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“They never did find her,” A

There was a plaintive whimper from behind the kitchen door, followed by a persistent scratching. Without another word, A

Quickly Joa

“Thank you for letting me talk about Lisa,” A

On an impulse, Joa


As Joa

Twenty-seven years earlier her father had probably come to this very house to make a next-of-kin notification. Despite the long slow passage of time since then, the grief that had filled the little clapboard house remained as palpable and overwhelming as it must have been that fateful Sunday morning in 1978. Through all the intervening years, none of the hurt had disappeared. It was still trapped inside the house right along with A

Chapter 4

“Whoa,” Jaime said, once they were back in his Tahoe. “I didn’t see that one coming.” The conversation with A

“You heard what the woman said-that if Bradley Evans had shown up on her doorstep she would have plugged him full of lead herself. She’s an old lady, all right, but it still sounds like possible motive to me. Having a gun and knowing how to use it can do a lot to equalize differences in age and sex.”

“She said plug, not stab,” Joa

“Still,” Jaime objected. “According to Ernie, Doc Winfield theorized that our perpetrator could very well be a female.”


“Good,” Jaime said. “I’m glad you agree, because that’s exactly what I intend to do.”

They were still in Sierra Vista when Joa

“It’s fine, Maggie,” Joa

“I think it’s Cindy Hall. The problem is, there’s only one clerk on that shift. If she comes up here to take over where I leave off, there won’t be anyone in Records to support the guys in the cars.”

“Never mind,” Joa

When they got back to the Justice Center, it was after eleven. Joa

After kicking off her shoes and giving her grateful toes a relaxing wiggle, Joa

For a moment, Joa

The phone awakened her at 6:07 a.m. “Sheriff Brady?” a hesitant voice said. “Sorry if I’m calling too early.”

It took Joa

“What is it, Jea

“I woke you up, didn’t I?” Jea

“It doesn’t matter. What is it?”

“I found another one.”
