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Legally he is that man's. He did not divorce her. And even if he had, it would not matter. Toby was conceived while she was still with him. He can come and take Toby anytime he wishes." "Over my dead body," Duncan said softly.

She lowered her hands and looked up at him. There was no vestige of color in her face. Even her lips were white. "Duncan," she said, "forgive me. Oh, but how glib such a request is. How /can/ you forgive me? I would not even listen to your side of the story.

I did not trust you." "With perfectly good reason," he said. "The fault is mostly mine, Maggie. I would not trust you with the truth, because I had promised Laura that no one would ever know the ugliness that had been her life with Turner. And because I was afraid." "That I would not love Toby," she said. "Not that," he said. "I feared you would try to persuade me to bring the whole story into the open. But who would believe it? Who /will/ believe it? It will be Turner's word against mine. And she /was/ married to him right up to her death. Even if the truth is believed, Toby is still legally his." She said nothing. "Maggie – " he said. He rested his head against the doorjamb and closed his eyes.

She was on her feet then and taking his hands in hers and lifting them to her cheeks. "We are going to have to /think/," she said. "We are going to have to find a way of saving Toby and keeping him here. Oh, good heavens, of course we must. You are his father, and I am his … Well, his Aunt Meg.

Aunts can be formidable creatures." He withdrew his hands from hers, wrapped them about her, and drew her close. He lowered his forehead to her shoulder and surprised and embarrassed himself horribly by weeping.


THERE was a whole day when nothing dreadful happened and it seemed that nothing would.

Surely Randolph Turner would not dare to come, Margaret thought. And yet the stakes were high for him. The son he had wanted and schemed so desperately and fiendishly to get was actually in existence. The child had been born to his legal wife less than nine months after she left him. And it might seem unlikely to him that he would have any other children, unless he used the same method as before.

Margaret knew he would come.

They all knew it.

Duncan had told the whole story to Stephen and Elliott. Margaret had told Vanessa. The time for secrecy, for the keeping of a promise of secrecy, was long gone.

On the second day they took a picnic tea down to a secluded stretch of the river, which was nevertheless within sight of the front of the house. Elliott fished with Toby for a while, and then Stephen galloped about with the child on his back. Duncan swung him in circles until they were both dizzy, and Vanessa told him about her own children, whom she was missing dreadfully. "Your cousins," she said, ruffling his hair. "They are going to enjoy playing with you." Margaret fed him a meat pasty before it was officially teatime when he claimed to be starving. "He is going to be a horribly spoiled child," she commented to Vanessa when Toby had run back to demand more attention from the men. "Oh, don't, Meg," Vanessa said, patting her on the back. "Loving and paying attention to a child is not spoiling him but just the opposite.

All will be well. You will see." Margaret wiped away her tears, which seemed to flow so easily these days. "Yes," she said, and smiled. "It will, Nessie." And then, abruptly, "I am several days late." "Oh, Meg." Vanessa looked sharply at her. "Does Duncan know?" "No," Margaret said. "There is really nothing to know yet. Nothing at all certain, anyway. Perhaps it is nothing at all." Her sister continued to pat her back.

Margaret was feeling cautiously cheerful as she and Duncan packed up the picnic basket later and they all prepared to stroll back to the house.

Perhaps the alarm had been sounded for no good reason – except that it had brought some of her family on an unexpected visit. They would probably stay for a few more days, and then she and Duncan and Toby would be alone together again and life would return to normal.

Or would it? /Could/ it?

And was she really feeling cheerful? How could she when her stomach was knotted with dread? /Something/ was going to happen.

Toby went skipping and dashing off ahead as he usually did. The men walked together ahead of the ladies, the picnic basket tucked under Stephen's arm.

And then they all became aware of a large traveling carriage approaching up the driveway. "Toby," Duncan called sharply.

But the child either did not hear him or was too excited to stop to see what his papa wanted of him. He went ru

They all increased their pace.

Toby reached the terrace before Duncan caught up to him. So did the carriage. The door opened and someone vaulted out without waiting for the steps to be set down. He grabbed Toby, but the child wriggled free and came dashing back to Duncan, who bent briefly to say something to him and then strode onward to meet his visitors.

Toby came dashing back to the others, his feet pumping beneath him, his arms outstretched, sheer terror on his face.

Elliott would have scooped him up, but he dashed past, wailing in panic. "Mama," he cried. "Mama, Mama." Margaret bent down, gathered him into her arms, and stood again.

He wrapped his arms about her neck tightly enough to half choke her, and pressed himself to her as if he would have climbed right inside her if he could. "Mama," he said. "A bad man. A bad man has come to take me away." He was radiating fear and heat. "Shh," she said, rocking him. "Shh, love. No one is going to take you anywhere. Papa is here, and so is Mama. No one is going to hurt you." Pray God she spoke the truth. "He is a bad man," he said, his chest heaving, his face pressed to her neck. "But Papa and Uncle Elliott and Uncle Stephen are /good/ men," she said. "And Aunt Nessie and I are good ladies. We are not going to let anyone hurt you or take you anywhere." Oh, dear God, let it be the truth.

His body gradually relaxed against hers and he stopped wailing, though he still clung tightly to her.

Elliott and Stephen had kept going and were on the terrace with Duncan.

It was Norman Pe

Strangely, it was almost a relief to see them. This matter needed to be settled, and now perhaps it would be.

She kissed Toby's damp curls before moving onward. "/There/ he is," Caroline Pe