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Lewis was totally not above shooting the pretty girl.

And he did, three times, right in the center of her fluffy hot pink sweater.

Cherise rocked back, lips parting, and stared down at the damage to her sweater for a few seconds, and then looked back up at Lewis. “You bastard! That was cashmere!” She lunged at him. He grabbed her by the arm, swung her around her own axis of motion, and slammed her face-first into a tree.

Which did about as much damage as three bullets in the chest, apparently.

And she was my friend? That either kicked ass, or was a big, big problem.

The boy grabbed hold of Lewis, stripped away the gun, and the two of them got down to some serious fighting, only some of which was happening in the real world; I could feel the stinging force of powers being slung back and forth along with punches, but I couldn’t tell who had the upper hand.

Cherise grabbed my arm, locked eyes with me, and panted, “Run! Come on, we have to go, now!”

“But-you were shot-”

She waved that off impatiently. “I’m okay. Come on!”

We ran. The trail was thin, and heavily clogged with debris, but Cherise was fast, and I moved as quickly as I dared, leaping over logs and branches and struggling to keep up. I was cold, very cold, and I couldn’t believe she was this active without at least a coat. But I guessed that if she was bullet-resistant, being immune to the chill wasn’t much of a stretch.

I felt a pulse of energy so strong it knocked me to my knees, and Cherise yelled and dropped flat, and a wave of heat rolled over us, thick and shocking.

A fireball erupted behind us.

“Kevin!” Cherise was up and ru

She didn’t need to worry. The boy plunged through the flames as if they weren’t even there and doubled over, breathing hard. He wasn’t even singed. “Damn,” he gasped, and coughed. “Ow. That hurt.”

Cherise immediately went to him. “What happened?”

“He went for it,” Kevin said, and braced his hands on his knees. “Damn. I’m sorry, I thought I could contain him, but he-he just-”

It dawned on me that Lewis wasn’t coming out of the fire. “You killed him,” I said numbly. “You killed Lewis.”

Kevin glanced up at me. “He did it himself. I just couldn’t stop him. Look, the dude was going to kill you. We were lucky to get to you in time.”

I wished I’d picked up Lewis’s gun. I felt hot, sick, disoriented, and oddly on the verge of tears. I didn’t know the guy, not really, but…I couldn’t believe what Kevin was saying. Lewis, going to kill me? No. That couldn’t be true.

I needed to think, but I didn’t have time. The fire was spreading. It had already jumped from one winter-dried treetop to another, and there were tendrils of flame and ash falling on us. Kevin might be fireproof, but I was pretty sure I wasn’t.

Cherise yelped as a branch exploded from the heat, spraying us with burning splinters.

I didn’t even plan what happened next. I don’t even know how it happened. I just reached blindly for help, any kind of help.

And it came in a blinding, disorienting flash. Rain, driving down like a firehose to douse me to the skin. Cold water met hungry flames, and the resulting steam flooded the clearing in fog. The rain kept falling, a tap I didn’t know how to turn off. Hell, maybe I’d broken off the knob. The underbrush was still smoking, but the flames were out, and they couldn’t flare up again while the downpour continued.

Kevin looked like a stu

“How’d you get here?” I yelled over the roar of the rain.

“Not that again!”

“It’s a good question! How the hell did you two find me?” I backed away, and saw Cherise and Kevin exchange a glance. Not one that was particularly reassuring. Man, I wished I’d picked up the gun-not that it had done Lewis a lot of good. But I felt particularly vulnerable right now. “Lewis was going to a lot of trouble because he thought somebody was following. He thought we were in danger.”

“Not from us,” Cherise said, and I almost believed her. She just had that kind of i

But I caught Kevin smiling, and my heart went cold.

I backed away a few more steps. Kevin’s smile faded, and Cherise’s blue eyes turned cool and expressionless.

“All right,” she said. “I guess we do this the hard way.”

The downpour was localized around us, but as I reached the margins, fire suddenly flared up. Kevin. I could feel the energy pouring out of him. I held my ground, because ru

Cherise and Kevin didn’t make a move toward me. They just watched me, and I got the strangest feeling, like they were just…there. And not there. Like they weren’t really present anymore.

And then I sensed something else. I couldn’t even put a name to it-big, dark, wrong. Very, very wrong. It wasn’t a real shadow, but I could feel it, spreading over the ground toward me.

And then there was a shadow in the trees, something flickering and indistinct.

Cherise blinked and said, “There’s nothing to be afraid of.”

But there was. There most definitely was. Whatever that was in the trees was not right; I could feel it like a sick black ache in my chest that was only getting worse with every breath.

The shadow seemed to be flickering in time with my heartbeat, and with every frantic beat it looked a little bit…darker. More real. More distinct.

I saw the curve of a pale face, dark hair.

I didn’t want to see what came at the end, but I felt weak now, and bitterly cold. My knees threatened to fold up under me, and I thought, This is it. I’m done.

And then something inside me just refused, cold and furious, and I felt myself get steadier again.

“There’s something to be afraid of,” I heard myself say to Cherise. “Me.”

And I reached up into the sky and pulled at the air, pushing a whole wall of it like an invisible hard shield at them, driving her and Kevin backward.

Driving away the shadow.

I turned and ran, dodging blooming flames, barely managing to avoid slipping in the squelchy mud under my boots. Overhead, the downpour sputtered, let loose a final shower of ice-cold drops that froze into sleet as they hit the ground, and subsided. I kept ru

For a second, in a flash of lightning, it looked just like me.

And then it just…vanished.

Cherise and Kevin toppled over facedown to the ground. Dead, stu

I hated myself for ru

I was alone, and I couldn’t risk it.

I had no warning of another approach, but suddenly there were hands on my shoulders, and I was spun around, violently, slipping in the mud. I instinctively raised my arms, trying to block a punch, trying to break free, but stopped when I recognized the stark pale face, dark eyes, and rough growth of beard.