise parched desert.

Pulling out her cell phone, she dialed Fran Daly’s office in Tucson. One of the things Joa

“Daly here,” the assistant medical examiner growled into the phone in her gravelly smoker’s voice.

“It’s Joa

“Should have known,” Dr. Daly grunted. “You must operate on radar. I only finished the autopsy ten minutes ago. Detective Hemming was here during, but I haven’t talked to Detective Lazier yet. He’s going to be pissed as all hell when he finds out I talked to you before I talked to him.”

“Tough,” Joa

“There are some really good people working for the Pima County Sheriff’s Department,” Fran Daly told her. “Hank Lazier just doesn’t happen to be one of them. He and I have gone nose-to-nose on several different occasions. But since I believe in picking my fights and this one doesn’t seem worth it, I probably won’t-tell him, that is.”