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Georges sat quite still. “Every word is wrong.”

Lupa smiled. “Of course. I didn’t suppose I’d catch you with that. Still, there were other endeavors to which you were committed, and you had a timetable to follow, so the next day you had to go to St. Etie

“From that moment on, you were my prime suspect. But you had worked well and left few clues. When Chatelet was killed last Friday night, I was tempted to cross you off, but then my associate in St. Etie

“Chatelet, with a bit of terrible luck for both of you, ran into you on the street as he interrogated Pulis Friday night. Worse yet, Pulis then introduced you to the inspector. Of course, between Henri’s being your friend and Pulis’s deep suspicion of me, it never crossed his mind that your presence was questionable.”

Henri, his face red now and dripping with sweat, looked wide-eyed from Georges to Lupa. Again and again he seemed to be trying to swallow, but the dryness of his mouth wouldn’t allow it. Remembering his beer, he sucked at it like a man dying of thirst.

Lupa pressed on. “Still, Chatelet presented you with an immediate danger. He wouldn’t even have to suspect you of anything. Merely his knowledge that you were in Valence would have condemned you.”

Georges still smirked. “Why, exactly, would that be?”

“Because in questioning the other suspects, possibly including myself, that fact would have come out. In other words, you were not in St. Etie

“Fascinating,” Georges said.

“Not really,” Lupa answered. “So Chatelet presented too great a risk, and you did away with him.

“On Sunday, you followed me to the woods where I was to have had lunch. When you saw your opportunity, you fired three times but, luckily for me, you missed. That must have been particularly galling for you. When Monsieur Giraud and I gave chase, you ran, and you escaped.”

Lupa leaned back and pulled the bell for Fritz. “That,” he explained, “was my signal for Fritz to get Magiot and his men.”

“That’ll be the end of you, then,” said Georges levelly.

Lupa drank his beer. “We’ll see. Well, to get on with it, yesterday you succeeded in your primary mission, which was to blow up the arsenal. To do that, you used one of your agents-I’d be curious to know how you recruited the janitor, since all the employees there had ‘Top Secret’ clearance, but that’s another question. Reasoning told me what he had done. My man in St. Etie

“What he had done was to enter the boiler room in the fifteen or twenty minutes when, according to Ponty, everyone in the building, including the men stoking the boilers, was acting as a ‘pack mule.’ He opened the doors to the boilers and stuffed them with as much of your excess gauze as he could fit. The boilers are located, or were located, directly adjacent to the ammunition room, and an explosion of the boilers would of course set off the highly unstable dynamite in the next room. The gauze effectively stopped up the pipes, creating intolerable pressure within the boilers. It also stopped their smoking for at least a half hour before the pressure became critical.

“There was your flaw. There is no other explanation for the smoke stopping just prior to the explosion. You thought it would go u

Watkins seemed to magically appear out of the wall as he pushed aside the tapestry and stepped out of the tu

“How many secret entrances does this place have?” Tania asked.

“None anymore. You’ve seen them all.” He turned to Watkins. “Is he here?”

“Yes, sir.”

“Kindly point him out.”

He pointed at Lavoie. I reached inside my jacket to be near my pistol just in case it would be needed.

“That’s all very clever,” said Georges. “It’s a neat little theory, with the minor drawback of being completely false. You can’t prove a word of what you’ve said.”

Henri cleared his throat. “You were here… I mean we did meet you, the inspector and I…”

Georges smiled at his friend. “I never denied it, Henri. The point never came up, did it?”

Henri, confused, leaned back in his chair.

“Monsieur Lavoie is right,” Lupa said to the group. “I could have paid this man to come in here and identify him. There is no proof. And so, now, I’m going to ask him to do something which will undoubtedly demonstrate his i

“Certainly,” Georges said, his smile ice. “I’d be glad to end this farce.”

“Well, then. The man who trailed Monsieur Watkins, here, had no limp. I contend that you have no limp but rather a substantial lifter in your left shoe. You can easily demonstrate which of us is right by taking off your shoes.”

“This is ridiculous!”

Lupa shrugged, then leaned back in his chair. “Go on, Georges,” Paul urged. “Let’s get to the bottom of this.”

Georges looked around at each of the group, and the sentiment was unanimous. I saw his glance at the tapestry from behind which Watkins had entered, and my grip tightened on my pistol.

Finally, he came to some conclusion and reached down as if to undo his shoelaces. How he did it I don’t know, but by some sleight of hand, he reached into his jacket and came out with a pistol which he trained on Lupa, the hammer cocked.

“All right, now,” he said calmly, “no one is to move.” But I had already moved. My pistol was out. “Georges, drop it!”

He turned toward me and fired at the instant I did. I was hit under the left collarbone, and spun backward and to the floor. Tania screamed and crossed over to me. I felt her place my head in her lap.

“Jules, are you all right? Jules.”

I couldn’t speak, and the room began to spin before me. There was a pounding from outside, then the sound of a door opening and boots on a wooden floor. I opened my eyes and tried to focus them. It looked as though Magiot and his men had entered. They gathered around Georges, who lay prostrate on the floor.

Lupa spoke, the words coming to me as though through wads of cotton or gauze. “There’s your man, inspector. He’s dead.”

I passed out.