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“I want what I’ve always wanted-my five hundred guilders. You might have given it to me because it was the just thing to do, but now that I have something you want, I am willing to take the money in exchange.”

“And what do you have that I want?”

Joachim wiped away some of his blood with the sleeve of his shirt. “My silence. You have brokered for a gentile and you’ve attempted to commit adultery with a Christian woman. And even more, I’ve seen you with your friend. I know where she gets her money, and I wonder if this Ma’amad of yours would be interested to learn.”

Joachim could have seen Miguel with Geertruid, but how could he know about Geertruid taking money from her husband’s children? It made no sense, but Miguel hadn’t the heart to find out how Joachim knew what he knew-he only wished to end the conversation. “I won’t discuss this with you.”

“With so much hanging in the balance,” Joachim said evenly, “I think you’ll find a way to get that money. You’ll borrow it, steal it-I don’t care, just so long as you get it to me.”

“Your threats are worth nothing, and they won’t change what is.”

Miguel turned away and began walking very quickly, sensing somehow that Joachim would not follow. His hands shook and he had to concentrate to make sure he walked properly. His luck this day could not have been worse, but nevertheless he believed with absolutely certainty that Joachim would not go to the Ma’amad. If he had wanted to ruin Miguel, he would have allowed the woman to call the Watch. But once Miguel was punished, the game would be over, and it now appeared that Joachim had become attached to playing it. He fed off his injuries, blossomed with the issuing of new warnings. It was all he had left.


Miguel needed Geertruid. It hardly mattered now what secrets she kept from him-let her have her secrets, just as he had his. He needed her capital, not her honesty. If he could get another thousand guilders from her, it might be enough to save himself. He could pay off Nunes, and he could buy more puts to counter Parido’s calls. With a little luck, he could yet turn the tide on the price of coffee. Then he would use those profits, not to pay off his debts as he had pla

Even though there had been some sort of falling out, Miguel thought that the foul Golden Calf might be his best opportunity. Miguel hurried over and found the fat barman, Crispijn, nearly alone in the tavern, sitting on a stool behind the bar, slurping at a bowl of beer soup and washing it down with a redundant tankard of beer.

“Good morning, Crispijn,” Miguel shouted cheerfully, as though they were old friends. “How does the day find you?”

“Who in Christ are you?” Crispijn studied Miguel for a moment and then lost interest, wrapping his large hands once more around the soup bowl.

“We met many weeks earlier,” Miguel explained, attempting to keep his cheer intact. “I was with Geertruid Damhuis.”

Crispijn’s forehead wrinkled. “Were you now?” He spat, inexplicably, into his own soup. “Well, I’ll have no more to do with that devil’s bitch if I can help it.”

“Let’s be civil.” Miguel took a step forward. “I don’t know what has happened between the two of you, but I must contact Madam Damhuis, and I thought you might know how I could do so, or know someone who would.”

“How should I know how to contact that she wolf? I have heard she’s gone south, and while that is not nearly so good as her going to the devil, I’ll take it as good enough.”

“Differences aside”-Miguel pressed on-“you are still family.”

Crispijn laughed hard enough to make his large body undulate. “She’s no kin of mine, nor would I want any such. I have better family than that come out my ass each morning.”

Miguel put his index finger and thumb to his forehead. “You are not her kinsman?”

Another laugh, but not nearly so forceful. Now the barkeep showed something like compassion. “You seem to be confused. I know nothing of either my father or my mother. I haven’t a relative in the world I can call my own, and no cousins neither. Maybe she would be kinder to a man if she were his relative, but I’ve no luck to call her that.”

More than once she had called Crispijn her cousin. Perhaps the term was some new cant she used freely. It hardly mattered, and Miguel lacked the energy to sort out the confusion.

He might again try Hendrick. The Dutchman had made it clear he could reach Geertruid, even if he seemed unwilling to reveal how. “Do you know where I can find her man?” he asked.

“Hendrick? You’ll do better to run from him than seek him,” the barman said. “I don’t understand you, friend. You’re no ruffian to be seeking out someone of Hendrick’s sort, and you don’t seem to understand that you’re plunging into deep water. What want you with such filth?”

“I’ve dealt with Hendrick before. Do you know where I can find him or no?”

Crispijn shrugged his heavy shoulders.

Miguel understood perfectly, though in his mood he would have preferred a simple request. He handed the tavern keeper a half guilder.

Crispijn smiled. “I hear he’s got something pla

Miguel muttered his thanks and headed out, wishing it were not already too late to visit the Exchange. He despised the feeling of a day of business entirely lost. Damn the East India Company, he cursed silently. Was there not another ship for them to have rerouted than his? His coffee would be on its way and therefore he would not have struck Joachim.

With no business to conduct, Miguel wanted to avoid being seen, particularly by Joachim. He visited a bookseller and purchased, on credit, a few pamphlets-and, on a whim, a simple book in the most elementary Portuguese on the basics of holy Law. He would give it as a gift to Ha

After passing the day in taverns, reading his lurid tales of crime, he took Crispijn’s advice and traveled to the Spaniard’s Lame Horse. Miguel generally avoided musicos of this nature, catering to low sorts of fellows. A band of three string musicians played simple tunes while the whores drifted from table to table, seeking business. Miguel suspected there were rooms in the back, and he briefly considered inspecting them with one buxom beauty with dark hair and fetching black eyes, but his business was with Hendrick and he considered it no good bargain to miss his opportunity while gaining the clap.

Within an hour the whores knew they would get nowhere with him, and they kept their distance, ignoring him except to administer the occasional scowl. Miguel drank quickly and ordered repeatedly. He reasoned that he would have to pay for his seat in beer or the owner might toss him out.

After nearly two hours of steady drinking, Hendrick had not yet shown himself. Sleepy with beer, Miguel wondered if he might not be better off abandoning his station; this was no place for a man to fall asleep unless he wanted to awaken stripped of all his goods.

He lifted his tankard and set it down again. A loud conversation a few tables over began to distract him. Something about cargo, ruin, a lost ship called the Bountiful Providence carrying slaves in the Africa trade.

Then something happened. A drunk fellow rose to his feet and turned toward the sailors. “The Bountiful Providence !” Saliva flew from his mouth. “Are you certain?”