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“You’re the boss,” said Albee, and promised to meet her there as soon as she could get the search warrant.

When Sigrid arrived at the apartment building in the West Eighties, she discovered that Jim Lowry had come along, too.

“I’m the recorder on this case, aren’t I?” he gri

The building was one of those solid old brick co-ops with a daytime doorman and a well-tended elevator that rose smoothly to the eighteenth floor.

It was only a few minutes before ten when they rang the bell, but soon there was a flicker of movement behind the peephole, then the door was opened by Jacob Munson, still in his robe and slippers and holding the art section of the New York Times.

“Lieutenant Harald?” he said, surprised to find them on his threshold.

“May we come in?” she asked. “This is Detective Lowry, whom you met on Friday, and Detective Albee. Wed like to talk to your grandson.”

“Richard? Ja, sure.” He led them down a dim hall lined with framed black-and-white drawings into a large sitting room bright with a half-dozen modern paintings on the walls and numerous small sculptures and art objects atop cabinets, tables, and window sills. The bookcases were filled to overflowing with art books of all eras and a Mozart sonata cascaded in a ripple of crisp harmonics through the room.

It was a room of culture, a room that had filled up slowly and judiciously over the long years with objects and pictures that represented careful wi

“Please sit,” said Munson, gesturing to comfortably shabby couches and chairs. “My grandson is asleep, but-”

“No, I’m awake, Grandfather,” said Rick Evans from the doorway. “What’s up?”

He wore jeans and an LSU sweatshirt and he looked very young and vulnerable with his bare feet and sleep-tousled hair.

“We’d like to talk to you again, Mr. Evans,” Sigrid said. “About the statement you signed Thursday.”

Rick glanced at Munson. “The lawyer said I wasn’t supposed to talk to you without her.”

“You may call her if you wish, but this is only to clarify things you already told us.”

“Should I, Grandfather?” he asked.

Jacob Munson fingered his thin gray beard. “No tricks?” he asked.

“No tricks,” Sigrid promised. “If at any time he wants to stop, then he can say so. We’ll take him downtown and you can invite your lawyer to be present.”

Rick’s eyes were apprehensive as he sat down upon a near-by leather hassock.

Munson folded his paper, placed it neatly on the morning pile beside his chair, and prepared to listen.

Sigrid turned to the young man. “You’ve told us that on Wednesday night at approximately ten-fifteen, you were visiting Pascal Grant in his room in the basement of the Erich Breul House when you heard a strange noise. Is this correct?”

“Yes, ma’am,” he said in his soft Southern voice.

“You said that you went outside to investigate, carrying a softball bat; that you heard a noise which you identified as footsteps in the passage to the service door; that someone unknown to you left by that door; and that when you returned to the main kitchen, you saw Pascal Grant bending over Shambley’s body. Correct?”

“Yes, ma’am,” he repeated.

“Who did you think had gone down that passageway, Mr. Evans?”

“I told you. I don’t know,” he said. His brown eyes met her steady gaze and then darted away.

“How long would you say that you were out of Pascal Grant’s sight?”

“I-I’m not sure. Two minutes, maybe three.”

She sat silently, then held out her hand to Albee, who gave her the legal document.

“This is a search warrant, Mr. Munson. It gives us the authority to search your apartment. If you’ve no objection, we’ll begin with your grandson’s room.”

“No!” cried Rick, springing to his feet.

Munson looked up at his daughter’s son and his face was terrible in its aged, pitiless intensity. “Why not, Richard?”

The youth made a hopeless gesture and sank back down on the hassock.

Sigrid nodded to Albee and Lowry.

“That your room through there?” asked Lowry.

“Yes, sir.” His shoulders slumped in defeat.

As the other two detectives disappeared down the hall, Munson asked Sigrid if she would like coffee or tea.

“Nothing, thank you.”

“I assume you’ve heard about Thorvaldsen?”

She nodded.

“Shocking,” he said and sat back in his leather chair with a weary air.

The Mozart sonata came to an end and was replaced by Handel. Otherwise the room was silent.

She did not expect Lowry and Albee to be gone for more than a few minutes and she was right. After all, how many places were there to hide something as long as a gold-headed walking stick?

Mein Gott!” Munson exclaimed, when Lowry returned, carrying the cane carefully by the handkerchief-wrapped tip. “Richard, was ist das?”

Rick Evans swallowed hard, then stood up manfully and said, “I guess I’d better put my shoes on. And maybe you could call Miss Difranco, sir, and tell her I’ve been arrested for killing Dr. Shambley?”

“Oh, don’t be an ass,” Sigrid told him. She turned to Munson. “You’d let him do it, wouldn’t you? Your own grandson.”

Munson glared back at her, his small frame rigid with anger. “I disown him!” he said. “He is a disgrace to my blood.”

Rick was bewildered. “Grandfather-”

“No! I have no grandson who is ein Schwuler.

Rick flushed and drew back as if he’d been struck. “I’m not!”

“What did you see when you stepped out of Pascal Grant’s room Wednesday night?” Sigrid asked softly.

“Not see,” Rick quavered, trying to hold back the tears. “I smelled something. Peppermint. All the way down the passageway, the smell of peppermint. And then when I got home, I saw the cane in the umbrella stand and there was blood on the knob.”

Grief-stricken, he looked at her and shook his head. “I couldn’t believe my eyes. It was just there in the umbrella stand for anyone to walk in and see, and he was in bed sleeping like a baby.”

Schwul,” growled Munson.

“That’s what set you off, wasn’t it?” Sigrid asked him. “What did he do? Taunt you that your grandson was a homosexual and that he would prove it to you?”

Jacob Munson gave a short laugh and glared at her defiantly. “Now I’ll call Miss Difranco and tell her you’ve arrested me, ja?”

“Yes,” Sigrid said, and wondered how she was going to tell Nauman.

No. 14 Sussex Square

Dearest Friend,

We are so sorry you do not feel you can join us for Götterdämmerung tomorrow night, but Henry and I do understand. To think of hearing Wagner without Sophie beside me in our box to translate certain of the passages is almost insupportable. How much more unbearable for you!

You are very kind to give me her Ring scores. I ca

With affectionate gratitude,


Letter to Erich Breul Sr., undated, from Mrs. Henry Bigelow (From the Erich Breul House collection)