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“Did Brad Evans remarry?” Joa

“If he did, Ted never mentioned it,” Jaime replied.

“We should probably check this out,” Joa

“Do you want me to go talk to her tonight?” Jaime asked. “Since Ted already identified the body, we don’t need her for that, but…”


She picked up the phone and dialed home. “Hullo,” Je

“How are you?” Joa

“Okay, I guess,” Je

“Is everything all right?”

“I suppose.”

“What did you have for di

“Noodle soup.”

“As you know, there’s been a homicide, Je

“I guess. I’m watching TV, but there’s nothing good on.”

“The doors are locked?”



“It’s part of a case your grandfather investigated years ago,” Joa

“Go ahead,” Je

“You’re sure?”


“Good night,” Joa

“Your car or mine?” Jaime asked as Joa

“Yours,” Joa

They had crossed the Divide in the Mule Mountains and had turned off Highway 80 toward Sierra Vista when Joa

“I tried the house,” Butch said. “Je

“It’s a homicide,” Joa

“Didn’t Dr. Lee say you were supposed to take it easy these last couple of weeks?” Butch demanded.

“I am taking it easy,” Joa

“And you’re wearing your seat belt the right way?” he asked.

“Yes,” she said, a little a

“Okay,” he said.

“You don’t sound very enthusiastic.”

“I’m wondering how much good this kind of thing does, when what I really want is to be home. I always thought writers were like hermits. This seems more like being a politician out on the stump, having to meet and greet. Carole A

Having just survived a bruising election campaign, Joa


“Not really,” Joa


“I think it’s called attention deficit,” Joa

“Probably pretty typical,” Butch said. “You’ve got a lot on your plate, Joey. No wonder Je


“Anyway,” Butch added, “don’t stay out too late. You’ll wear yourself out. How was the shower?”

“You knew about the shower, too?” Joa

“Who do you think sent the note to school so Eva Lou could spring Je

“The shower was great,” Joa

“Don’t worry about unpacking them,” Butch said. “Let Je

“Butch,” Joa

“And I don’t want you to be, either.”

“Have fun,” Joa

“I will,” Butch returned. “Don’t work too hard.”


“I guess.”

“I remember how it was when Delcia was pregnant with Pepe,” Jaime said. “I kept worrying and worrying. Delcia was fine the whole time. I was a wreck.”


They were quiet for a few minutes before Jaime asked, “Is this what you always wanted?”

“Having a baby?” Joa

“No. Being a cop,” Jaime said with a laugh. “Because of your dad, I mean.”

“I was proud of him,” Joa

Jaime nodded. “Me, either,” he said.


With Jaime walking just behind her, Joa

“Fritz,” a woman’s voice ordered from behind the front door. “Quiet now. Come here!” And then a moment later, “Who is it?”

“We’re police officers,” Joa

Several locks clicked before the inside door opened cautiously to reveal a gray-haired woman clutching what appeared to be a tiny silky terrier mix in one arm. A high-volume television set blared somewhere in the background.

“Police?” she asked, peering out at them. “What’s wrong? Has something happened-a robbery or something? With all the people coming and going from that 7-Eleven on the corner, you just never can tell.”

“Are you Mrs. Crystal?”

The woman nodded.

“It’s not a robbery,” Joa

After unhooking the screen door, A

“Fritz,” the woman ordered. “Stop that right now. Come here.”

Fritz, of course, paid no attention. Finally the woman returned to the porch, scooped the dog back into her arms. “He doesn’t mind very well,” she said. “Wait right here while I lock him in the kitchen.”