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"All the more reason," he whispered, leaning over her, cupping her breasts as he kissed her. She parted her lips and he surged within; he kneaded her aching flesh, fingers tightening momentarily about her ruched nipples before his hands drifted away.

Clinging to her senses, her tongue sliding about his, she felt him unbutton his trousers, then his hands closed about her hips, anchoring her as he stepped closer, between her widespread thighs. She felt the pressure as his rigid flesh parted her swollen folds, then found her entrance.

"All the more convincing," he purred against her lips. Straightening, he looked down at her, the wicked curve to his lips elementally male.

Dazed, she stared up at him. "Stratton might be dangerous!"

Curtailing his perusal of her quivering body held taut between his hands, he met her gaze and lifted a brow. "Adds a certain recklessness to the situation, don't you think?"

Think? She couldn't think.

He gri

"Game?" She could barely gasp the word. With him poised just inside her, she was frantic. One step away from spontaneous combustion. But game? Lips and chin firming, she dragged in a breath, lifted her legs and wrapped them about his hips. "Don't be ridiculous."

She pulled him to her-then gasped, arched-frantically gripped his forearms as he pushed steadily, inexorably, all the way in until he filled her.

That sense of incredible fullness was still new, still startling. She caught her breath and clamped down, feeling him hot and hard, buried deep within her. His lids fell, his jaw locked, then, fingers tightening about her hips, he eased back, then surged anew.

As usual, he was in no hurry-he teased her, tormented her-tortured her. Held before him, virtually naked but for her mask, she squirmed, panted, moaned, then screamed as the world fell away and she was consumed by glory. The storm beyond the windows swallowed her wild cries as he flicked a sensual whip and drove her on, into a landscape of illicit delight, of pleasures honed to excruciating sharpness by the very real presence of danger.

His hands roamed, hard and demanding; she writhed and begged, wanton in her pleading.

And when she came apart for the last time, senses fragmenting beneath his onslaught, he followed swiftly, joining her in that delicious void-only, too quickly, to draw her back. He drew away from her; chest still heaving, he straightened his clothes, then hers.

Struggling to coordinate her wits, let alone her limbs, she helped as best she could. If they didn't reappear in the ballroom soon, Stratton would notice-and start to wonder.

They returned downstairs, Demon holding her close against him. They reentered the ballroom, but didn't go far-propping his shoulders against the wall, Demon cradled her against him, her cheek against his chest, then bent his head and kissed her. Soothingly, calmingly.

Distractingly. Despite that, as her senses returned, Flick heard catcalls, whistles, suggestions called out-clearly to some exhibition at the room's center. From the associated sounds, and some of the suggestions, it wasn't hard to imagine what that exhibition entailed. With Demon's arms around her, she couldn't see-she didn't try to look.

After fifteen or so minutes, when their hearts had slowed to their normal pace, Demon glanced around the room, then looked down at her. "We've been seen and duly noted," he murmured. "Now we can leave."

They did in short order, their bodies still thrumming, their spirits soaring, the evidence they'd sought for weeks at long last in their possession.

Demon called in Berkeley Square at eight the next morning; Flick was waiting in the front hall, her packed bags at her feet, a glorious smile on her face. Within minutes, they were away, the bays pacing swiftly, Gillies up behind.

"You were right about your mother stopping her scolding when I told her we'd rely on her and Helena to make all the wedding arrangements."

Demon snorted. "That was a foregone conclusion-she could hardly scold while in alt. It's her dream come true-to organize a wedding."

"I'm only glad, after all her worrying, that we could leave her so happy."

Demon merely snorted-distinctly unfilially-again.

Two minutes later, in a quiet street, he drew in to the curb, tossed the reins to Gillies, and jumped down. Flick looked around. "What?…

Demon impatiently waved her to him; she shuffled along the seat and he lifted her down. "I want to show you something." Taking her hand, he led her up the steps of the nearest house-a gentleman's residence with a portico held aloft by two columns. In the portico, he pulled a set of keys from his pocket, selected one, opened the front door, and pushed it wide. With an elegant bow, he waved her in, merely lifting his brows at her questioning look.

Wondering, Flick entered a pleasant rectangular hall-from the echoes and absence of furniture it was apparent the house stood empty. Pausing in the middle of the hall, she turned and raised her brows.

Demon waved her on. "Look around."

She did, starting with the reception rooms opening from the front hall, then on up the stairs, going faster and faster as excitement gripped her. The pleasant, welcoming aura that hung in the hall recurred throughout the rooms, all airy and gracious, the morning sun streaming in through large windows. The master bedroom was large, the other bedrooms more than adequate; she eventually reached the nursery, under the eaves.

"Oh! This is wonderful!" She darted down the corridor that led to the small bedrooms, then crossed to peek into the na

He studied her face, then raised one brow. "Do you like it?"

Flick let her heart fill her eyes; her smile was ecstatic. "It's wonderful-perfect!" Reining in her excitement, she asked, "How much is it? Could we possibly?…"

His slow smile warmed her. Drawing his hand from his pocket, he held up the keys. "It's ours-we'll live here while in town."

"Oh!" Flick flew at him, hugged him wildly, kissed him soundly-then raced off again. She didn't need further explanation-this would be their home-this the nursery they would fill with their children. After the last weeks, she knew family was a vital part of him, the central concept around which he was focused. Even if he didn't know it, she did-this, from him, was the ultimate declaration-she needed no further vows. This-the home, the family-would be theirs.

Demon gri

That had been an abiding mystery before-it no longer was. He-Demon by name, demon by nature-had been vanquished by an angel. He no longer viewed her as i

And so here he was, trailing in her wake. She led-he followed, with his hand oh-so-lightly on her reins. What he'd found with her he'd found with no other-she was his and he was hers, and that was how it had to be. It was that simple. This was love-he was long past denying it.

Regaining the drawing room, she stopped at its center. "We'll have to shop for furniture."

Demon quelled a shudder. He followed her in, slid one arm around her waist, drew her against him, paused for one instant to watch the sudden flaring of awareness in her eyes, then kissed her.

She sank into his embrace; he tightened it about her. The kiss deepened-and they said all they needed with their lips, their bodies, their hearts. For one long moment, they clung, then he lifted his head.