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Yeah, he was. You could see it in the light, shining in his hair pretty fucking thick as well. No way he was going to be leaving trace material for the CSI guys.

Right. Makes you wonder why Merrin didn’t do the same thing. Instead of leaving his fucking trace all over everything for us to track him with.

The enormity of it towered above him like the sky.

I’ve seen data, said Sevgi, the first day he met her, that puts Merrin in combat zones hundreds of kilometers apart on the same day, eyewitness accounts that say he took wounds we can’t find any medical records to confirm, some of them wounds he couldn’t possibly have survived if the stories are true. Sevgi in the prison interview room. He remembered the scent of her as she spoke and his throat locked up. Her voice ran on, wouldn’t get out of his head. Even that South American deployment has too much overlap to be wholly accurate. He was in Tajikistan, no he wasn’t, he was still in Bolivia; he was solo-deployed, no, he was leading a Lawman platoon in Kuwait City.

The idiot pattern of the murders. Death in the Bay Area, then Texas and beyond, and then back to the Rim all over again, months later. No sense to the double-back, unless…


“Onbekend,” he said tightly. “Do you know him?”

“Heard the name.” Amused quirk in the corner of her mouth. “But it means—”

“I know what it means. Are you working with anyone who has that name?”

“No. I was working with a guy called Emil Nocera, and with Ulysses Ward, before Merrin went genetic and slaughtered them both. After that, I used Scotty to ride shotgun and pulled some contacts elsewhere.”

“What contacts?”

“Just contacts. No one I see any reason to hand over to you. They’re peripheral, they don’t count. Rimside plug-ins for the people who hired me.”

Carl thought back to the boy with the machete, the gibbering religious abuse.

“You sold Osborne some story about me?”

“Not as such.” Ren looked suddenly tired. “I told him Merrin was the, what do you call it, the second coming? Christ returned and hiding because a black man was out there, coming to do him harm. Mix-and-match imagery, cooked it up from what I knew about Jesusland ideology and the way Osborne was rambling.”

Very Christ-like, he remembered saying when he saw Merrin’s file photo. Very Faith Satellite Cha

He nodded. “I can see how that would work.”

“Yeah, well. Jesuslander, you know. Seemed like a nice enough kid deep down, but you know what that old-time religion will do. Wasn’t hard to sell him the concept, half those people live their whole fucking lives waiting for their Savior to show up. They’d jump at the chance for a walk-on role.” She shrugged, perfectly. “Plus, he was hot for me and concussed from a smack in the head he got from Merrin in the fight at Ward’s place. Poor little fucker never stood a chance.”

“So I’m the black man.”

She pulled a face. “Yeah, you just showed up and fit the role a little too well.”

“Tell me about.” Carl stirred through his recollections again, the fight in the nighttime mall. “You didn’t send him after me then?”

“No, that was all his idea.” Ren’s tone was sour. “Thought it up all on his own, and I wasn’t there to stop him. Wasn’t for that, we might all have gotten off the Cat quietly while RimSec were still clumping about up on deck trying to lock us down.”

“You have any idea why you were supposed to bodyguard Merrin?”

“None. I’m strictly for hire. Got the word he’d be coming in, emergency splashdown, and Ward goes out to collect. My end was just keep him safe for a few months, they were going to need him later. We were going to do that at Ward’s place, but it seems Merrin had a few trust issues after what he went through aboard Horkan’s Pride.”

“Yeah. Understandable. So how’d you talk him down?”

“Initially?” Ren gri

“And after that?”

The grin stayed. “How do you think?”

“Really? Osborne and Merrin? How’d you make that work?”

Another elegant shift of the gray-fleeced shoulders. “Playing handmaiden to Christ, I get to do what I like in Scotty’s eyes. Or at least, he sells it to himself that way as long as he can, because he doesn’t want the rest of it to go away. Maybe that’s what really went wrong when you showed up. Who can tell?”

“And Merrin?”

“Well, I’d say Merrin never quite came back from that ride he took home on Horkan’s Pride. I’d been bracing myself for all the usual arrogant thirteen bullshit when he arrived.” She shook her head. “Not much sign of it. I wouldn’t say he was broken, but I’m not sure he ever straightened out what was really going on. I rammed it home that if he made waves, he was just going to blow cover, and I guess he was smart enough to take that much in. He had covert training, right?”

“Yeah. Field experience, too.”

“So. Something to hang on to, I guess.”

Carl felt the sequence of the fight rise up in his mind again. Slurred tanindo, the slack, not-quite-committed feel to the moves, the lack of force. Almost as if Merrin were still half back on Mars and living a lesser gravitational pull. As if he’d never really made it home after all.

“So, you had any field experience?” he asked Ren.

“Not as such.”

“Not as such, huh?” Carl glanced out across the bay to Marin. The light was almost gone now. “Who the fuck are you, Ren?”

“That’s not what matters here.”

“I think it is.”

She stared at him for a couple of seconds in the gloom. Put together a throwaway gesture.

“I’m just some guy they hired.”

“Just some guy. Right. With ninjutsu technique good enough to beat an ex-Lawman. Try again. Who are you?”

“Look, it’s simple. Forget whatever skills I picked up on my way around the Pacific Rim. I got hired here, in California, to do a handling job, because that’s what I do. I did my job, I handled the mess when Merrin boiled over, and I kept him covered. Then, when the heat got turned up high again, my scumbag client cut me loose. And now I’m looking for payback.”

“I thought you were here to help.”

“I am. My payback is handing you the people who cut me loose.”

“Not good enough.”

“I’m sorry, it’ll have to do.”

“Then go peddle your grudge to someone else.”

He turned his back and leaned on the seaward wall. Stared at the lights out across the water, tried hard not to think of Istanbul, and failed. Under certain superficial differences, the two cities shared an essence you couldn’t evade. Both freighted with the same distilled dream of shoreline, hills, and suspension spans, the same hazy sunlit air and rumble by day, the same glimmer on water at evening as ferries crisscrossed the gloom and traffic flowed in skeins of red and pale gold light across the bridges and through the street-lamp-studded veins of the city. What was in the air there was here as well, and he felt it catching in his throat.

He heard her boots move behind him. Footfalls on evercrete, closing the gap. He looked out at the glimmer of lights.

“Kind of careless tonight, aren’t you?’ She draped her arms on the wall, mimicked his posture about a meter off to his left.

He shrugged, didn’t look at her. “I figure if you want to feed me some information, it doesn’t pay you to take me out. You were going to do that, you would have done it awhile ago.”

“Fair analysis. Still a risk, though.”

“I’m not feeling very risk-averse right now.”

“Yeah, but you’re being fucking choosy about who you take your leads from. Mind telling me why?”

He tipped a glance at her.

“How about because I don’t trust you any farther than I would a Jesusland preacher with a choirboy? You’re handing me what looks like half a solution, Ren. And it doesn’t match up with what I already know. To me, that stinks of deflection. You want me to believe you’re really ready to sell out your boss? Tell me who you are.”