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She smiled back and put out her hand to touch his with quick warmth, then started down the stairs to introduce him to Perdita Sheldon, who was standing at the bottom looking puzzled.

Chapter 5

Monk stood near the fireplace in his rooms and stared at the flames as the coals settled in a shower of sparks. Oliver Rathbone had just left. He had been there for nearly two hours explaining all he knew about his present case and the details which troubled him. And indeed he had looked less assured than usual. The difference was subtle, an inflection of the voice, something in the way he stood, but to Monk, who knew him well, it was unmistakable.

From what he had said, one could only conclude that Killian Melville had not told him the entire truth of the reason for his sudden refusal to marry Zillah Lambert. What was less easy to understand was why he still refused to tell Rathbone, who was bound to keep his confidence.

As Monk stood warming himself by the dying embers he could not rid his mind of the fear that the problem was criminal. For all his urbane appearance, his smooth good ma

Their interview had been awkward. Rathbone hated coming to Monk for help when it was personal rather than because a client had requested it. He had begun a trifle stiffly.

Monk had been careful to hide his sardonic amusement- well, moderately careful. Such moments were too rare, and too pleasing, not to savor a little.

Now he must decide what to do, where to begin. It was also his professional reputation being tested now. Why does a young man court a woman, apparently in every way a desirable match, and then on the brink of marriage risk his financial, professional and social well-being by breaking off the betrothal?

Only for the most powerful of reasons.

It must be the Lambert family, Zillah herself, or something to do with Melville's own situation. Presumably, since he seemed to have courted her up until the last moment, it was something he had only just discovered. Or else it was some matter to do with his own life which he had believed he could keep hidden, and circumstances had proved him mistaken.

Was he being blackmailed? It was a dark possibility, but one which would make sense of the presently inexplicable. Monk would begin, this afternoon, with Melville himself. The trial resumed on Monday morning, which gave him less than a day and a half in which to find something to help Rathbone.

He put on his coat. It was already half past three, and he expected to be out until late evening-in fact, as long as he had any hope of finding someone awake who could be of assistance.

Outside the weather was bright and mild, but there were clouds banking to the east beyond the rooftops and he was only too aware from experience that conditions could change in the space of ten or fifteen minutes from pleasant weather to a chill close to freezing and a soaking rain.

He had made his decision to begin with a past client of his own, a man for whom he had solved a sensitive domestic problem and avoided a situation which could have become very ugly. Mr. Sandeman was correspondingly grateful, and had pronused to give any assistance he was able should Monk ever need it. Monk was not sure if he had spoken impulsively, without any belief that he would ever be taken up on it, but this seemed like an excellent time to put it to the test.

Accordingly, he arrived at Upper Bedford Place just after three o'clock, and asked if he might see Mr. Sandeman on a matter of urgency.

"If it were not, I should not trouble him on a Saturday, and without writing first," Monk explained to the butler, taking off his gloves and passing the man his hat and stick as if there were no question as to whether he would be received.

"Certainly, sir," the butler said, masking his surprise with long practice. "I shall see if Mr. Sandeman is at home." That was the conventional way of saying he would see if the visitor could be welcomed or not. Naturally, he was perfectly aware who was in the house and who was not. It was his job to be. "If you care to wait in the green room, sir, I am sure you will be comfortable."

The green room was very attractive, full of afternoon sunlight from white-painted windows which overlooked a garden where silver birch leaves shimmered in the breeze, making the air seem to dance. Inside the walls were papered with an unusually plain dark green, and two were hung with many paintings of landscapes. Monk remembered the room from his previous visit, when Sandeman had been so concerned about an apparent theft from his wife's bedroom. But that had been satisfactorily dealt with, and it would be tactless to raise the issue now.

Monk had not long to wait. The door opened and Robert Sandeman came in, a look of apprehension on his broad, good-natured face. He was a very wealthy man who continued to look as if he were wearing secondhand clothes, even when they were the best Savile Row could offer. They seemed to have been made for someone of an entirely different shape. He was the despair of his tailors.

"Hello, Monk!" he said with evident surprise. "Nothing new arisen, has it?" He could not keep the anxiety out of his eyes.

"Nothing at all," Monk assured him. "I am looking into another matter entirely, for a friend, and hoped you might be able to give me a little assistance. I have to learn enough to provide some sort of answer by Monday morning, or else I would not have disturbed you like this."

Sandeman's relief was almost palpable. He closed the door behind him and waved at one of the large chairs, sitting in one of the others.

"My dear fellow, by all means. Whatever I can do."

"Thank you," Monk accepted immediately. On the journey there he had tried to decide exactly how to approach the subject without appearing intrusive in areas no gentleman would discuss. There was no easy solution. "It is another matter of delicacy," he began. "Perhaps a domestic issue, or possibly financial. It is all so undefined at the moment. And I do not wish to break anyone's confidence or jeopardize their privacy."

"Quite so," Sandeman said quickly. "Quite so." He looked relieved. He leaned back in his chair and crossed his legs, wrinkling his trousers hopelessly. "So what can I tell you that may be of service?"

Monk began very carefully. "Are you familiar with the work of an architect named Killian Melville?"

Sandeman was quite openly surprised. "Yes! Yes, I am. Brilliant fellow. Unique. His work is quite new, you know? Nothing like anybody else's. Not in the least vulgar," he added quickly, in case Monk should misunderstand him. "He manages to make spaces look larger than they are. Don't know how he does it. Something to do with shades of color and the way lines are directed. Uses curves and arches in an unusual way." He drew breath to go on, then closed his mouth again. "Mustn't ask why you want to know."

Monk knew he was very conscious of his own need for privacy, and if Monk were to betray Melville or Lambert, then Sandeman would assume he would do the same to him. The situation required the most subtle handling. And yet if he were to be of any use to Rathbone he must discover Melville's secret, and do it before Monday morning. He was rash to have accepted the case, but he could never resist a challenge from Oliver Rathbone, however it was placed before him, however disguised. He thought wryly that probably Rathbone knew that when he had come.