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The bruise on her jaw was fading but still unmistakable. It was, I realized, the 'indisposition' that had kept her in seclusion at home for the past week. There had been numerous such indispositions since I had known Caroline. Laura was known as a woman of delicate health. I can remember being shocked enough to speak bluntly. I believe I can even recall my exact words. 'Turner is a wife-beater,' I said, and with one darted glance in the direction of the rest of the company, all of whom were comfortably out of earshot, she settled a smile on her face and told me hurriedly all about it. It had been going on for two out of the three years of her marriage and was becoming both more frequent and more severe." "Oh," Margaret said. She could think of nothing else to say at the moment. She had always thought wife-beaters surely the most despicable of mortals. "And so you took her away?" "Not immediately," he said. "It was obvious that she had never told anyone before me and that she was extremely frightened as soon as she had unburdened herself. She blamed herself for everything – basically for being a bad wife who could not please her husband. When I offered to speak sternly to Turner on her behalf, I thought she would swoon quite away with terror. She would not speak to me for several weeks afterward – but then she did on the night before my wedding. She came to see me privately, an extremely indiscreet and dangerous thing to do, as you must know. But she was distraught and had no one else to turn to.

She spoke of taking her own life, and I believed her. I still believe she would have done it. And if she had not, sooner or later Turner would have done it for her. And so I did the only thing that seemed possible to do. I ran off with her – after promising that I would never disclose any part of her story to another soul. It is a promise that I am breaking tonight. You may never marry me, Maggie. Indeed, you would be well advised not to. I will have to trust to your discretion concerning what I have told you." Margaret was biting hard into her bottom lip, she realized. "People ought to know," she said. "They ought to be told that you are not the villain you are depicted as being." "But I am," he said. "A man has the power of life and death over his wife, Maggie. He has the right – some would say even the obligation – to correct and discipline her in any way he sees fit. No man who is /not/ her husband, even her father or brother, has any right to interfere.

Both church and state will tell you that. I am exactly the villain everyone thinks me – just a slightly different sort of villain, perhaps." Margaret drew a deep breath. "Why," she asked him, "did he not pursue you?" "Because he is a coward," he said, "as bullies usually are. And also perhaps because we hid very carefully indeed – for almost five years, until her death. He could have taken her back if he had found her. Both the law and the church would have been on his side. I could have done nothing to prevent it. He would have killed her, Maggie. I feel no doubt about that. Sadly, she did it for him. She did not literally take her own life, but she put up no fight for it either. He had taken away her belief in her own inherent goodness. And when one does not believe oneself in any way good, there is very little for which to live – and one feels unworthy of even what little there is. I will not apologize to a man who effectively murdered a woman whose only fault was a certain mental and emotional inability to fight back against cruelty and injustice." Margaret sighed and took a couple of steps forward until she stood against him. He uncrossed his arms, and she laid her forehead against one of his shoulders. She felt instant warmth.

And she had acted purely from instinct, she realized too late to act with greater propriety. She had felt the overwhelming need to seek out his human warmth and had acted upon that need – just as Laura Turner had done five years ago. "Now I understand," she said, "why I could not spurn you even when all the evidence and the opinion of everyone I know said that I ought.

Sometimes one's intuition is to be trusted above all else. I could not convince myself that you were an evil man." "But I am," he told her. "There is no law, either temporal or ecclesiastical – or moral – that would support what I did, Maggie. A woman is her husband's property, to be dealt with as he sees fit." "That is utter nonsense," she said, still without lifting her head. "The law often is," he said. "But it is the only glue that holds society together and prevents utter chaos. We can only hope, I suppose, to reform the law gradually until it represents true morality and the rights of all – including women and the poor and even animals. I will not hold my breath waiting for that day, though. It could be a long time coming – if it ever does. What I did was wrong, Maggie. Evil." "Then thank heaven," she said, lifting her head, "for a little bit of evil in the world. Morality is not a black-and-white thing, is it? And what a profound statement /that/ is. As if no one had ever noticed before." He could not be totally absolved of /all/ he had done, though, she remembered suddenly. "But what about Miss Turner?" she said. "She was left behind on her wedding day, an i

She kept her forehead against his shoulder and closed her eyes as a carriage drawn by four horses made its rather noisy way past them and continued on. "I think," she said when they were alone again, "I had better marry you." His hands came to rest lightly on her hips. "Because you find me pathetic?" he asked. "Because I find you anything /but/," she said. "You need some peace in your life, Lord Sheringford. So do I." /"Peace,"/ he said. "That is a word from a long-ago past. And you think marriage to you will bring me that, Maggie?" "Life at Woodbine Park will," she said. "And unfortunately for you, that can be achieved only at the expense of marriage to me – or to someone else you may be able to find in the next week or so. I would be better for you than anyone else, though. I know the truth about you and can respect you, even admire you." His arms circled her waist as he sighed. "Don't make the mistake of believing that you know me now any more fully than you did before," he said. "You merely know a few more facts." "Oh, there you are wrong," she told him, sliding her own arms as far about him as the tree at his back would allow. "I know more than facts now. I know /you/. Or at least I am on the way to knowing you." "And you believe I can bring you /peace/?" For a moment she felt his cheek against the top of her head. "Or that Woodbine can?" "I have no real way of knowing," she said. "We can never know the future. We can only take calculated risks." She lifted her forehead from his shoulder and looked into his eyes. "/Very/ risky," he said. "The world will always despise me, Maggie – and you too if you marry me." She smiled at him. "You have been desperate to persuade me to marry you," she said. "Are you now trying to persuade me /not/ to?" He set his head back against the tree and closed his eyes. "Reality creeps up on one, does it not?" he said. "For a few days – is it two or three or more? I have lost count already. For a few days, anyway, I have been desperate to do whatever I must do to prevent the loss of Woodbine. And yet now, when it seems that what I want is within my grasp, the reality comes home to me that I can do it only at the expense of the happiness of another i