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Inside, it was hot enough to bake bread and large enough to house an immigrant family. Sweating and jovial, Mr. Churchill sat in the center of the broad leather bench—away from the windows, I noted— and indicated that I was expected to perch on a folding jump seat opposite. “Miss Shanklin! And her dread dachshund, terror of the Semiramis!” he rumbled cheerfully as Thompson took his place up front. “Thank you for your companionship. Clementine and I operate on entirely different schedules. She’s up before dawn and does a full day before I so much as stir. Then—just as I’m finishing the day’s meetings and ready for some recreation—she’s off to take a nap. It’s a wonder we see each other at all! Still, we’ve had four children, so we’re not doing badly, are we?”

Our driver, a young man in the blue uniform of a Royal Air Force corporal, coughed his surprise. I myself hardly knew what to say, but it didn’t seem to matter.

“My mother is an American,” Mr. Churchill went on, without taking a breath. “It was a treat to hear your accent last night! Such interesting inflection, and the vowel shifts are fascinating! I thought, Wouldn’t it be grand to invite our American friend along this afternoon and hear some more of it?”

“Where in America is your mother from?” I asked.

“She was born in Brooklyn. Her father was a titan of Wall Street! Made fortunes and lost them just as quickly. Family moved to Paris when Je

That would seem to make his mother French rather than American, I had intended to remark, but Mr. Churchill evidently didn’t need to hear very much of the American accent I had been invited to supply. Instead, he himself spoke at length of his mother. Je

She had married several times. Widowed by her sons’ unlamented father, she was quickly divorced from a second husband twenty years her junior and nearly the same age as Winston himself. Despite that less than agreeable episode, she had recently married another young gentleman. This third husband no longer lived with her. Je

All of this was conveyed to me in considerable detail and with much affectionate tolerance while the car crawled through the Cairo traffic. By the time we reached the outskirts of the city, I had stopped trying to follow the twisted skein of names and relationships and began to be glad that Mr. Churchill’s conversation did not require a great deal from his companions.

I’m going to melt, I thought and blotted up a trickle of perspiration with my hankie. “How much farther is it to the pyramids, Mr. Churchill?”

“Oh, but we’re not going to the pyramids.” My surprise must have been obvious, for Mr. Churchill immediately shouted, “Thompson! Did you tell Miss Shanklin we were going to the pyramids?”

Sergeant Thompson did not turn around. “I believe I said we’d see the pyramids, sir.”

“Hah! Well! There you have it. Forgive the confusion, Miss Shanklin. An understandable misunderstanding, eh? I shall be very happy to include you in our excursion to Sakhara next Sunday. This afternoon, however, we’ll remain at a distance so that I may obtain some useful perspective. Did Thompson complain about my paints? Hah! I expect he did. ‘I’m not a bloody porter!’ Yes? Do I have him?”

I smiled. Rosie panted.

“Do you paint, Miss Shanklin?”

“Why, yes,” I said. “I’ve studied watercolors since college and—”

“Watercolors! Watercolors! I have no word of disparagement for watercolors, but with oils you can approach your problem from any direction!” Mr. Churchill cried. “You need not build downward from white paper to your darkest darks. Attack where you please! Start with the middle tones, then hurl in the extremes when the mood strikes. Lay color upon color! Experiment! And if the attempt fails? One sweep of the palette knife will lift the blood and tears of a morning from the canvas, and you’re ready to make a fresh start!”

Blood and tears? you ask. Yes, indeed. You can imagine my own surprise decades later when that casual remark would become his ringing wartime declaration, “I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, tears, and sweat.” In 19 21 he was merely remarking on the advantages of oils over watercolors, but all his life Churchill recognized a good turn of phrase when he created it and was not above reusing one when the occasion presented itself.

“Oils are delicious to squeeze out,” he confided cozily. “Splash into the turpentine! Wallop into the blue! You really must try oils before you die, Shanklin. You will see the whole world differently! There are so many colors on a hillside, each one different in shadow and in sunlight. I had never noticed them before I turned forty and began to paint. I saw color merely in a general way, as one might look at a crowd, for example, and say, ‘What a lot of people!’ ”

Beyond our windows were men, women, and children, donkeys, dogs, and poultry. All small, all dusty, and all the color of khaki in the afternoon glare.

“I must say I like bright colors,” he said, following my gaze. “I ca

He went on like that, all exclamations and opinions, for the entire drive. When he shouted, “Perfect! Here! Stop here!” the order was lost in the general stream of enthusiasm, so I twisted on my jump seat to tap the driver’s shoulder and convey the order to pull over.

Amid squealing brakes, outraged shouts, and honking horns, we cut across traffic to circle back toward the place Mr. Churchill had selected. The car jolted to a halt at the side of the road. Thompson immediately left the car to survey the site from a policeman’s point of view. The driver came around to open our door. Rosie jumped out and darted to the end of her leash. I unfolded myself to follow.

Relentlessly eloquent, Churchill emerged last, heaving himself toward the door, expounding all the while on Egypt’s fierce and brilliant light. Still talking about the “triplex theme of Nile, desert, and sun,” he strode off, carefree, with Thompson stalking along behind him, alert for trouble.

That left me alone with the driver, who touched his cap. “Davis, ma’am,” he introduced himself. Then, eyes on Churchill, he sighed and said something that sounded like—and I am being approximate here—“Lord luv a duck, but ’e ain’t arf a talker.”

I took a few steps away from the heat of the car’s scorching metal and lifted a hand to shade my eyes. You can easily imagine the vista for yourself. It is familiar from ten thousand illustrations: massive triangles on the horizon, the defaced and enigmatic Sphinx squatting in the foreground. The sun was lowering and the shadows were dramatic. I could see why Mr. Churchill had chosen this time of day for his expedition, but I envied his wife her nap.

What surprised me was the nearness of modern life to these ancient monuments. Motorcars and trucks clattered and roared ten feet behind me, blaring their horns at the camels and donkeys and pedestrians with which they shared the thoroughfare. Clusters of Europeans snapped photos of each other with their arms extended, pretending to hold the distant pyramids in the palms of their hands. Filthy barefoot boys begged or sold postcards or figs or soft drinks.