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He paused and wiped his face with the soiled banda

“And then what happened?” Joa

“They were too busy having a good time to notice me.”

“How many were there?”

“I don’t know. Half a dozen, maybe.”

“Men?” Joa

“Not very well. They were behind their cars.”

“Behind them?”

“They were all in a circle. The cars, four of them at least, had their lights on and were shining on the circle. That way they could all see what was going on. Animals!” Ephrain spat disgustedly into the dust beside him. “They wanted light so they could see what they were doing to her.”

Had she been able to, Joa

Ephrain shrugged. “I made them stop,” he said.

“You did?” Joa

“I made them stop,” Ephrain repeated, emphasizing the first word so there could be no mistake about it. “By myself,” he added. He turned and looked at her. “The world is a dangerous place,” he said softly. “If you are raised in a certain way or in a certain place, you have to learn to take care of yourself. If you don’t, you die.”

“How did you stop them?” Joa

Ephrain shrugged. “The coyotes and the drug smugglers- they are always on the roads, always looking for trouble or making trouble. They beat people up and steal their cars. And there are lots of people in this country who can’t call someone like you to come help them.”

Finally Joa

When he looked at her again, he nodded. “In my truck,” he said at last. “I keep it under the seat. For protection.”

So this man-this hardworking man who had saved Jea

“What happened then?” she asked.

“I went back to my truck, got the gun, and came back. I didn’t try to shoot them. I shot over their heads, but they took off like a bunch of scared rabbits. One of them tripped over a rock. He fell down. He must have twisted his ankle because he couldn’t get up right away. He was calling for his friends to come help him; to wait for him. But they didn’t. They took off and left him there alone. When he did get up, he hobbled over to the truck-the woman’s truck. He got in that and drove off. They all drove off and left her there to die.”

“But you didn’t,” Joa

“No,” Ephrain agreed. “I did not. At first I thought she was dead. But when I realized she wasn’t, I ran back to my truck. My nephew and his friends had all been riding in the camper. We had blankets there because it was cold, but that way it looked like I was driving alone. We wrapped her in the blankets and came here to Tucson, to the hospital.”

Frank arrived just then. Jamming on his brakes, he brought his Crown Victoria to a stop next to Joa

“This is my chief deputy, Mr. Trujillo,” she said. “His name is Frank Montoya. Frank, this is Mr. Ephrain Trujillo. He and his friends are the ones who saved Jea

The two men stood there for an electric moment, regarding each other warily, then Frank held out his hand. “Gracias, Senor Trujillo,” he said. “We can’t thank you enough.” It was enough to break the tension, but instead of resuming his seat, Ephrain started back toward his truck.

“It’s getting late,” he said. “I should be going now.”

“Please, Mr. Trujillo,” Joa

“It’s on Doubtful Canyon Road,” he said. “North of San Simon. I’m sure you’ll be able to find it.”

“But we’ll be able to find it much faster if you show us where it is,” she said. “And the sooner we process the crime scene the better. Other vehicles may drive through the area and disturb tracks. Evidence can blow away in the wind…”

When it had been just the two of them-Ephrain and Joa

“You lead the way in your vehicle,” she said. “Frank and I can follow in ours.”

“So I am not under arrest? I can take my truck?”

“You are not under arrest,” Joa

“But I already told you what I saw and what I did.”

“Yes,” Joa

“But if there are detectives…” he objected. “What if they…”

“The detectives work for me,” Joa

“What about my two friends?” he asked. “They rode here with me. They have no way to get back to where they are staying.”

“They were there with you?” Joa

Ephrain nodded.

“It would be helpful to have them go along as well,” Joa

“But you will not turn them over to INS?”

“No, Mr. Trujillo,” she said. “I promise.”

It took a few minutes for Ephrain to find his lurking compatriots. Shortly after that, an odd-looking caravan headed south on Campbell through afternoon-rush-hour traffic, headed for the freeway. The faded red Chevy LUV led the way, followed by the two Crown Victorias. Joa

“Time to roust out the troops,” she said. “Dave Hollicker, and the homicide guys, Jaime Carbajal, and Debbie Howell,” she said. “And if you happen to have an extra deputy hanging loose in the northeast sector, you might send him along as well. We’ll meet everyone at the near end of Doubtful Canyon Road in San Simon. Since we don’t know exactly where we’re going, we’ll lead them from there.”

By the time they reached the little Mexican food dive in Benson, Joa

“I’m going outside to call Butch,” she told Frank when he finished with the waitress. “I need to let him know that most likely I’ll be late for di

Frank nodded absently and Joa