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Revised Matheson Score: the index for quantifying the level of psionic ability Note: Like the Richter scale, it is exponential; five is the lowest score necessary for a psionic child to receive Hegemony funding and schooling. Forty is the terminus of the scale; anything above forty is defined as «superlative» and the psion is tipped into special Hegemony secret-services training.

Runewitch: a psion whose secondary or primary talent includes the ability to handle the runes of the Nine Canons with more ease

Sedayeen: 1. an accredited psion whose talent is healing 2. (Archaic) An old Nichtvren word meaning "blue hand" Note: Sedayeen are incapable even of self-defense, being allergic to violence and prone to feeling the pain they inflict. This makes them incredible healers, but also incredibly vulnerable.

Sekhmet sa'es: Egyptianica term, often used as obscenity; translated: "Sekhmet stamp it," a request for the Egyptos goddess of destruction to strike some object or thing, much like the antique "God damn it."

Seventy Days War: the conflict that brought about the end of the Republic of Gilead and the rise of the Hegemony and Putchkin Alliance

Sexwitch: (Archaic: tantraiiken) an accredited psion who works with Power raised from the act of sex; pain also produces an endorphin and energy rush for sexwitches

Shaman: 1. the most common and catch-all term for a psion who has psionic ability but does not fall into any other specialty, ranging from vaudun Shamans (who traffic with loa) to generic psions 2. {Archaic) a normal human with borderline psionic ability

Skinlin: (Slang: dirtwitch) an accredited psion whose talent has to do with plants and plant DNA Note: Skinlin use their voices, holding sustained tones, wedded to Power to alter plant DNA and structure. Their training makes them susceptible to berserker rages.

Talent: 1. psionic ability 2. magickal ability

Werecain: (Slang: 'cain, furboy) Altered human capable of changing to a furred animal form at will Note: There are several different subsets, including Lupercal and magewolfen. Outsiders and normal humans are generally incapable of distinguishing between different subsets of 'cain.

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