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“You are a stout girl, you know, and a pretty one too, under those cruel clothes. How sad such beauty must be hidden. Senhor Lienzo has often spoken of how pretty you are, and of his brother’s good fortune to have such a pretty wife.”


Unable to resist, she reached into her apron and grabbed one of the last coffee berries, dirty with lint and street dust. With it clutched in her fingers, she lifted her hand, as though holding it to her mouth in fear, and slipped the hard fruit inside. It was too soon to chew, she told herself, and took comfort in clenching the berry with her molars. A little too much pressure, and the bean split. It would be fine if she just chewed it carefully.

“On Sunday.” A

“Near the Weigh House,” the widow agreed affably. “The senhora and I saw each other. Is that not right, my dear?”


“I saw you chasing after your girl. I can hardly imagine what she had done to make her mistress chase after her, but I suppose that is none of my concern.”


“Such a witty slut. I’ll indulge you your barbs, so I may sooner get to the heart of my meaning.” She looked at Ha


“What does she care for your concern, old woman?” A

The widow smiled thinly. “You probably know nothing of who I am. I ca

Hendrick bowed at Ha

“All I ask in exchange,” began Geertruid, but she stopped herself. “No, not in exchange. I won’t make a bargain with you; I won’t have you believe my silence some precious thing, easily broken. I will keep your secret, yet I would ask a favor of you, lamb. May I do so?”


“I’m so very glad. You see, I only ask that you not speak of what you saw-not to Senhor Lienzo or your husband or your friends or even to this sweet girl here, upon whom you depend. I think it best we both forget we saw each other that day. Do you not think so?”

Another nod.

“I’m so glad. May I kiss you?” This time Geertruid did not wait for a nod. She leaned in and put her soft lips against Ha

Geertruid turned and walked toward Hendrick, who offered the ladies another bow.

“Christ,” A


“By Jesus,” A


“You may speak now,” A

“I won’t speak of it,” Ha

“Don’t be a silly,” A

“If I’m to hope she keeps her silence, I must keep mine.”

“A peculiar sort of logic.” A






Perhaps her will was worth something after all. But what to do about the widow? She hated to hold something back from Miguel, but what choice had she been given? In any case, the widow was his friend. Perhaps she pla


After a disappointing afternoon, nothing would have been so welcome as the cool isolation of his brother’s cellar. Sad home though it was, it offered some retreat from the world.

It had been more than two weeks, and still no word from any of his prospective agents. True, it was still early, but after two weeks it was now within the realm of the possible that he might have word. That was what he had told himself. Don’t look for answers before two weeks had passed, though he had secretly hoped to receive word sooner.

Now all that might comfort him would be a few struck candles, a glass of wine-or perhaps even some coffee. Miguel had stopped by the bookseller that afternoon and found a new tale of Charming Pieter and his Goodwife Mary. It was only eighteen pages long, so he took no more than a glance at it in the shop, not wanting to spoil the pleasure of the discovery.

Miguel had received yet another note from his Muscovy agent that day. The fellow had too many debts and too many creditors pressing for them. He needed to call in his own loans, and if Miguel could not comply there would certainly be consequences.

There were always consequences, he told himself, and he’d ignored his share of similar communications, but not with Dutchmen who might well drag him before the courts-something he could little afford now that he was begi

“What do you know about Ricardo?” Miguel asked his friend.