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Now that the noise of the APC’s diesel was gone he could clearly hear the engines. And over that the night sounds. The sky was mostly clear now. The moon was almost overhead, but still a lopsided disk and not the bright white rock that lit the landscape of the Rocky Mountain high country. It would be midmorning in Durance now. But what day was it? He’d lost track of that. Debbie would be at work or, if it was a weekend, off somewhere with J.D. or one of the other men who chased her. How about Shirley’s dog? How about J.D.’s engine? How about Rooney being fired? For that matter, how about being fired himself? None of it seemed important. He shifted to another question. What was going on with Osa van Winjgaarden? Her brother dead and let’s go home; then her brother alive and requiring her attention.

Moon heard a single distant explosion. It echoed and died away. He heard gecko lizards making their obscene-sounding mating calls, frogs, the song of insects. And then another sort of song. The men on the passing trucks were singing. He bent down into the APC. Lum Lee was standing just below him. Osa and Nguyen Nung sat on a side bench, looking at him.

“You hear that?” Moon asked.

“I think I hear someone singing,” Mr. Lee said. “Four truckloads of Vietcong,” Moon said.

“It sounds like one of their songs,” Mr. Lee said. “Like their national anthem?”

Mr. Lee laughed. “I think more like ‘Waltzing Matilda.’ It has lots of dirty verses. The song is about chasing out the French, and then chasing out the Japanese, and then chasing out the French again, and now-” Mr. Lee, always polite, didn’t complete the sentence. Instead he said, “We have been listening to their radio transmissions. I think they have captured Can Tho. They say the Tiger is dead.”

That changed Moon’s plans a little. He would tag along behind the convoy. No more worry about mines. The VC would know where they’d laid them.

He ran with lights off about half a mile behind the last truck. Nguyen Nung perched in the machine gun hatch as lookout. In the utterly flat terrain the road followed along this arm of the Mekong, there was no problem keeping the lights in sight. A little after midnight Moon noticed another light, a glow on the horizon visible even through his small, smeared viewing window. Can Tho, or some part of it, was burning. The map showed an airport on the north side of town. Probably its fuel dump was ablaze. Probably that was the explosion they’d heard.

He stopped the APC and spread the proper artillery map over the rice sacks on the floor. They studied it. Nguyen proved to understand maps far better than he understood English. He also knew his home landscape. He corrected their present location, moving Moon’s marker to a point six kilometers farther west of Can Tho. The narrow road of packed earth that intersected their path just ahead led directly to paved Route 80, which skirted the coast toward the town of Ha Tien right on the Cambodian border. There would be a border crossing checkpoint there. They’d avoid Route 80 by using farm roads through the paddies and dodge the border guards the same way.

“Okay,” Moon said. “Let’s everybody relieve themselves who needs to. Men to the right, women to the left. And off we go.”

Nguyen was gri

The road was drier here. Moon stood with his back against the metal flank of the APC looking through the moonlight at the orange glow of whatever was burning at Can Tho. No explosions now, just the geckos and the frogs and the insects. He was thinking that Nguyen’s hundred kilometers was about right. Sixty miles to the border. There the hills began. Another twenty miles, more or less, to Eleth Vinh’s village. Another ten or twelve into the higher country to the Reverend van Winjgaarden’s mission. The range on the APC he’d worked with at Fort Riley was 120 miles fully loaded, with twelve men, their weapons, spare ammunition, food, water, and gear. This model was the lighter version, made for the swamps. It should do a little better. He’d strapped eight GI cans in the racks the ARVN had added. Forty gallons. Full tank when they left the hangars, but if the gauge was right they’d already burned about 30 percent of that. Enough fuel to get there. There would be some left for getting back. Enough? Probably not.

The glow at Can Tho flared brighter. Perhaps a gasoline tank going up. It died away. Moon thought about what they’d find at the Cambodian border. And across it. Lum Lee said the radio had reported that Pol Pot’s new government was a

Well, maybe they would never reach the border. A dozen things could happen. if nothing bad happened, they should be there about moonset. Then they’d see what they would see.

PHNOM PENH, Cambodia, April 29 (Agence France-Presse)-The Cambodian government today ordered the immediate deportation of more than 600 foreign refugees being sheltered in the French Embassy. The refugees are being trucked to the Thai border.

Before Dawn, the Twentieth Day

THERE HAD BEEN A COUPLE OF HOURS of cautious, tense, uneventful driving. Moon sagged in his seat, fighting off the drowsiness of twenty-four hours without sleep, wondering about how his mother’s operation had gone, working over the problem of Osa’s odd behavior, and considering how to recover his lost job, his mind drifting far from the unreality of the Mekong Delta, far from the tension of ru

Moon shook his head violently to drive away sleep and, glancing back, saw that Osa was still sleeping curled on the bench and Lum Lee was studying the map spread across a rice sack on the floor. Then Nguyen yelled a warning and kicked hard at both of Moon’s shoulders.

Moon slammed the APC into neutral, hit the brakes, flicked on the headlights. Two hundred yards down the road, a group of men were pushing an army truck backward across the narrow road. Some wore steel helmets. ARVN soldiers. Probably one of the fragments left from the Yellow Tiger Battalion. Probably the survivors of a platoon fleeing Can Tho. How should he handle this?

Nguyen was shouting something unintelligible.

“He says rocket launcher,” Mr. Lee said. Then Moon could see it himself. The man holding it was just behind the truck, wearing a helmet. Kneeling now to aim. Moon cut the lights, slammed the APC in reverse, did the push-pull “bugout” maneuver they’d practiced a hundred times at Fort Riley, felt the machine begin its spin. He heard something like a curse from Nguyen, then the sound of bullets ricocheting from the side armor, then the staccato roar of Nguyen’s machine gun.

The APC lurched into the ditch, tilted at an angle of almost forty-five degrees. From behind Moon came the sound of things clanging and crashing as they fell, the slamming, whanging sound of bullets hitting the armor, of sudden bursts from Nguyen’s gun, of the left tread spi

Then the deafening blast of an explosion.

Moon’s nostrils were filled with the smell of smoke, his ears with Nguyen’s scream.

Moon thought, So this is how it ends.