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Boy, Kevin wanted me dead. Really, really dead. I could feel it coming off of him in red waves, see it like a poisonous cloud curling around him on the aetheric.

The cool whisper of the Ma'at was keeping that in check. It was a little like a piece of Saran Wrap holding back a heavyweight boxer's punch. I tried not to let the analogy make me nervous.

"Now," Lazlo breathed. "Take her hand."

Her, who?

I looked down.

Alice. Her i

I extended my hand. She wrapped her small fingers around it.

We completed the two halves of the pattern.

Yin and yang.

Human and Dji

Positive and negative.

On the aetheric, the pattern swirled, lit up in glorious glowing color, and it was breathtaking. Complex and graceful as a sand painting, each piece in exactly the right place. I watched the colors race around… green for earth, blue for air and water, red for fire, sparking off of each human they touched, then shading subtly lighter as they moved through the chain of Dji

… to cascade through Rachel's touch into Lewis. A rainbow of light, turning brilliant white as it coiled inside of him. His body-a failing ruin of shadow and darkness-took on form and color. Not healed-that would take time-but no longer destroying itself.

No longer dying.

Let him keep what he is. I heard that through the clasp of hands, felt it move through us like a breath. Human and Dji

But that was Lewis's voice, whispering, Let him keep what he is. Because he understood, maybe better than anyone, that Kevin couldn't live without that touch of fire in his soul. He wasn't demanding, or ordering. The Ma'at was a strange kind of democracy-the exact opposite of the Wardens, which was (for good or bad) an association of independents. In this formation, this… symbolic machine… we debated in silence, on the strength of emotion and feeling rather than words or logic. We argued from our souls.

And, in the end, we knew what we had to do.

Marion took her hand off of my shoulder, and the pattern dissolved into silence. Into forty-odd human and Dji

That was why the Wardens had never truly succeeded. They couldn't. They didn't understand.

This was power.

Kevin burst into tears.

I left my hand on him, not to hold him down, but to give him comfort.

"You hurt me," he was whispering. "She's dead, and you hurt me. Siobhan's dead. I couldn't protect her."

He kept crying, rocking back and forth. His whole body was shaking. I looked across at Marion, whose face was luminous and calm again.

"Yes, he's still dangerous, I know that," she said. "And he has a lot of potential. Now that I know it can be nurtured and controlled, I'd be a fool to destroy that for him."

"Guess he's going to need a mentor," I said. And, when she opened her mouth, "Don't look at me. I don't even like the kid."

Oh, that smile. That self-satisfied, knowing smile on Marion's lips.

"I don't," I insisted.

Kevin continued to cry.

"Oh, give me a break." I turned toward Rahel, who was still kneeling next to Lewis. "Rahel."

She rose to her feet in one of those smooth, inhuman motions that comes standard-issue with Dji

"Snow White," she said.

"My turn," I said. I saw people stepping away from what they saw in my face. "You fixed Lewis, you fixed Kevin. You know what I want."

She studied me without fear. "I can't. You already know that. What David is can't be fixed so easily."

"You were worse off, but you're just fine now, aren't you?" I gestured to indicate the whole Rahel package. "Don't give me any crap, Rahel. I'm not in the mood."

"It doesn't work that way."

I took one step closer and refused to look away, no matter how hard it was. My fury gave me strength. "You heal David, or I swear, I'll tear you apart. I'll make it my mission."

Silence. She didn't answer me. Alice did, little-girl Alice with her neon-blue eyes and ancient smile.

"She can't," Alice said. "She was healed because she took power from the stronger, and because of the death. There's no one here stronger than Rahel now. And no death."

"I could arrange that." I glowered at Lazlo, who raised his eyebrows fastidiously.

"It wouldn't matter," Alice said. "You need Jonathan, and he would have to give of himself."

Rahel nodded. "I will go with you to retrieve him. He can't remain in the hands of a…" She made a face and said a word in Dji

Whatever. "Good. Anybody else want in on this?"

The Dji

Ashan gave me an utterly subzero stare and said, "I will hold you responsible if you fail," and then he was gone.

Alice gave me a wide-eyed regretful look, shrugged, and skipped off into the shadows.

So much for Dji

"Fine. Me and Rahel." I leveled a finger at Lazlo, who was conferring quietly with two more of the Ma'at. "Yo! Laz!" He didn't respond immediately. When he did, he turned toward me with a genteel frown, as if I'd made some sort of rude biological noise. "I'm going after Qui

"I'm going," Marion said immediately. "You'll need me."

"You're in. Thanks." I waited for Lazlo to step up to the plate. "C'mon, man. He's your guy; don't you think you ought to at least come along? Maybe present a nice distraction while I find a way to take him down?"

Lazlo retained his dignity, even in the face of my sarcasm. I didn't consider that a positive.

"Detective Qui

"Really." My voice had gone flat. "Don't hurt yourself, covering your ass like that. The Ma'at are in this up to their necks. Sure, Qui

Lazlo looked unsettled. "Failure was expected. No one can retrieve every-"

"How many times did he come back empty-handed?"

Silence. And then Ashworth said, "At least twenty in the last few years."

Marion indicated Lewis. "What about the ones Lewis took when he left the Wardens? Where did they go?"