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"How to be a prophet. Cryptic utterances are an essential part of the role, aren't they?"

He blushed slightly. "I just didn't want to get into it all right then."

Michael now believed that the theology of NeoShinto was incomplete. "It tries to make us one with the universe— and it succeeds. But I got lost in that oneness, and I suspect many people do. Your Supreme Meme taught me that the little inconsequential details of my everyday life are as real and valuable as everything else put together. In science they have a principle called complementarity: mass and energy are the same thing, but you can only have one at a time; a particle has momentum and position, but you can only see one of those at a time. So it is with our lives. We need to honor our sense of unity with the world, but we also need to honor our individuality. Both are true. Both are absolutes, and we have to nurture both if we're to survive on these worlds."

He had tried to explain the theology of it to her, but Rue wasn't really interested, and he knew that. "It's just…" he had said after a half hour's discussion, "just a new way to both accept mortality and throw yourself into life. Nothing's permanent. But everything can hand what's unique, what's best about itself, to what comes after."

"Like the Lasa?" she'd asked.

He nodded. "And like the Chicxulub."

They walked upstairs and into the gloriously hot artificial sunlight of the colony cylinder. This tiny world was a cylinder twenty kilometers long and four across. The land wrapped itself above to become sky, with an intolerably bright fusion lamp at the axis providing daylight for the parks and forests that dotted the inside of the cylinder. Rue and Mike went to sit on a bench under a shady tree, and after fumbling out her sunglasses she draped herself over the back of the seat and drank in the air. It was nearly as natural smelling as that of Chandaka. Things were peaceful here; among the distant clouds, people glided and swooped on diaphanous wings.

"One more meeting," said Rue. "Think they're ready to go it on their own for a while?"

"They'll have Cori

"Excuse me."

Rue looked around. A rather officious looking woman in a gray suit stood on the path. "Are you, um, Meadow-Rue Rosebud Cassels?"

Rue stood up. "Yes, I am."

"My name is Alita Strong. I represent… your family."


"I'm their lawyer." Rue continued to stare blankly at the woman, who finally said, "Surely you know that there are lawsuits outstanding against you, and… financial matters to be settled…"


"It took us a while to find you," continued Strong. "But I told my clients that a face-to-face talk with you would probably be the best way to resolve things. Have you got a few minutes?"

"What? Now?" Rue felt a strange flutter of nervousness. Politicians and generalissimos didn't scare her anymore, so why was her heart pounding at this development?

Strong was walking toward one of the campus buildings near the one Rue had rented. Rue turned to Mike, appealing to him for something, any sort of guidance.

He took her hand and said, "Let's go see, shall we?"

They followed Strong inside the building and down into a lounge below the surface. Two people were sitting on low couches there. Both stood as Rue came down the steps.

"Good morning, dear!" gushed Aunt Leda as she minced forward.

"Hi, Sis," said Jentry, who slouched with his hands in his pockets, not moving from his spot near the back of the lounge.

Time seemed to stop for Rue. There he was, and damned if he didn't look older. Shorter. Ski

There was no way to look him in the eye and not remember all the times he'd beat her. Rue remembered now, though, that there had never been any occasion when she hadn't fought back. And it was with a cool tingle of pleasure that she realized that after her military training on Oculus, she could beat him in a fair fight any day.

"Brother," she said in a sweet voice; she felt Mike's grip on her arm tighten. She extricated herself from that hold and went to embrace Aunt Leda. "Aunt Leda. How are you? I'm so sorry about Max."

"Yes, we only just heard the news." Leda contrived to look weepy. "That is— it was a few days ago. We didn't know you were here, the news came from our dear friend Colonel Jackman…"

Rue nodded. Jackman had been one of those who had refused to come to her meetings here. He must have called Leda with the news— Leda and who else? Ah, now the intrigues would start!

Rue turned from Leda to Jentry. "How are you, Jentry?"

"I'm okay." He hesitated, then stepped forward, hand out. To her own surprise, Rue shook it. Then it came to her how she must look to these two: imperious and proud in her uniform, with a sharp-eyed monk standing, arms folded, at her shoulder.

She laughed, and plunked herself down on one of the couches. "Well, who of us would ever have expected this!" She patted the seat next to her; after a moment Jentry sat cautiously next to her. "How's the station, Jen? Still racing those mining bots?"

He looked shifty, and said, "It's okay. Yeah, I, we… We got a bit of a debt problem right now, so—"

The lawyer cleared her throat. Jentry looked at the floor.

Rue appraised her, with a raised eyebrow.

"There's two little matters we need to get behind us," said Strong, coming to sit opposite Rue. Leda remained standing, a rather fixed smile on her face. "There's the matter of the inheritance from Max of course, and then the—"

"Inheritance? What inheritance?"

Leda and Jentry looked at one another. The lawyer sighed.

"I gather you haven't been informed. Max Cassels made you his heir."

Rue sat there with her mouth open for a bit too long, because suddenly Mike was sitting next to her holding her shoulders. "Are you okay?" he whispered.

"Okay? Okay?" She tilted her head back and laughed. "I'm great! Oh, Max, why'd you—" Then she realized something. "But— he must have done that before we left…"

Strong nodded. "Yes, the night before your departure from Treya, he registered a new will. You were to receive his entire estate. Of course, what with taxes, litigation fees, and monies owing to certain plaintiffs…" and here Leda turned pink and tried to look smaller, "all that's left is the house. And contents. And this." She held out a data card. "Keyed to be unlocked only by you."

Rue took the card numbly. She had tears in her eyes, she realized. It was simply that by this one gesture Max had brought her into the Cassels family. Since her parents died, Jentry had done everything in his power to make her feel like she didn't belong. And Leda had been no help. It was only now that Rue realized how deeply the wounds had reached. Bereft of family, she had run from world to world, across years and through adventures that had made her into something quite new. A cycler captain. A woman of power and influence.

And now, Max's gift to her was to affirm that she had been a Cassels all along. That she had a home.

There was a respectful silence while she pulled herself together. "Well," she said at last, "I will open this in good time and," she glanced sharply at Leda, "in private. Thank you."

"There is one other thing," said the lawyer.

Rue stood. The inheritance had been quite enough, she was thinking. "We need to be getting back," she said to Mike.

"It concerns a certain family heirloom, entrusted to Jentry Cassels and stolen by you."

Rue whirled. "What?"

"The ediacaran pendant your grandmother had," said Leda. "It was never rightfully hers. But Jentry has been so kind as to reveal its existence to us, and as provenance was never certain on it… well, it's legally his now."