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1. A. Trollope. W. Thackeray. – Oxford, 1878—1882.

2. Th. Taybr. W. Thackeray. The Story of his life. London, 1864.

3. W. Thackeray. A collection of letters (1847—1855). London, 1887.

4. Anecdote Biographies of Thackeray and Dickens. London, 1874.

5. J. Watt. Great Novelists. London, 1885.

6. Thackerayana. London, 1875.

7. E. Mason. Personal Traits of British Authors. New-York, 1885.

8. H. Conrad. Thackeray. Ein Pessimist als Dichter. Berlin, 1887.

9. J. Ha

10 H. A. Taine. Histoire de la litterature Anglaise, tome 4-me. Paris, 1864.

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