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"Zoey? If you don't want to tell me what you're working on, that's fine. I really didn't mean to bother you."

"No! It's okay." I drew a deep breath and got myself together. "Sorry—guess I was still thinking about my research," I lied, hop­ing that he was a young enough vamp that he didn't have the in­credible lie detector powers the older profs had. I blundered quickly on. "I want to change the Dark Daughters. I think it needs a foundation—some clear rules and guidelines. Not just to join, but once you're in there should be standards. You shouldn't be given a free pass to be as big a jerk as you want to be, and still get the privilege of being a Dark Daughter or Son." I paused and I could feel my face getting hot and red. What the hell was I bab­bling on about? I must sound like the school idiot.

But instead of laughing at me or, worse, saying something pa­tronizing and taking off, he seemed to be considering what I said. "So what have you come up with?" he asked.

"Well, I like the way this private school called Kent runs their student leadership group. Look—" I clicked on the right link and read from the text. "The Senior Council and Prefect System is an integral part of life at Kent. These students are chosen as leaders who vow to be role models and to manage all aspects of student life at Kent." I used my pen to point at the computer screen. "See, there are several different Prefects, and they are elected to each yearly Council by votes of the students and the faculty, but the final choice is made by the Headmaster—which would be Neferet—and the Senior Prefect."

"Which would be you," he said.

I could feel my face getting hot. Again. "Yeah. It also says every May new Council members are 'Tapped' as possible appointees for the next school year, and there's a big service held to cele­brate." I smiled, and said, more to myself than him, "Sounds like a new ritual Nyx would approve of." As I said the words I felt the rightness of them deep within me.

"I like it," Loren said. "I think it's a great idea."

"Really? You're not just saying that?"

"There's something about me that you should know. I don't lie."

I stared into his eyes. They seemed bottomless. He was sitting so close to me that I could feel the heat from his body, which made me suppress a shiver from a sudden rush of forbidden de­sire. "Well, thanks then," I said softly. Feeling suddenly bold, I continued. "I want the Dark Daughters to stand for more than just a social group. I want them to set examples—do the right things. So I thought that each of us would have to swear to up­hold five ideals representing the five elements."

His brows went up. "What did you have in mind?"

"The Dark Daughters and Sons should swear to be authentic for air, faithful for fire, wise for water, empathetic for earth, and sincere for spirit." I finished without looking at my notes. I al­ready knew the five ideals by heart. So I watched his eyes instead. He didn't say anything for a moment. Then, slowly, he reached out and traced one finger over the fluid line of my tattoo. I wanted to tremble under his touch, but I couldn't move.

"Beautiful and intelligent and i

"So sorry to interrupt, but I really do need to check out the next three books in this series for Professor Anastasia."

Aphrodite's voice broke the spell between Loren and me, as well as almost giving me a heart attack. Actually, Loren looked as shaken as I felt. He dropped his hand from my face and walked quickly to the checkout counter. I sat where I was like I'd grown to my chair, trying to look oh-so-busy scribbling more notes (which were actually, well, scribble). I heard Sappho come back in and take over checking out Aphrodite's books from Loren. I could hear him leaving, and almost as if I couldn't help it, I turned and looked at him. He was walking out the door and not paying the least bit of attention to me.

But Aphrodite was staring straight at me with a wicked smile curving her perfect lips.

Well, hell.


I wanted to tell Stevie Rae about what had happened with Loren, and about Aphrodite busting in on us, but I wasn't up to going into it in front of Damien and the Twins. Not that they weren't my friends, too, but I had hardly had time to process what had happened, and the thought of the three of them chattering like crazy about it made me cringe. Especially since the Twins had re­arranged their school schedules to get into Loren's poetry elec­tive, where they freely admitted they spent the entire hour every day just staring at him. They would totally lose their minds when I told them what had happened. (Plus, had anything happened? I mean, the guy had just touched my face.)

"What's wrong with you?" Stevie Rae asked.

The attention that the four of them had been focusing on try­ing to figure out if there was a hair in Erin's salad or if it was just one of those weird string things from a piece of celery shifted in­stantly to me.

"Nothin', I'm just thinking about the Full Moon Ritual Sunday." I looked at my friends. They were watching me with eyes that said that they totally believed I'd come up with something and not make an ass out of myself. I wish I had their confidence in me.

"So what are you going to do? Have you decided?" Damien asked.

"I think so. Actually, what do you guys think of this idea …" I launched into the whole Council and Prefect idea, and realized about halfway through explaining it to them that it really was a pretty good plan. I finished with the five ideals that were each al­lied with an element.

No one said anything. I was just starting to worry when Stevie Rae threw her arm around me and hugged me hard.

"Oh, Zoey! You're going to be an awesome High Priestess." Damien was all misty-eyed and his voice cracked adorably. "I feel like I'm in the court of a great queen."

"Or you could just be a great queen," Shaunee said.

"Her Majesty Damien … hee hee," Erin said, giggling.

"Y'all ..." Stevie Rae warned.

"Sorry," the Twins said together.

"It was just so hard to resist," Shaunee said. "But seriously, we love the idea."

"Yeah, sounds like an excellent way to keep the hags out," Erin said.

"Well, that's another thing I needed to talk to you guys about." I took a deep breath. "I think seven is a good number for the Council. That way it's a decent size, and it's impossible to have a tie vote." They nodded. "So, everything I've been reading—not just about the Dark Daughters, but about student leadership groups in general—says that the Council members are upper­classmen. Actually the Senior Prefect, which would be me, is a, well, senior, and not a freshman."

"I like the title third former better. It sounds older," Damien said.

"Whatever we call it, it's still abnormal that we're so young. Which means we need two older kids on the Council with us."

There was a pause, and then Damien said, "I nominate Erik Night."

Shaunee rolled her eyes.

Erin said, "Okay, how many times do we have to explain this to you—the boy is not on your team. He likes breasts and vaginas, not penises and anu—"

"Stop!" I absolutely did not want to get off on this subject. "I think Erik Night is a good choice, and not because he likes me or, well..."

"Girl parts?" Stevie Rae offered.

"Yes, girl parts versus boy parts. I think he has the qualities we're looking for. He's talented, well liked, and he's really a good guy."

"And he's totally drop dead ..." Erin said.

"... gorgeous," Shaunee finished.

"It's true; he is. But we're absolutely not basing membership on appearance."

Shaunee and Erin frowned, but didn't argue with me. They're actually not real shallow; they're just kinda shallow.