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“Stop where you are,” she said softly.

Throwing up her hands and collapsing to her knees like an old-time revivalist, Patience screamed: “My Lord!” She pressed her hands theatrically over her heart, but such was the shock registered on her face, A

“Stay on your knees and turn around,” A

Patience turned all but her head. Chin on shoulder, she continued to stare back at A

Patience faced away.

“Lie down slowly on your stomach,” A


The door hit A


The distraction was giving Patience courage. A

“Carrie A

“Mom!” Carrie hollered again and rattled the door.

“Sit down and shut up!” A

“Face down,” A

There was nothing with which to secure her prisoner but the dive line stowed near Patience’s right hand. In close quarters A

“Reach out with your right hand, Patience. Do it slowly. Good. Take hold of the dive line and pull it slowly into the middle of your back.”

With a short growl that telegraphed her intentions, Patience’s fist closed round the coiled line. Twisting like a stepped-on snake, she rolled and flung the line at A

Instinct and training held A

“Jump, A

There was nowhere to go but back into the black water, and A

There was no time to wonder if she’d been badly hurt. Her hand shot after the shaft before Patience could make another swing. Fingers closing around the wood, A

“Mexican standoff,” A

Patience was not lulled, convinced, or amused. “You won’t last till daylight, A

“Okay,” A


“Down,” A

Patience complied.

“Stay still. Soon it will be over. Stay still.” A

“Not a crying shame,” A

“Carrie A

“Stay put,” A

No sound came from within the cabin.

“Smash the radio,” Patience screamed.

“Jesus!” A

“I’ll get you your own phone,” Patience cried. Immediately there followed the sound of electronic equipment being pulverized. Patience laughed. “It’s an u

Dizziness took A

“You’re dying,” Patience said. “Drowning in your own blood. You’re dizzy, aren’t you? Eyes playing tricks?”


“Your joints hurt, don’t they? This is only the begi

“Quiet,” A

“Bleeding inside and out,” Patience continued. “Lungs and chest. The gaff got you. Soon you will faint. Carrie will come out then. Trust me. A mother’s plea and all that. I’ll throw you to the fishes, A

Another star. Then it, too, was gone. “Did you want De

“God!” Patience exploded. Thrashing sounds forced A

“Did you?” A


“He grabbed an oversized single with a Y valve out of the Third Sister and followed you in the Blackduck,” A


Two stars now. A