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Spencer pointed. “Somebody’s collection.”

The guy made a face and shook his head. “This is so screwed-up. The tipping point for me was them spotting a shark swimming down Veterans Boulevard. I mean, how do you come back from that?”

He loaded the camera. “Mom lives in St. Tammany, I evacuated to her place. Lost forty trees on her property, but not one hit her house. Can you believe it?”

He didn’t expect an answer and got to work. His story wasn’t new. Patti heard a version of it from everybody she ran into. Nobody co

She turned to the other officer. “Co

She and Spencer started back to their vehicle. They didn’t speak until they had removed their HazMat gear and climbed into Spencer’s vintage Camaro.

She turned to him. “We look for a victim. See if the computer turns up a vic that was missing a hand. Have Tony give you a-”

She had been about to say “a hand.” He realized it, too, and glanced her way, eyebrow cocked.

A grim smile touched her mouth. “Detective Sciame assists. Keep me posted.”

He agreed and they fell silent again. As Spencer drove, Patti gazed out at the ravaged landscape, one thought playing through her head: it wasn’t enough the city had Katrina’s devastation and rebuilding process to face, now they had a serial killer to catch as well.



Friday, April 20, 2007


City Park was a sprawling thirteen-hundred-acre park in the heart of New Orleans. Before Katrina, it had boasted three eighteen-hole golf courses, a te

Today it was the location of a gruesome discovery: human remains.

Spencer parked his 1977 Camaro in front of the Bayou Oaks golf center’s two-story practice range and climbed out. The dispatcher had described the remains as “skeletal.” Certainly not the first of his career. Louisiana’s sub-tropic climate, with its abundance of rain, long hot summers and acidic soil, accelerated the decomposition process. Here, a body could be reduced to nothing but bones and a few tendons in two weeks.

Detective Tony Sciame roared into the gravel lot. Spencer crossed to his partner’s seen-better-days Ford Taurus just as the driver’s-side door flew open and Tony heaved himself out.

The smell of French fries followed him. The call had obviously interrupted his lunch.

“Pasta Man,” Spencer greeted him. “Betty know you’re eating that garbage?”

Betty, Tony’s wife of thirty-four years, monitored her husband’s food consumption like a hawk-something Tony had no intention of doing for himself-and it had become a sort of battle of wills between them.

“Of course she does, Slick. My Betty’s a very bright woman.”

Spencer chuckled and glanced up at the sky. “Good day for a round of golf.”

Tony hooted in amusement. “Slick, the closest you’ve ever come to swinging a golf club is the time you broke up a fight between those two guys in plaid knickers.”

“Doesn’t mean it couldn’t happen.” They fell into step together, and he sent his partner an amused glance. “And if I were you I wouldn’t say anything about other guys’ fashion choices.”

“What?” Tony looked down at himself. “I look good.”

He wore trousers in a shade too green to be called khaki and too brown to really be green. Puke or vomit would describe it nicely. Tony had paired the pants with a wild print shirt whose predominant color was orange.

“Sure, you do. For a color blind old fart.”

Tony snorted. “You’re just jealous I have the self-confidence to wear bright colors.”

“Whatever you need to tell yourself, my friend,” Spencer teased. Spencer had nicknamed the older man for his “pasta” gut, while Tony’s nickname for Spencer aimed at his youth and inexperience. Though they swapped insults much of the day, they liked, respected and, most importantly, trusted each other to watch their backs.

In the NOPD, detectives weren’t assigned partners, per se. They worked rotation. When a case came in, whoever was next in line got it and chose someone to assist. It was in the “choosing” that most of the detectives paired up.

Spencer and Tony’s was an admittedly odd pairing. Spencer was thirty-three and single; Tony had been married longer than Spencer had been alive and had four children. Spencer was a relative rookie to Investigative Support Division, ISD for short, and homicide; Tony had been working homicide for twenty-seven years. Spencer had a reputation for being a brash hothead; Tony, one as a cautious plodder.

The tortoise and the hare. Not very sexy but, in their case, effective.

“Yo, Mikey,” Spencer greeted the first officer, a guy who’d been in his brother Percy’s graduating class at the academy. The two had been pals and bottle buddies before Mike had gotten married. “What do we have?”

The officer gri

“Man or woman?”


“Who’d the coroner’s office send?”

“The bone lady. Elizabeth Walker.”


“Nope. And no personal effects, though there might be something more in the grave. We didn’t move the body. Called DIU, district three. They sent Landry.”

Nearly ten years ago, the NOPD brass had decided the best place to fight crime was where it happened. They had decentralized the department, relocating the various detective units, taking them out of headquarters and moving them into the eight district stations, bundling them into what they named the Detective Investigative Unit. The detectives in DIU didn’t specialize; they handled everything except rape, child abuse and high-profile murders. For those crimes, ISD took over.

“Glad to hear that, Mikey. You might make a decent cop, after all.”

“Bite me, Malone.”

“Nah, you’d like it too much.”

“Can we save your personal issues for later?” Tony asked dryly. “The rest of the friggin’ department’s already here. I’d like to make an appearance before the vic’s bagged and tagged.”

Unfazed, the junior officer went on. “The engineer and landscape artist who’re pla

Spencer frowned. “What does that mean, stumbled over it?”

“Just what it sounds like. Really freaked the engineer out. Landed right on top of it, poor bastard. If he hadn’t, they might’ve missed the grave altogether.”

“You have names and numbers for these guys?”

He said he did and added, “I told them both to expect a visit from the NOPD this afternoon.” The officer motioned toward the row of golf carts. “Choose your wheels. Keys are in ’em. Follow the signs.”

They crossed to a cart and climbed in, Tony behind the wheel.

Spencer looked at his partner. “Ironic, finding a body here now.”

Until a few months ago, when they’d moved back into their Broad Street headquarters, the entire detective division had been operating out of trailers here at the park.

“No joke.”

While Tony drove, Spencer took in the surroundings. City Park had been decimated by Hurricane Katrina. The day after the storm, ninety percent of the park had been under anywhere from one to ten feet of water. Adding insult to injury, the water had been from the Gulf of Mexico, and its salt content had killed all the grass in the park, as well as a tremendous number of delicate plant species.

And like the city itself, in the two years since Katrina, the park had hobbled back to life-though to nowhere near its pre-Katrina glory.