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He had to think fast. Do something, anything, to keep from taking a ride with Llosa and his pal.

Something rattling around in the back of his head, something bad… talk of the tape had shaken it loose.

A tape… his missing jacket…

And then it hit him. Hit him hard, making him a little sick. He’d thought things were bad before. They’d suddenly got worse.

“The girl has one of the tapes,” he said.

Salinas was silent. “I do not think I believe you, Miguel.”

“I swear it’s true. She got the drop on me. She took my jacket while I was out. I had a copy of the tape in one of the pockets. She’s got it.”

“Then we will have to find her.”

“I’ll find her. I’ve known her for years. I know her better than anyone you’ve got. If anyone can find her, I can.”

Only marginally true. Everything he knew about Poppy-the-bitch-Mulliner was what he’d heard from Paulie, and that hadn’t been a hell of a lot. Next to nothing, in fact. But Salinas didn’t know that.

“No me jodas! Llosa will bring you in… where you will be safe. It is for your own protection.”

“Look, man,” Snake said, desperate now. He had to convince this greaseball. “I’ve got as big a stake as you in finding her. That tape was only supposed to be listened to if I was dead. I’m on it too! If that gets around, my ass is on the line with yours!”

Salinas let out a long stream of profanity in Spanish. Snake could catch only snippets, but he got the idea.

Finally Salinas ran out of steam and agreed to let Snake stay on the streets and search for Poppy. But he wanted Llosa to go with him. More arguing before Snake convinced him that not only would Llosa slow him down, but Salinas would be better served by having Llosa search separately.

“Very well. Search on your own. But no games when you find her. Finish it and let me know immediately.”

“I’ll send you her head.”

“You will find her in Atlantic City. She will be contacting the doctor about returning the package today. He is staying at Bally’s Park Place.” How does he know all this? Snake wondered, amazed as ever by Salinas’s co

“I’m on my way.” He eyed Llosa and his buddy, waiting expectantly. “But you’d better talk to your amigo here, so he knows his assignment’s been changed.”

Salinas sighed. “Put him on.”

Snake held up the phone and called to Llosa. “Yo! The boss wants to talk to you.” And while Llosa got new orders. Snake reviewed what he knew about A.C., which was damn near nothing. He’d never been there. Gambling was for jerks. Didn’t matter. He’d haul ass up there this morning and learn about it.

One way or another he’d find the bitch and the kid, grab the tape, and tie up the last loose ends. Then he’d disappear. Forget the final payment. He wanted to get as far away as possible from Carlos Salinas.

Singapore sounded pretty good right now. After Atlantic City.


Mamie watched the elevators over the top edge of her complimentary copy of USA Today. She’d followed John here in a different rental car—a red one this time. She’d even parked near him in the Rally’s garage and followed him inside, watched him register.

She was tired, but she wasn’t giving up. She’d positioned herself in the Daily’s lobby first thing this morning and had been on sentry duty ever since.

Sooner or later, John would have to show. And then she’d follow him to Katie.

What are you up to, John?

Mamie was sure that Katie wasn’t at John’s house. She’d peeked in the windows a couple of times during the di

But if you’re not here to see Katie, what are you doing? Gambling?

What kind of father hides his daughter from her natural mother—God knows where he’s stuck her—and goes traipsing off to a casino?

And he calls me a bad parent… and dangerous.

Probably here to see one of his whores. Mamie had never been able to catch John at it, but she’d been sure he was sleeping around before the divorce. Katie knew all about it, but she’d kept John’s secrets… no matter what.

Always hiding things from me, those two.

You’ve corrupted her, John, I know it. But she’s still young. None of the damage is permanent. I’ll get her back. I’ll save her. I’ll straighten her out.


The phone rang at 11:02. John knew because he’d been sitting on the bed since 7:13 a.m., watching the red LED-numerals climb toward noon.

“Hi, Daddy.” Katie! John’s heart soared. She sounded so close. And suddenly he was sure that this time it would work. Today he’d get her back.

“Hi, honey. Where are you?”

“With Poppy.”

Poppy… was that—?

Suddenly the woman was on the line. “Uh, you should like forget you heard that, okay?”

“Heard what?” John said.

“That’s the spirit.”

He hoped they understood each other. If this woman truly had saved Katie’s toe and Katie’s life and was truly returning her to him unharmed—she’d said she robbed a drugstore for the Tegretol—he would forget anything he knew about her. No court in the world could get him to remember her name or the sound of her voice.

“Are we set for today?”

“We are. Go down to the boardwalk at three and stand by the phones between Boardwalk Rogers and Planet Hollywood.”

“Where’s that?”

“Just a little ways down from where you are. You can’t miss Boardwalk Rogers—looks like a little ceramic church or something. I’ll call the first phone on the left and let you know where to pick up Katie.”

Three o’clock… seemed like years away.

“Can’t we make it earlier?”

“Three. I got some things to work out first. We don’t want no screw-ups.”

“No. We don’t. Okay. First phone on the left. At three. Got it. But I’ll be there well before that. Call me earlier if you want.” John pla

He’d claim it and hold on to it.


Bob Decker took Ca

“Three o’clock? Can you get someone over to that phone to hook up—?”

“Already on his way. But we need more manpower. We need people stretched all along the boardwalk, because sure as hell she’s going to do the Hollywood thing.”

“What’s that?”

“You know. In the movies. You’ve seen it—where the kidnapper keeps someone ru

“This is my first kidnapping,” Decker said. “I’ll have to take your word for it.”

“It’s actually pretty effective, especially if the caller keeps switching phones as well.”

“So I take it the last place we should concentrate our troops is around the phones.”

“You got it. You can bet Vanduyne’s going to be sent somewhere else. Oh, and we got a bonus out of the call: The woman’s name is Poppy.”

“Poppy… could be her real name, could just mean she’s a junkie.”

“I know. But we’re ru

“Okay. As for manpower, see how many people you can grab from the Bureau, and I’ll call Keane to see what DEA can supply. I figure they should have a fair number of agents around fun city here.” Decker hung up and leaned back. Things looked good.

This whole thing might be wrapped by four p.m.