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Over an approximate one-month period, I participated in three dates with Ms. Villareal and found myself extremely attracted to her. For that reason, rather than limit my contacts with her to her apartment, where one date took place, or to the Mille

During her second visit to Riptide, Ms. Villareal, officially my date, met and became interested in another man. That individual was my father, Lemuel Dement, a film director. This surprised and chagrined me greatly because of my attraction to Ms. Villareal. However, since the man who supplanted me was my father, I found myself confused and unsure of how to respond. Lemuel Dement, taking advantage of my confusion, offered me ten thousand dollars to “feel better” about the situation, with the contingency that I'd harbor no ill will to him or to Adella Villareal and simply “go with the flow.”

I accepted the money, though my i

Adding to my discomfort was that shortly after begi

Approximately twenty-four months ago, Adella Villareal gave birth to a baby boy that she and Lem Dement named Gabriel. I am of the opinion that it was Lem Dement who actually chose the name because, while intoxicated, he confided to me that the child was “my little angel-looks like an angel, acts like an angel, he deserves an angel name.” I took that to mean that Lem Dement was contrasting the baby's sweet disposition to my personality and to my behavior, neither of which could be considered angelic. I was emotionally injured by the comparison, and angry.

Despite Lem Dement's talk about a new life, he did not leave my mother and marry Ms. Villareal. However, he did send Ms. Villareal money for child support in the sum of three thousand dollars a month. Those payments were made in cash and Lem Dement offered me a thousand dollars a month to deliver the cash to Adella Villareal at various restaurants and bars in the Hollywood area. In restrospect, I believe this to have been motivated by cruelty on my father's part, but when someone is in the middle of something they sometimes ca

I made four deliveries of three thousand dollars to Adella Villareal, all of which she accepted without comment. When I brought the fifth delivery to Ms Villareal, her demeanor was different. On that occasion, she expressed frustration with the inadequacy of the payment as well as with my father who, apparently, had stopped returning her calls. I say apparently because once Ms. Villareal supplanted me with my father, my father and never talked about the details of his relationship with Ms. Villareal, only that she was “hot in bed.” On the night that I delivered the fifth payment, Ms. Villareal threatened to “go public” with the fact that Lem Dement was the father of her child and to “bust open that hypocritical Bible-spouting cult you call a family.” Those may not be exact quotes, but they are close did not respond to Ms. Villareal's tirade, nor did I report it to my father. I did, however, report it to my mother, Gemma Dement, a woman with a history of mental illness and alcohol abuse, possibly due to domestic violence abuse heaped on her by my father throughout the course of their marriage. My mother has also reported being allegedly abused by several men she knew prior to marrying my father. I say allegedly because my knowledge of those events is limited to what my mother has told me while she is intoxicated.

My mother reacted calmly to my informing her of Adella Villareal's threats. I was surprised, even shocked, at how calm she was. She told me that she was aware of the situation, had been for months, and had been “figuring out what to do about it. Now I know.”

The next day my mother met me for lunch at The Mesa Rock Café in Agoura Hills, California, and laid out her plan. I was to abduct Adella Villareal as well as her baby and bring them to our family home in Solar Canyon, Malibu. The timing of the abduction was to be during a period when my father was traveling on business. I was to “do whatever it takes” to get Ms. Villareal and her baby under “total control” including violence, physical restraint, “even damn tranquilizer darts if you need them.” Once Ms. Villareal was in my mother's custody, she was to be bound and deprived of food, water, and sleep and subjected to what my mother called “reeducation,” until she agreed to give up custody of her baby to my mother and to leave our family alone. My mother would offer Ms. Villareal ten thousand dollars “for her trouble” once she moved to a state other than California.

I expressed to my mother my opinion that ten thousand dollars would not be sufficient.

My mother smiled and said, “Well, then she's dug her own grave.” took that to mean that Ms. Villareal's death was not something that would displease my mother. I was motivated to make my mother happy, something I hadn't done in years. Additionally, my mother offered me the sum of fifty thousand dollars to carry out her plan, as well as my own house in the state of Oregon, a state where I have long expressed an interest in living because I love nature and wish to get away from urban living.

It was under those circumstances that I followed my mother's instructions, using Raymond Wohr to set up a fictitious date between Ms. Villareal and a celebrity individual whose identity would attract Ms. Villareal. The celebrity I chose was Mr. Mason Book, the well-known actor, because Mr Book rents a house from my father, a situation brought about through my association with Mr. Book for several years.

Mr. Book had no prior knowledge of my plan, nor did he engage in any criminal activity. Nor had he any prior contact with Adella Villareal.

I met Adella Villareal in a rented room at the Hyatt Hotel on Sunset Boulevard, in Hollywood, and informed her that while Mason Book had changed his mind, my father wanted to see her tonight because he'd decided to leave my mother and marry her. My instructions were to bring Ms Villareal to be with my father at the family residence in Solar Canyon, a place Ms. Villareal had expressed interest in visiting but had never seen. I lied and told Ms. Villareal that my mother and my siblings were away on vacation and that she'd be alone with my father. I also instructed her to bring her baby, because my father was going to proclaim the baby as his legitimate son and would have a lawyer present to sign papers.

Ms. Villareal was initially suspicious and taken aback by my presence However, since I'd previously played a role in bringing her monthly cash payments from my father, she eventually believed me and accompanied me to my truck.