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And then she turned back to look at him, and she was suddenly a red-tongued, white-fanged she-wolf, reared upright on its hind legs and gri

He fell back with a yell of horror—it was this, he guessed now, that had woken him—but she only turned her back again and walked off into the marsh grass, still balancing delicately upright.

He sat up again in the big bed. The dream had left him sweaty beneath the silk sheets, and he could feel the hairs on his legs pasted to his skin. He swallowed and looked around the room. He felt the sense of ownership, the sense of belonging settling back over him. He felt his skin cooling. He rubbed a hand down his face and sighed.

“Something keeping you from sleep, Grace?” asked the shadowed figure by the window.

This time, it was a full kick to the heart. He was awake, he knew he was awake now, and this was no fucking dream.

And outside of a dream there was no way anyone should be able to get in here if he hadn’t invited them.

There was a cool breeze wandering through the room. He registered it for the first time, felt it on his skin. Saw the way the muslin drapes stirred by the open window.

He’d closed it before he went to sleep. He remembered.

The figure stepped out of the shadows at the casement edge. Bandlight crept in from the balcony and did its best to touch the face.

“See—” he began, and then clamped his mouth shut.

The figure shook its head. “No. Not Seethlaw. You won’t be seeing him again.”


A grave inclination of the shadow-dappled head. Faintly now in the bandlight, he made out the features to go with the voice.

“Gil. How did you get in here?”

“Easily.” A gesture back to the balcony. “You’ve really got to start picking your boys for competence, not looks, Grace. I walked right past three of them in the gardens. Could have been invisible for all the notice they took. Didn’t have to kill them or anything. And then, well, ornate stonework’s never a good bet if you don’t want burglars scaling the walls. Like I said—easy.”

Milacar swallowed. “We all thought you were . . . gone.”

“I was gone, Grace. Into the gray places. You made sure of that.”

Ringil moved again, closer to the bed. Now the bandlight caught him full, painted its pallid glow across his face. Milacar winced as he saw the scarring along the jawline.

“What are you talking—”

“Don’t.” There was a terrifying matter-of-factness in the single word. “Just don’t, Grace. There’s no point. I remember you in the garden. I was just supposed to stay colorful for you here in the slums. That’s what you said. Here in the slums. Because that’s where we were, wasn’t it? The garden at the old place, across the river on Replete Cargo Street.”

“Gil, listen to me—”

“No, you listen to me.” There was a cold, hypnotic quality to Ringil’s speech that Milacar didn’t remember from before. “That’s where I woke up the morning after Seethlaw. Replete Cargo Street. I thought at the time it seemed familiar, but I didn’t make the co

He met Grace’s eye. Milacar sighed and slumped back on his propped elbows. He looked away.

“I don’t . . .” He shook his head wearily. “Make . . . decisions where Seethlaw is concerned. He comes to me. He takes what he wants.”

“Kind of exciting for you, huh?”

“I’m sorry, Gil. I didn’t want you hurt, that’s all.”

Ringil’s voice hardened. “No, that’s not all. You didn’t want me in Etterkal, just like everybody else. Or if I went—because you knew damn well they wouldn’t be able to stop me—you wanted Seethlaw to know and have it covered. You sold me to him, Grace, you told him where to find me. Had to be you, no one else knew I’d gone to Hale’s place.”

Grace-of-Heaven said nothing.

“Back before I had to kill him, Seethlaw accused me of interfering with his affairs, and what he said was quite specific. You brought your blade and your threats, he said, and your pride that no beauty or sorcery could stem your killing prowess. He heard me say that to you, that first night here, out on the balcony. He was here, in your house, wasn’t he? And then later he followed me home, along with a couple of your more inept machete boys. I scared them off easily enough, but Seethlaw stuck around to laugh at me. Can’t blame him for that—you were both on me from the start. Cozy as fucking spoons in a drawer, and both laughing. Are you in the cabal, Grace?”

Milacar chuckled and shook his head again. There was more energy in it this time.

“Something amusing you?”

“Yeah. You don’t get it, Gil. The cabal touches us all, you don’t have to be in it for that to happen. The cabal is Findrich and Snarl and a few others in Etterkal, a handful in the Chancellery, a couple more up at the Academy. But that’s just what’s at the center. Beyond that, anybody and everybody with an ounce of power in this city has their feet in cabal mud. Just a question of how far up your legs you let it creep, how much you want, and how much you want to know. Me, Murmin Kaad, even your own fucking father. One way or another, we’re all beholden. The cabal reaches out for what it needs.”

Ringil nodded. “Needs a traitor in the Marsh Brotherhood, does it? You want to hear what happened to Girsh?”

“I know what happened to Girsh.” A long sigh. “I’m in the middle here, Gil. I try not to get too deep in on any one side, try not to get too committed or locked in. It’s politics. You get used to that.”

“Seethlaw wasn’t politics, though, was he?”

“Seethlaw.” Grace-of-Heaven swallowed. “Seethlaw was—”

“Beautiful. Yeah, I know, you told me that. Of course, you also told me it was secondhand knowledge, but that was just the quick lie to cover your arse. Couldn’t really admit to me you were fucking the fabulous dwenda in Etterkal, that would have ruined everything. I just wonder why you bothered mentioning him in the first place.”

Milacar bowed his head. “I thought it might scare you off.”

“Yeah? Or you thought I might be competition you could do without?”

“I just didn’t want you hurt, Gil.”

“So you keep saying. Look at my face, Grace. I got hurt.”

“Yeah, well I’m sorry.” Sudden, flaring anger. “If you’d fucking stayed out of it like I told you to, maybe you wouldn’t have that ugly scar now.”

“Maybe not.”

Silence, like a shared flandrijn pipe between them. The shape of what was coming began to emerge in the quiet.

“He took you to the gray places,” Milacar said finally, bitterly.

“Oh yeah.” And though, just from looking at Grace-of-Heaven’s eyes, he already knew the answer, Ringil asked the question anyway. “You?”

Milacar stared off across the room, into the dark corner Ringil had come from. “No. He talked about it, but . . . I don’t know. Never the right time, I guess.”

“Don’t feel bad. You don’t know how fucking lucky you got.” Ringil leaned forward and tapped the scar along his jaw. “You think this is ugly? You should see what I’m carrying inside.”

“You think I can’t?” Milacar looked at him again, and now he was smiling sadly. “You need to take a look in a mirror sometime, Gil. How did you kill him, then? The gorgeous Seethlaw?”

“With the Ravensfriend. I carved his beautiful fucking face in half.”