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“I’m here, Jack.”

“Harry… I… I need to tell you something.” I was whispering. “Come close.”

“I’m all ears, Jackie.”

“All… all of these years…”

McGlade now had tears in his eyes too.

“I’m listening.”

“I… love… you… Harry… McGlade…”

Harry bent down, and his lips touched mine. When he pulled his head back, my eyes were wide and staring into space.

I was dead.

Harry cried out, lifted his head back, and screamed and screamed and screamed.

TO BE CONTINUED… appeared at the bottom of the screen. Then the image froze and faded to black.

My mother clicked off the TV with the remote control, frowning at me.

“That was crap. Pure crap. You never would have gone into the alley like that.”

I shrugged. “At least I won’t be back next season. You want a beer?”

“A beer sounds wonderful. Let’s get good and plowed and order a pizza with extra everything.” She made a kissy sound, and Mr. Friskers bounded into her lap.

“You sure you want everything, Mom?”

Mom smiled, and it was beatific. “Absolutely. I’ve got a lot of eating to catch up on, Jacqueline. I’ve got a lot of life to catch up on.”

She reached for my hand and held it tight. I held it just as tight, never ever wanting to let go.

“You know what, Mom? That makes two of us.”


Every book, the list of people I need to thank gets longer…

To fellow scribes: Barbara D’Amato, James O. Born, Lee Child, Blake Crouch, Bill Fitzhugh, Jack Kerley, William Kent Krueger, David Morrell, PJ Parrish, and M.J. Rose, for their words, encouragement, and inspiration.

To those in the book biz: Robin Agnew, Augie Alesky, Lorri Amsden, Elizabeth Baldwin, Jim Berlage, Terri Bischoff, Jane Biro, Chris Bowman, Linda Brown, Bo

To the publishing folks: Lauren Abramo, Ellen Archer, Alan Ayres, Michael Bourrett, Susie Breck, A

The amazing Leslie Wells.

Jane Dystel, who kicks major booty.

Barry Eisler and Jim Coursey, for their first draft insights.

Family and friends: Laura Konrath, Mike Konrath, Chris Konrath, John Konrath, Talon Konrath, Latham Conger III, George Dailey, Mariel Evans, and Jeff Evans.

And of course, Maria Konrath. I couldn’t write a word without her.


1 oz. Scotch

1 oz. Drambuie

Pour ingredients over ice in an old-fashioned glass.


J. A. Konrath

A native of Chicago, J. A. Konrath has also written for cable TV, performed improvisational comedy, and designed award-wi

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