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She dug into her bag, took out the scent tube she’d chosen. In the kitchen again, she crouched to plug it into the air system. In moments, the loft would smell, subtly, of sugar cookies. A good choice, she felt, for a younger client.
She crossed to the living area’s mood screen, switched it on to a lively, energetic mix of colors and shapes, then ordered the music system on-not too loud.
“Set the tone,” she said, turning in a circle to take it all in, “make it home.”
She considered opening the wall panel to display the security monitors, then decided against it. He was too young to worry overmuch there-and she’d make a point of showing him when they did the tour. Instead she walked to the wide front windows, stood looking out on what she hoped-for herself and her client-would soon be Drew Pittering’s neighborhood.
Like the kitchen, the people walking below were up-to-date. Neo-Bohemian was the tone here, the pace. Artists displaying their wares on the sidewalk, people sipping coffee drinks and having intense conversations outside of cafés and bistros. Too-iced-to-care boutiques squeezed in beside edgy little galleries.
It suited him so well. Commission aside, she worked hard to suit the client to the property, and vice versa. Before she hit thirty, she intended to have her own business. She’d already chosen the name. Urban Views.
Four years left in her goal, she mused. And she just knew she’d make it.
If Drew took the bite here, she’d be on her way.
He was ru
It wasn’t jinxing it, she told herself. It was anticipating it. Visualizing it. Tonight, they were going to drink champagne and toast the future.
Once done, she ran back through her appointment book to make certain she had the rest of her week-her last week as a single woman-in order. Final fitting, final consult with the caterer and pla
Check, check, check.
When her ’link beeped, she checked the display and had one moment of concern. “Please don’t be calling to cancel,” she muttered, then answered with a cheerful tone. “Hello, Drew! I’m standing here looking out your front window. It’s a very frosty view.”
“Sorry, sorry, I’m ru
“That’s mag.” Relief had her barely resisting a dance. “I’ll clear you in so you can come right up. You have the address.”
“Right here. I love this neighborhood, Karlene. It’s just what I want.”
“Wait until you see the space.” She walked over to shut down security for him. “I swear, if you don’t snap this up, I’m buying it myself.”
“Just tell me nobody else is looking at it yet. I’ve got a good feeling.”
“I contacted you first, as promised. Nobody’s due to see it until tomorrow as I told you. We’ve got a jump on it.”
“Perfect. I’m on my way up. Hey, love the elevator. Ten seconds.”
She laughed, closed the ’link. And greeted him with a stu
“Really sorry I kept you waiting,” he said as he came in. “But I brought a makeup gift.” He offered her one of the two go-cups of coffee he had in a takeout bag.
“You’re forgiven.” She toasted him with the cup. “Where should we start?”
“Let me just stand here a minute.” He shifted the bag on his shoulder, looked around the open living area. “This is… look at the light in here.”
“That’s what made me think of you, straight off. So much natural light. Tailor-made for an artist. You could use this whole space for your work. But if you actually wanted to use it for living, for entertaining, the second bedroom has the same exposure, and skylights.”
“Privacy screens? I don’t like to feel anyone watching me while I work.”
“Of course.” She held up a finger. “Computer, engage privacy screens, all windows.”
With a quiet hum, the clear screens lowered. “As you can see, they’re top-grade. They don’t affect the light. You can darken them if you want to cut the sun.”
“Perfect.” He smiled at her. Young, charming, attractive. “Absolutely perfect. How’s the coffee?”
“The same.” She took another sip. “To move to location for a minute, you’ve got it all. Restaurants, galleries, clubs-and mag coffee shops as you’ve already discovered.”
“It’s where I want to be.” He stepped away from the elevators, wandering now behind the screened windows.
“The furniture’s staged to give you a feeling, an idea of one use of the space. The fact is, Drew, you could do anything with this area. Work, play, a combination. I know you said you didn’t cook, but you have to see the kitchen. It’s perfect, ultra and efficient. Maybe a girlfriend would enjoy using it.”
He gri
“I know, no girls right now,” she said with a laugh. “Art first. But artists can entertain like minds, right? And have to eat. You can zap leftover takeout, stock the AutoChef, and there’s a built-in D and C-for checking out takeout spots, deliveries, menus.”
“Now that works for me.”
“Oh, and the security system. You can take a look at the camera zones.”
He waved that off. “Let’s see the rest first.”
“We’ll take the master bedroom then. It’s staged, too, so you’ll have an idea how it could be used. And the advantage of being on the top floor? Skylights there, too.”
She took a few steps, weaved a little.
“Wow. A little light-headed.”
Concern shone in his eyes. “Why don’t we sit down a while?”
“No, I’m fine. I’m good. Just putting in a lot of late hours, trying to get everything done.”
“Right. Big day Saturday.”
“The biggest. And since we’re taking off on Monday for Honeymoon-Extraordinaire, I want to get everything cleaned up. Just need another jolt.” She took a deep swallow of coffee.
“There’s a little half bath off the second bedroom-or what I see as your studio. That would be handy for you, but the master? It’s ro cking-A.”
She walked in, then swayed as her knees buckled.
“Hey, hey.” He took her arm, her weight, walked her toward the bed. “Let’s sit down.”
“Sorry. I’m so sorry.” She all but floated down to the bed. “I feel… wrong. I’ll be okay in a minute.”
“I don’t really think so. Here, finish this up.” He held the coffee to her lips, poured it down her throat as her eyes glazed.
“Oh, don’t worry. I’m going to take my time. We’ve got all day.”
His face blurred, but for an instant, the look of it, his teeth bared in a horrible smile, she felt fear. She felt fear, then nothing.
Since he’d sealed up in the elevator, he opened his bag for the cord.
“Safety first,” he murmured, and bound her hands behind her back.
As the sellers had provided very nice high-end sheets, he used them to secure her legs by the ankles to the bright silver knobs of the footboard.
He took out the rest of his tools before he stripped, and stowed his neatly folded clothes in the bag.
He studied Karlene as he finished off his own, undoctored coffee, decided she looked peaceful. That wouldn’t last long.
The loft was soundproofed, he’d verified that. Just as he’d verified that the other two tenants in the building were at work.
Naked, he walked over to the controls to change the music to some hard, grinding thrash, bumped up the volume a bit. Satisfied, he went back to the main security controls, checked the cameras, checked all locks.
Later, he thought, when he’d sufficiently… softened her up, she’d give him her security number. She’d beg to give it to him. He’d log her out, shut down the cameras, and upload the virus.
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