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'Nobody steered me wrong,' I said. 'Everybody says this is the place to come to for jobs.'

'Who's everybody?' the man said.

'People from the neighborhood,' I said.

'Oh,' the man said. 'Them. Well, let me ask ya', what the fuck do they know?'

'They know you guys got jobs,' I said, moving my eyes from the old man and back to King Be

'Smart ass,' the old man said, turning away, heading back to his chair and his game.

King Be

'Sorry I wasted your time,' I told him, looking away and heading toward the door.

I pulled the knob and opened it, letting in some gusts of air, letting out wisps of smoke.

'Hold it a minute,' King Be

'Yeah?' I said, turning my head to face him.

'Come back tomorrow,' King Be

'What time tomorrow?'

'Anytime,' King Be

My first job for King Be

It was a perfect way to handle payouts. Even if we got caught with the drop money, there wasn't anything the law could do about it. Nobody was going to jail for simply handing somebody a paper bag. Especially a kid.

Not long after I began work for King Be

I didn't notice the two men standing behind me.

The shorter of the two, dressed in tan slacks and a brown windbreaker, leaned across and grabbed my elbow, pulling me closer to him. The second man, taller and stronger, locked one of his arms into mine.

'Keep walkin',' he said. 'Make a sound, you die.'

'Where are we going?' I asked, trying to disguise my panic.

'Shut up,' the shorter man said.

We had shifted direction and were moving toward the waterfront, walking down 47th Street, past a car wash and an all-night gas station. The shorter man tightened his grip on my arm as we walked, his foul breath warm on my neck.

'Here we are,' he said. 'Get in there. C'mon. Stop stallin'

'You guys gotta be nuts,' I said. 'You know who you're takin' off?'

'Yeah, we know,' the tall man said. 'And we're scared shitless.'

The tall man ripped the paper bag from under my arm and pushed me crashing through the front of a tenement doorway. The inside hallway was dark and narrow, blood red walls cold to the touch. A forty-watt bulb cast the stairs and cement floor in shadow. Three garbage cans, lids on tight, were lined up alongside the super's first-floor apartment. Down the far end of the hall a wood door, leading to a cluttered back yard, creaked open.

I was on my knees, watching the two men count the money from the paper bag. They stopped when they saw me staring.

'This is a lot of money for a kid,' the tall man said, smiling. 'Don't know if I would trust a kid like you with this much money. What if you lose it?'

'It's only money,' I said, looking behind me, at the door which led out the back way.

'Whatta ya' get outta this?' the short man asked me. 'What's your cut?'

'Don't get a cut,' I said.

'Then you ain't nowhere as smart as you think,' the short man said.

'Lots of people tell me that,' I said, getting to my feet, rubbing my hands against my pants legs.

The tall man rolled the money back up, rubber bands holding the two bundles in place, and put them in the paper bag. He crumpled the bag again and shoved it inside the front pocket of his jacket. The short man had turned his back to me, checking out the street traffic through the open doorway.

Then the super's door clicked open.

The super, an old man in a sleeveless T-shirt and brown corduroy pants, stood in his doorway staring at the three strangers in his building.

'What you do?' he said in a husky Italian accent. 'Answer me. What you do here?'

'Relax,' the tall man said, his words tight, controlled. 'We were just leavin'. Okay with you?'

'What you do to the boy?' the old man asked, stepping out of the doorway, his arms by his side, walking closer to me.

'They took my money,' I said to the old man. 'They followed me and took my money.'

'You take money?' the old man asked, his voice an angry challenge.

'Kid's talkin' trouble,' the tall man said. 'Don't listen to him.'

'It's in the bag,' I said. 'The money they took is in the bag.'

The super's eyes moved to the paper bag, stuffed inside the tall man's jacket.

'Lemme see the bag,' the old man said.

'Fuck you,' the tall man said.

The old man brought a hand to the small of his back, his ma

'Lemme see the bag,' the old man said again.

The tall man took the bag from his jacket pocket and handed it to the old man, careful not to make a sudden move. The old man tossed the bag to me.

'Get out,' he said. 'Use the back door.'

'What about them?' I asked.

'You care?'

'No,' I said.

'Then go.'

I turned around, shoved the bag under my arm, and ran out the building. I jumped the short back fence, cut through a small alleyway and came out on llth Avenue.

I never looked back, not even when I heard the four shots that were fired.

'I need somebody with me,' I said to King Be

'But he did,' a man to King Be

'Maybe next time we don't walk into the wrong building,' I said, sweat lining my face.

'There ain't no next time,' the man said, lighting a cigar.

'Maybe you just ain't up for the work,' another of King Be

'I'm up to it,' I insisted.

'Then there's no problem,' the man behind me said.

King Be

'Whatta ya need?' he asked me, his lips barely moving as he spoke.

'My friends,' I said.

'Your friends?' the man behind me asked, a laugh to the question. 'What do you think this is?'

'It won't cost you extra,' I said. 'You can take the money out of my end.'

'Who are these friends?' King Be

'From the neighborhood.' I looked directly at him. 'You know their families, just like you know mine.'

The guy behind me threw his hands up in the. air. 'We can't trust no kids.'

'These kids you can trust,' I said.

King Be

'Get your friends,' he said, then turned and walked toward the rear of the room. 'And Tony,' King Be

'Yeah, King?' the man with the cigar in his mouth asked.

'Never smoke in here again,' King Be