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The tip-off didn't come until Saturday lunchtime, but when it did, Rebus knew his hunch had been right.

Claverhouse was the first to congratulate him, which surprised Rebus, because Claverhouse had a lot on his plate and had acted very casually when the call had come. Pi

Rebus had listened to a recording of the snitch call: `Be at Maclean's factory in Slateford tonight. Two in the morning, it's going to be turned over. Ten men, tooled up, driving a lorry. If you're ca

Scots accent, but sounding long distance. Rebus smiled, looked at the turning spools, and said `Hello again, Crab' out loud.

No mention of Telford, which was interesting. Telford's men were loyal: they'd go down without saying a word. And Tarawicz wasn't grassing up Telford. He couldn't know the police already had taped evidence of Telford's involvement. Which meant he was pla

`It has to be…’

`Done right,' Rebus said. 'Claverhouse, we know, okay?’

Claverhouse lost it. `You're only here because I tolerate you! So let's get that straight for a start. I snap my fingers and you're out of the game, understood?’

Rebus just stared at him. A line of sweat was ru

`I promise I'll be a good boy,' Rebus said quietly, `if you'll promise to stop with the broken record routine.’

Claverhouse's jaw was working, but eventually he produced a near-smile of apology.

`Let's get on with it then.’

Not that there was much for them to do. Jack Morton was working a double shift, wouldn't start till three o'clock. They'd be watching the place from then on, just in case Telford changed the game-plan. This meant perso

Ormiston's summing-up: `Easiest quid you'll ever lose.’

Rebus retired to one of the computers and got back to work. Siobhan Clarke had already come round snooping.

`Writing it up for one of the tabloids?’

`No such luck.’

He tried to keep it simple, and when he was happy with the finished product he printed off two copies. Then he went out to buy a couple of nice, bright folders…

He dropped off one of the folders, then returned home, too restless to be much use at Fettes. Three men were waiting in his tenement stairwell. Two more came in behind him, blocking the only escape route. Rebus recognised Jake Tarawicz and one of his muscle-men from the scrapyard. The others were new to him.

`Up the stairs,' Tarawicz ordered. Rebus was a prisoner under escort as they climbed the steps.

`Unlock the door.’

`If I'd known you were coming, I'd have got in some beers,' Rebus said, searching his pockets for keys. He was wondering which was safer: let them in, or keep them out? Tarawicz made the decision for him, nodded some signal. Rebus's arms were grabbed, hands went into his jacket and trousers, found his keys. He kept his face blank, eyes on Tarawicz.

`Big mistake,' he said.

`In,' Tarawicz ordered. They pushed Rebus into the hallway, walked him to the living room.


Hands pushed Rebus on to the sofa.

`At least let me make a pot of tea,' he said. Inside he was trembling, knowing everything he couldn't afford to give away.

`Nice place,' Mr Pink Eyes was saying. `Lacks the feminine touch though.’

He turned to Rebus. `Where is she?’

Two of the men had peeled off to search the place.


`I mean, who else would she turn to? Not your daughter… not now she's in a coma.’

Rebus stared at him. `What do you know about that?’

The two men returned, shook their heads.

`I hear things.’

Tarawicz pulled out a dining-chair and sat down. There were two men behind the sofa, two in front.

`Make yourselves at home, lads. Where's the Crab, Jake?’

Reasoning: a question he might be expected to ask.

`Down south. What's it to you?’

Rebus shrugged.

`Shame about your daughter. Going to make a recovery, is she?’

Rebus didn't answer. Tarawicz smiled. `National Health Service… I wouldn't trust it myself.’

He paused. `Where is she, Rebus?’

`Using my finely honed detective's skills, I'll assume you mean Candice.’

Meaning she'd done a ru

Tarawicz snapped his fingers. Arms grabbed Rebus from behind, pi

`Unfortunately,' Tarawicz was saying, `I have no sense of humour. So I hope you'll understand I'm not joking when I say that I'll kill you if I have to.’

Rebus shook his head free of all the secrets he knew, all the power he held over Tarawicz. He told himself: you don't know anything.

He told himself you're not going to die.

`Even… if… I did know…’

Fighting for breath. `I wouldn't tell you. If the two of us were standing in a minefield, I wouldn't let you know. Want me… to tell you why?’

`Sticks and stones, Rebus.’

`It's not because of who you are, it's what you are. You trade in human beings.’

Rebus dabbed at his mouth. `You're no better than the Nazis.’

Tarawicz put a hand to his chest. `I'm struck to the quick.’

`Chance would be a fine thing.’ Rebus coughed again. `Tell me, why do you want her back?’

Rebus knowing the answer: because he was about to head south, leaving Telford in Shit Street. Because to return to Newcastle without her was a small but palpable defeat. Tarawicz wanted it all. He wanted every last crumb on the plate.

`My business,' Tarawicz said. Another signal, and the hands grabbed him again, Rebus resisting this time. Packing-tape was being wound around his mouth.

`Everybody tells me how genteel Edinburgh is,' Tarawicz was saying. `Can't have the neighbours complaining about the screams. Put him on a chair.’

Rebus was lifted up. He struggled. A kidney punch buckled his knees. They forced him down on to a dining-chair. Tarawicz was removing his jacket, undoing gold cufflinks so he could roll up the sleeves of his pink and blue striped shirt. His arms were hairless, thick, and the same mottled colour as his face.