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What the hell. So he’d glow in the dark.

He drove the Plymouth to the back lot restricted to “authorized perso

“Know what that Davidson asshole did?”


“God, I hate that man. He treats me like a peon. While I realize I am a peon in this upper echelon of the boys’ brigade, you’d at least think he could fake it better.”

“Are we talking in the car for a reason?”

Marge extracted a slip of paper from her purse. “I’ve got to go calm down a hysterical woman who thinks Martians kidnapped her brother and his family. Believe it or not, Davidson has classified this as a possible homicide. You want to come with me?”

“What’s the address?”

Marge handed him the paper. Decker looked at the numbers-Mountain View Estates. He did a three-point turn and pulled out of the lot.

“He gives me nothing but bullshit assignments, Pete,” Marge went on. “He doesn’t even try to hide it. He knows they’re bullshit! He wants me to know they’re bullshit, too! You know how he phrased this little jaunt? ‘Get this lady off our backs, Du

“Diplomacy isn’t the Loo’s strong suit.”

“The guy has a hard-on for me.”

“Yes, he does.”

Marge did a double-take. “He does?”

“Yep.” Decker turned west onto Devonshire. “Your appointment was shoved down his throat. He’s resentful. But that’s his problem.”

“But I gotta live with it.”

“So live with it.”

“That’s your answer? Live with it?”

“Yep.” Decker headed toward the foothills. “What’s this assignment all about?”

Marge’s jaw began to ache. She forcibly relaxed her mandible. “Just what I said. We gotta make nice to some woman who’s wondering why she hasn’t heard from her brother.”

“How long has it been?”

“I don’t know. At least twenty-four hours. The blues were out there yesterday. At the brother’s house. No one was home but everything looked fine. Apparently that wasn’t good enough. The lady’s been calling nonstop, demanding some detectives.”

“Has she filed a Missing Persons?”

“I don’t think so. It sounds like she wants reassurance more than anything. Someone to look around the house again and convince her that nothing terrible has happened.”

“What kind of family are we talking about?”

“Uh…wait a sec.” Marge pulled out her notebook. “An Officer Mike Gerard interviewed her. Family consists of a mother, father, and two kids-boys. Teenagers specifically. My first thought was an impulsive vacation. But according to Gerard, the woman said no way.”

“That makes sense,” Decker said. “It’s in the middle of the school year. Weird time to take a vacation.”

“Or a great time,” Marge stated. “Beat the crowds. I haven’t talked to the woman directly. She’s been persistent with the calls, a real pain in the ass.”

“What’s her name?”

“Orit Bar Lulu. Bar Lulu is two words.”

“She’s Israeli?”

“You got it. She’s also a real estate agent.”

Decker said, “Why does she think something happened to her brother and his family?”

“I don’t know,” Marge said. “Davidson dismissed me without many details. What do you mean, I should ‘live with it.’ Don’t you think I should say anything?”

“You can do what you want. It’s a free country.”

“You think I should just shut up and do nothing?”

“Let your work talk for you. You’re a great detective, Marge. Eventually, you’ll get a case that’ll show off your balls. When you earn your stripes with Davidson, eventually he’ll leave you be.”

“So the best I can hope for is a grudging acceptance?”

“I don’t know Davidson any better than you do. Maybe he’ll continue to be an asshole. Maybe he’ll come around and turn out to be okay.”

“And in the meantime?”

“In the meantime, we do our job. Which means you’ve got to go out there and calm down a hysterical woman. Take my word for it, Margie. The assignment is no cakewalk.”

Mountain View Estates was a fifty-home development tucked into the Santa Susana pass, replete with communal te

The given address put them curbside to a mock Tudor roofed in genuine slate and faced with used brick and cross-hatched beams painted deep brown. The lawn was a rolling emerald wave breaking onto a shore of leafy ferns and leggy impatiens that would rebloom when the weather got warmer. The front door was wood-paneled and inlaid with stained glass. Decker parked the Plymouth, and he and Marge got out of the car. They began walking up the basketweave-brick pathway that led to the entrance.

Guarding the manor was a ski

“Finally!” She began rummaging through a floppy handbag as big as a carry-on suitcase. “You want me to open the door for you? I don’t want to go in the house again. To see it so empty…lifeless.” Her voice faded. “You just tell me everything’s okay, I leave you alone.”

She spoke with a heavy accent.

Marge looked at Decker. The woman suddenly became pale. “You’re the police, no?”

Marge took out her ID. “Yes, ma’am, we are the police.”

“Orit, please. This is my brother’s house. I haven’t heard from him in going on two days.”

“What makes you think something’s wrong?” Marge asked. “Maybe he went on vacation.”

“Impossible,” Orit stated. “Dalia works at my office; she didn’t say anything. The boys are in the middle of school. The school knows nothing. Besides, I come here yesterday. They are still getting the paper and their mail.” She craned her neck to look up at Decker. “My brother’s a diamond dealer. He deals in big stones and lots of cash. It’s hard times. People do fu

Marge and Decker exchanged glances, then pulled out their notebooks. Marge said, “You think your brother might have been involved in something…illegal?”

Orit bristled. “Impossible. My family has been in the diamond business for over a hundred years. Our family name is Yalom, which means diamond. My father taught us to cut diamonds before we could read. Arik wouldn’t do shady business. But there are others who are maybe not honest.”

“Are you thinking about anyone specifically?” Decker said.

Orit bit a red bottom lip. “No. No one particular. You go in, okay?”

Marge said, “The officers who were out here yesterday said everything looked fine.”

Orit waved her hand in the air. “I didn’t like them-their attitudes. They looked unhappy to help me. Like why is this crazy foreigner wasting our time.”