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As she tucked the phone receiver under her chin, Rina’s attention was diverted by Ha

Of course, the phone rang. Rina made the big mistake of picking up the call. Ha

“Hold on, Honey.” Rina attempted to swipe Ha

Honey said, “Should I call back later, Rina?”

“No, we’re really fine. She’s just expressing her opinion.”

“She sounds adorable,” Honey said. “I love babies. I love children. I think it’s the i

Honey sounded riddled with regret. So much so, Rina wondered why she didn’t have a dozen more. Within their culture, it wasn’t the least bit unusual to find families with kids numbering in the double digits. It gave Rina pause for thought. Maybe something had prevented Honey from having more. Maybe they had a lot more in common than Rina had first thought.

“Just enjoy her,” Honey went on. “I don’t have to tell you this, but they do grow up so fast. One minute they’re snuggle bu

“That’s ridiculous,” Rina said. “Negiah-men and women touching-doesn’t apply to mothers and sons.”

“Of course it’s ridiculous,” Honey said. “So what else is new? The Rebbe is just floored by this extremism. Sure he doesn’t like phones. But machines are one thing, love is another. Love is what’s important. Love between Man and Hashem, between Man and Man, between Man and Woman-it’s what makes the world such a beautiful place. Love is what distinguishes us from the animals.”

Rina looked at Ginger, the family Irish setter. The big, rust-colored animal was seated on the blanket as well, her snout nuzzling Ha

“Love is wonderful,” Rina said. “We have wonderful families, Baruch Hashem.”

Rina heard a stretch of quiet. She could make out background noises, someone asking for a dozen poppy-seed bagels.

Honey said, “Rina, thank you for getting back to me so fast. And thank you for putting us up. I can’t tell you how excited I am to be actually going on vacation.”

“I’m glad, Honey.”

“Ababababababbam,” Ha

Rina gave the baby a bottle. “Do you want me to call the old gang for you?”

A pause. Then Honey said, “Truthfully no. I just want an opportunity to spend some time with the kids away from people. That’s why-” She stopped herself.

“That’s why you called me,” Rina said. “It’s okay. I’m not offended. You want to relax away from everyone. The community has grown, Honey. It used to be we knew everyone who wore a yarmulke. Not so anymore. It’s pretty easy to go about your business without someone bugging you. But I don’t think it’ll ever fully lose the provincialism. It’s what makes us close. But we both know it can be a little restricting.”

“I just need a vacation.” Honey sounded desperate. “You don’t know what a tova you’re doing. Thank you so much.”

“You’re welcome.”


Rina said, “So, Honey, when exactly are you coming out?”

Honey clucked her tongue. “Would tomorrow morning be too soon?”

Actually, it would be very soon. But there was something needy in Honey’s voice. Rina said, “Anytime you want.”


Rina could almost see Honey’s smile through the line.

“And don’t you dare put yourself out,” Honey insisted. “Just putting us up is dayenu. It’s enough! I don’t know the flight yet so I’ll call you when we arrive in LA. If you’re not home, don’t worry. We’ll wait at the airport. It’s the first time the younger kids have flown, so they’ll be very excited about everything.”

Rina said, “I’ll be sure to be home all morning.”

“Thanks, Rina,” Honey said. “From the bottom of my heart, thank you.”

“A safe?” Orit looked surprised. “Why would he have a safe? He keeps all his loose stones in the vault downtown.”

“Surely your sister-in-law has some nice pieces,” Marge said. “Where does she keep them?”

“Downtown.” Orit walked around the entry hall, rubbing her arms. “When she wants to wear a piece, she calls Arik up and asks him to bring it home. That’s what I always do.”

Decker said, “You keep pieces with him?”

Orit nodded. “They’re family pieces-for me, for my brother, too. If Dalia wants to wear it…okay. Someday my daughter will wear them at her wedding, ken yirbu.”

As Orit smiled, webbing appeared at the corner of her eyes.

“My father is a very clever man. He managed to smuggle out of Europe some beautiful pieces. They are in the family for hundreds of years. What jewelry Papa didn’t use to bribe the border guards, he swallowed stone by stone. On the boat, he had a very bad case of diarrhea.”

She laughed, but it was tinged with sadness.

“They almost didn’t let him into Israel-it was British Palestine back then. But the British were as bad as the Germans. A stone here, a stone there, all of a sudden the guards changed Mendel Stein into Moshe Yalom. They gave him a new identity, a new passport, everything. That’s why my father taught Arik and me to cut stones-a profession to carry on the back.”

Decker said, “Let me ask you this, Orit. You call up your brother and ask him to bring home the piece you want to wear, right?”

“Nachon,” she answered. “Correct.”

“So you go out for the evening, wearing the jewelry. Then you go back home, right?”


“Where do you keep the piece until you give it back to your brother the following morning?”

Orit didn’t answer.

Decker said, “You’re going to have to trust someone, Orit, if you want to get to the bottom of this.”

“You think something’s wrong, don’t you?”

“We’re a little concerned,” Marge said.

Orit shrugged. “On my dresser. If I want to hide it I don’t put it in my safe.”

“So you do have a safe,” Marge said.

“Yes, but only for the robbers.”

Decker and Marge looked at each other.

“They know you’re in diamonds, you have to give them something if they break in. Otherwise, they get mad. But you don’t keep the good stuff there…only junk.”

Again, Marge and Decker traded glances.

“I learned that from my father, too,” Orit said.

“What else did you learn from Dad?”

Orit hesitated, then spoke in a burst. “Before my father got a vault at the diamond center in Tel Aviv, he had to keep lots of loose stones at home. He used to hide them in the toilet.”