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She lowered the covers to her waist and turned her head to look at the tray. The chocolate really /did/ smell good. "This is most unfair," she said. "You have had time to dress." "You had an equal opportunity," he said. "But you did not take it. Do you want me to wander into your dressing room in search of a dressing robe? They are probably all packed. Or shall I remove my shirt?" Oh, this was a very different Duncan this morning. This was – perhaps this was the intimacy of marriage. Perhaps things would always remain like this between them. Perhaps … "And your pantaloons too," she said.

He pulled his shirt off over his head and dropped it to the floor beside the bed. He stood up and moved his hands to the buttons at his waist. "Only if those covers get pushed the rest of the way down," he said.

She threw them off, and he dropped his pantaloons and then his drawers.

Oh, goodness. /Oh, goodness/! "Are we supposed to drink our chocolate now?" she asked.

He raised both eyebrows. "What if Stephen comes home?" she asked. "Or Nessie and Elliott? Or your mother?" "It is seven in the morning, Maggie," he said. "And even if any of them should take it into their heads to come here at such an ungodly hour, I seriously doubt any of them are going to come bursting into your bedchamber." She opened her arms to him.

It was all breathtakingly swift and deep and fierce after that – and every bit as satisfying as any of the more lengthy sessions during the night.

She was sore, she realized when they were finished. She had been sore even before they started, but that fact had not diminished her pleasure one little bit. "I will wager," he said against her ear, "that that chocolate is still warm. I believe we were ru

Would you not agree?" "I /would/ agree," she said. "Your grandfather loves you too, you know." "Yes," he said. "I believe he does. But that love will be put to the test again." She took his free hand in hers and curled her fingers about it. Oh, /this/ part of marriage felt very good indeed. This talking and confiding in each other, this asking for advice of each other. "I think love is always being put to the test," she said. "It bends, but it never breaks. Not if it is real. Your grandfather and your mother really love you." And perhaps, she thought, she would too.

Perhaps soon. "I think," she said, "I ought to go and get dressed." "A pity" he said. "I like what you are wearing now." She turned her head and laughed at him.


THEY were traveling in a new carriage, a wedding gift from the Marquess of Claverbrook. Nothing, it was true, could quite make English roads seem smooth and an unalloyed pleasure to travel, but nevertheless there was a marvelous feeling of luxury about being inside a well-sprung conveyance with soft, new upholstery and the smell of new leather.

It was the afternoon of the second day. They would be arriving at Woodbine Park soon.

Margaret was trying to decide whether women were more or less fortunate than men when they married. They moved to a different home and sometimes – as in this case – one they had never seen before and one that was far from where they had grown up. Everything was new and strange and different, and there was nothing they could do to prevent it. It was always the wife who moved to her husband's home, never the other way around. It was as though she lost part of her identity. Even her name was forfeited on her marriage.

On the other hand, there was something marvelously stimulating about starting a wholly new life. One could not literally become a different person, of course, but with a new name, a new home, a new part of the world in which to live, there was the opportunity to start again, to make life better in every imaginable way than it had been before. To make it happier.

Not that she had been unhappy in her old life. But she had been … Well, she had not been quite happy either. There had been the sense that somehow life had passed her by. Last winter had been the worst. Thirty had been a dreary age to be. Now it seemed the very best age. She was no longer painfully young and vulnerable. But she was still young enough to – "I once thought the world began and ended here," her husband said beside her. "I thought it was ruled by two people who loved me and would always keep me safe." She turned her head to look at him. He was gazing out of the window on his side of the carriage.

All children – if they were fortunate – felt that way, she thought. Even when they did not live among wealth or plenty. "Your childhood was a happy one?" she asked. "Entirely," he said, turning to her, "though I was not always consciously aware of the fact, especially on those occasions when I had to avoid sitting down for a while because of a stinging bottom. Or on those other occasions when I was suffering from a scraped knee or a bruised elbow or, once, a broken arm. But children grow into boys who ca

Oh, and /doting/. Girls dream of love and romance, I suppose, because there is no real point in dreaming of much else. But it can be a pleasant dream for any girl as she waits for her prince to come riding along." She had never particularly thought about that most basic of all contrasts between men and women. Was it only the pointlessness of dreaming of freedom and adventure that made most women romantics, dreaming instead of home and a warm lover for a husband and children to bear and nurture? Or was it a nesting instinct built into the very fabric of the female being to ensure the preservation of the human race? "And for you that prince was Dew?" he asked.

Her smile faded, and she looked down at her hands clasped loosely in her lap. Lush green countryside moved past the carriage windows. "That is the trouble with dreams," she said, "as you discovered after you had left home. They do not always translate well into reality. But new dreams always come along to take their place. We are, on the whole, an endlessly hopeful species." She certainly had new dreams, even if they were not wildly romantic.

Their marriage had not made a bad begi