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Larson delivered it again, and again felt the nail co

The razor drew a line down Larson’s left shoulder. All at once, Larson picked up a vague orb of black movement. Light from a front room seeped through the poorly laid plywood flooring.

Larson kept moving, working toward his opponent’s right. He bumped against the cots. He heard the ruffle of sleeping bags.

“Stay back!” he hollered, having no idea where back was. “U.S. Marshal!” he called into the dark as he once again swiped the two-by-four in the general direction of the dark shape.

No contact.

He rotated to his own left again, his thighs cramping and burning from the awkward stance. He worked toward where he believed the gun had fallen, simultaneously trying to keep Rodriguez from it. But suddenly a sound came from behind him-feet moving impossibly fast. The weight of a man crashed into him. Larson fell forward onto his face. The razor tried to flay his back but hung up in the black windbreaker’s ripstop fabric.

Larson rolled and swung again. Roll and swing. Roll and swing. The board and nail bounced off either bone or lumber as Larson felt another burn, this time along the side of his right calf, the cut deep and painful. Larson miraculously blocked the next attempt with his left forearm.

Five or six hot spots on him, all glowing, all bleeding. Crab-walking, he scooted away. He couldn’t afford more cuts-he was light-headed already.

The cutter sensed an opportunity and attacked. Larson raised the board with both hands and swung. It lodged in the man’s head-his cheek? Neck? He wasn’t sure. The cutter jerked backward and cried out. Slippery with blood, the board came loose in his hands, and Larson lost it.

Frantic now, without a weapon, Larson furiously patted the ground around him-the Glock had to be here somewhere! He touched rocks and small chunks of lumber.

The magazine! He pocketed it. Still, no gun.

Movement. This time to his left. The kids?

Larson scrambled back, cramping and dizzy. He smacked into the pony wall and tried to collect his bearings. He’d lost all track of his gun.

Every ounce of him resisted returning toward that razor.

He paused, the silence suddenly alarming. Larson held his breath and listened in the dark. A girl’s whimpering. The kids had been cowering over by the cots.

The cutter now had Pe

A night-light came on unexpectedly. Blinding him. Markowitz’s grandson, dressed in cowboy pajamas, cowered. But it was he who’d turned it on.

The cutter was crouched behind an upended cot. He had his left forearm hooked around Pe

The boy continued to cower. Pe

No one said a word. No one moved. The gun lay a full body-length away, to Larson’s left, over by the boy, not at all where Larson had expected to find it.

The razor glinted, held to Pe

But in that dim light, in that instant as they co

Cairo,” Larson said to the child. “You hang tough and I’m going to get you that dog.”

Those frightened eyes briefly filled with surprise. Relief replaced terror as she looked down to take in the wrist of the man holding her, and Larson knew what that child’s mind had pla

The boy courageously, but stupidly, moved toward the gun.

“Don’t!” Larson called out sharply to the boy.

But the kid’s move was to the cutter’s blind side, forcing him to pivot to track the boy. His one good eye flicked back and forth between Larson and the boy. Whether he understood what he was doing or not, the boy had stretched the cutter’s resources thin.

Occupying no more than a couple of seconds, the boy moved and Pe

Larson threw a handful of dirt at the one remaining eye as he dived straight forward, never losing sight of Pe

Larson swung the two-by-four for the cheap seats, driving the nail squarely into the side of his opponent’s head.


A gunshot rang out. The boy.

“STOP!” Larson cried out.

Click, click, went the empty weapon.

He was atop the cutter now, who lay on his back, the nail board stuck to his head. He pounded his fist down into the man’s disfigured face.

The razor glinted, but Larson had the man’s wrist pi

Shifting his weight, Larson swung his elbow and co

He went still, but Larson didn’t trust it. An animal like this could feign unconsciousness. Larson pi

The razor came loose and fell.

Larson wanted the gun-the useless gun-wanted to kill the guy once and for all. But then he saw two terrified kids staring at him, one his own daughter, and he knew he couldn’t do this in front of them. His vision darkened momentarily, no doubt owing to blood loss. He saw the boy’s terry-cloth robe and belt on the dirt floor.

“Your belt,” Larson said.

He heard footsteps above them.

One, or two?

Larson tied up the unconscious man’s hands behind his back. The knot wasn’t much, due to the thickness of the cloth tie. He doubled it, then crawled over to the boy and retrieved the gun from where he had dropped it. He quickly tried inserting the magazine, but it wouldn’t stay. The gun’s slide was jammed open as well.

“Cairo?” Pe

“She’s waiting,” he said. Then he held his finger to his lips and shushed them.

He moved to screen them from the rectangular hole in the crawl space’s ceiling-the closet floor. Each of his multiple wounds rang out in sharp, hot pain.

The overhead footsteps hurried toward them.

Larson raised his open palm, indicating the kids should stay put. He moved to just below the opening, reversing the gun in his hand, its butt held like a blunt, metal club.

The footsteps stopped, immediately above.

Larson motioned for the kids to crouch down, and they did.

He waited.

And waited…

Movement from the other side of the hole. Larson imagined a man going down onto his knees, preparing to either jump or peer down inside. He drew the gun back over his shoulder.

As the man’s head lowered through, and he took a look, Larson waited for him to turn to face him. The head slowly pivoted, and as it did, Larson delivered the butt of the handgun squarely into the bridge of the man’s nose, centered between his eyes. The body slipped through the hole like a sea lion into water. Larson reached for the limp arm and took hold of the man’s fallen weapon as the first of two shots came through the floor from above.

Both shots sprayed into the dirt.

More footfalls above, as the man up there took off for reinforcements.

Larson beaded down the barrel. He picked up the parallel rows of nails sticking down through the overhead chipboard. The hallway. His aim tracked the footfalls fluidly, first catching those sounds, then leading them slightly.