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Milo steered her back into the room. Twin beds, neatly made up. Soda cans and take-out cartons and female clothing all over the place. More law books piled up on a nightstand.

He sat her down on one of the beds. “How’s the studying going?”

“It’s hard to concentrate.”

“Going back in the fall?”

“Who knows.”

“No need for this to be difficult, Kelly.”

“You think?” she said. “That’s a laugh.”

“How long are you pla

Kelly’s dark eyes flashed. “I don’t take care of her. She’s… you can’t take care of her, you can just watch her.”

“Make sure she doesn’t hurt herself.”


I said, “She needs real help, Kelly. And you need to get on with your life.”

She glared at me. Foam collected at the corners of her mouth. “You’re so damn smart, tell me how to do that.”

“Let’s call your aunt-”

“Eileen’s a bitch.”

“She’s also an adult, and she lives in California. You need to be back in Boston.”

“Whatever.” Blink blink.

I said, “We can help you with all that.”

“Sure you can.”

Milo said, “Where’s your dad headed?”

“Uh-uh, screw your help- leave me alone.”

“That T-shirt,” said Milo. “Dad give it to you?”

No answer.

“I’ve done some research, Kelly. Found a website where he attended his army reunion. What the site didn’t say was that he was in a Special Forces unit. Qualified as a sniper.”

Kelly closed her eyes.

Milo said, “I was in Vietnam, myself, know the unit. He was in some pretty hairy situations.”

“I wouldn’t know.”

“I’d bet you would, Kelly. Bet Dad told you plenty.”

“Then you’d lose your bet.”

“The other thing my research turned up was that no one can seem to find any evidence your dad ever traded metals. We know what he really did for a living, Kelly. His latest freelance was for a gentleman from Africa. He tell you about that? Tell you what he did to pay the bills?”

She turned away from us. “He was a businessman. He supported us.”

“So where is he now?”

She shook her head.

“Brazil,” said Milo. “With a girl not much older than you.”

“He’s entitled,” Kelly blurted. “He did his best with… her. My mom. You don’t know what it’s like.”

“Mom’s tough.”

“Mom’s…” She threw up her hands. “She’s who she is.”

“That’s exactly why you shouldn’t be forced to be her nurse.”

“I’m not her nurse; you don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“Look,” said Milo, “it’s just a matter of time. We’re going to dig, and we’re going to find out where he got his money and where he keeps it. That happens, any financial support for your mom’s going to be turned off.”

Kelly faced him. “Why are you doing this? My brother’s dead and my mother’s sick and he’s gone. Don’t I deserve a life?”

“You do. You do, indeed.”

“Then leave me alone!” she screamed. “Everyone leave me alone!” She lay down on the bed, curled up, scrunched her face, and began pounding the mattress.

Milo gave me a helpless look.

I said, “Let’s go.”

We stopped at a place on Colorado Boulevard for coffee and theory.

“Protais Bumaya existed,” he said. “You saw him, I saw him. But no one’s got any record of him entering or leaving the country, and those names he gave us- his supposed friends? Bogus. I never bothered to check. Guy snookered me good.”

“He probably tagged along on some kind of diplomatic mission.”

He aimed an index finger at me. “Another ka-ching. Matter of fact, last month a trade delegation from Rwanda toured the country. Bumaya’s name wasn’t on the roster, but what the hell does that mean? Meanwhile, Mr. McKenzie, the erstwhile Rwandan consul in S.F., is charming but not very helpful.”

I covered my eyes, then my ears and mouth.

“The techs went over that backyard on Spalding. Owners had been out of town for a month, the gates were locked, but it was easy enough to hop over. Perfect view of the park bench and easy hiding behind a big thatch of banana plants. Wet soil, you’d think there’d be a footprint, but nada. Not a single indentation, no shell casings, no cigarette butts.”

“Jerry’s a pro,” I said. “Freelancing for foreign governments. Perfect civilian transition for a restless old Special Forces guy.”

“I got B.H. techs to go through his house. They found gunpowder residue and some iron filings in a locker in the garage but no weapons. Big locker, though, enough for a sizable stash. Rifles, scopes, all the good stuff.”

“Bumaya hired Quick to avenge the murdered boys,” I said, “and maybe some other people, too. Quick kept a close watch on Larsen, learned about the scam, bided his time. Maybe he was trying to figure out a way to get hold of Larsen’s scam money. Like an abduction, where he could force Larsen to give up PIN numbers or foreign account access. He co

“Concerned father,” he said. “Special Forces-trained pro, and he doesn’t pay his rent on time.”

“Everyone’s got their vulnerabilities,” I said. “Money was his. Supporting a Beverly Hills lifestyle with intermittent freelance hits could’ve been a strain. So was feigning respectability and keeping a mistress on the side. A big-bucks payoff would’ve allowed him some squeeze room. That’s why he kept his eye fixed on the scam. Then Gavin messed things up by playing his own little spy game. Copying down license numbers and including his father’s. That night, maybe Jerry followed Gavin. Or he was doing his own surveillance and had no idea Gavin had spotted him. Maybe Gavin even told him about it, and Jerry explained it away, warned Gavin off. But Gavin was obsessive. He persisted and got killed and Jerry knew why, and now he had another reason to get rid of Larsen. And a second target: Degussa. He cleaned out Gavin’s room, to see exactly what Gavin knew, as well as to destroy any link to him. Then he went into hiding.”

“Larsen and Degussa. And I led him right to them.”

“That bother you?”

“Not one damn bit. You really think Gavin confronted the old man?”

“It’s hard to say how much they communicated outside of Jerry trying to get Gavin laid. The first time we met Jerry, he told us he and Gavin were close, but I remember thinking that didn’t feel right. He seemed out of touch. The fact that Kelly didn’t fly out immediately was also odd. This family’s finally come apart, but it was long in the making. Gavin’s accident couldn’t have been easy for any of them, Jerry included.”

“You have sympathy for the guy,” he said. “We start looking into his travel schedule, you know we’re going to find a whole lot of dead people.”

“If they’re people like Albin Larsen, I won’t be weeping.”

He smiled. “Both of us making value judgments.”

“It’s a human quality.”

“You’re saying I should not look into his travel records.”

“I’m saying Kelly Quick’s a nice kid. And what sin did she commit other than to be loyal to her parents?”

“Yeah,” he said. “Maybe she’ll even go back to school and become a lawyer. Whatever the hell that means in the greater scope of things.”

And that’s the last time we spoke about the Quick family.