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In the morning he called the hospital, found out how Sammy was doing, then asked to be transferred.

`How's Da

`I'm sorry, are you family?’

Which told him everything. He identified himself, asked when it had happened.

`In the night,' the nurse said.

Body at its lowest ebb: the dying hours. Rebus called the mother, identified himself again..

`Sorry to hear the news,' he said. `Is the funeral…?’

`Just family, if you don't mind. No flowers. We're asking for donations to be sent to an… to a charity. Da

`I'm sure.’

Rebus took down details of the charity – an AIDS hospice; the mother couldn't bring herself to say the word. Terminated the call. Got an envelope out and put in ten pounds, plus a note: `In memory of Da


Lots of static and engine noise: car-phone, on the move at speed.

`This takes persecution to new levels.’


`What do you mean?’

Rebus trying to compose himself.


`How do you know?’

`I was there. Paying my respects.’

`Same reason I phoned then. Know what, Telford? I think you're taking persecution complexes to new levels.’

`Yes, and Cafferty's not out to shut me down.’

`He says he didn't have anything to do with Paisley.’

`I bet you believed in the Tooth Fairy when you were a kid.’

`I still do.’

`You'll need more than a good fairy if you side with Cafferty.’

`Is that a threat? Don't tell me: Tarawicz is in the car with you?’

Silence. Bingo, Rebus thought. `You think Tarawicz will respect you because you bad-mouth cops? He's got no respect for you whatsoever – look how he's waving Candice in your face.’

Mixing levity with fury: `Hey, Rebus, you and Candice in that hotel – what was she like? Jake tells me she's vindaloo.’

Background laughter: Mr Pink Eyes, who, according to Candice, had never touched her. For `laughter' read `bravado'. Telford and Tarawicz, playing games between themselves, playing games with the world.

Rebus found the tone of voice he wanted. `I tried to help her. If she's too stupid to know that, she deserves the likes of you and Tarawicz.’

Telling them he had no further interest in her. `Anyway, Tarawicz didn't have any trouble taking her off your hands.’

Rebus jabbing away, looking for gaps in the armour of the Telford/ Tarawicz relationship.

`What if Cafferty wasn't behind Paisley?’ he asked into the silence.

`It was his men.’

`Gone rogue.’

`He can't control them, that's his look-out. He's a joke, Rebus. He's finished.’

Rebus didn't say anything; listened instead to a muted conversation. Then Telford again: `Mr Tarawicz wants a word.’

The phone was handed over.

`Rebus? I thought we were civilised men?’

`In what way?’

`When we met in Newcastle… I thought we came to an understanding?’

The unspoken agreement: leave Telford alone, have nothing more to do with Cafferty, and Candice and her son would be safe. What was Tarawicz getting at? `I've kept my side.’

A forced chuckle. `You know what Paisley represents? `What?’

`The begi

`And I bet you'd send flowers to the grave.’

Dead flowers at that.

Rebus went into St Leonard's, got settled in front of his computer screen, and took a look at the Crab.

The Crab: William Andrew Colton. Plenty of form. Rebus decided he'd like to read the files. Phoned in and requested them, backed up the request in writing. Buzzed from downstairs: a man to see him, no name supplied. Description: the Weasel.

Rebus went downstairs.

The Weasel was outside, smoking a cigarette. He was wearing a green waxed jacket, torn at both pockets. A lumberjack hat with its flaps down protected his ears from the wind.

`Let's walk,' Rebus said. The Weasel got into step with him. They wandered through an estate of new flats: satellite dishes and windows picked from Lego boxes. Behind the flats sat Salisbury Crags.

`Don't worry,' Rebus said, `I'm not in the mood for rockclimbing.’

`I'm in the mood for indoors.’

The Weasel tucked his chin into the upturned collar of his coat.

`What's the news on my daughter?’

`We're close, I told you.’

`How close?’

The Weasel measured his response. `We've got the tapes from the car, the guy who sold them. He says he got them from another party.’

`And he is…?’

A sly smile: the Weasel knew he had control over Rebus. He'd play it out as long as possible.

`You're going to be meeting him fairly shortly.’

`Even so… say the tapes got taken from the car after it was abandoned?’

The Weasel was shaking his head. `That's not how it was.’

`Then how was it?’

He wanted to pull his tormentor down on to the ground and start hammering his skull on the pavement.

`Give us a day or two, we'll have everything you need.’

The wind gusted some grit towards them. They turned their faces. Rebus saw a heavy-set man loitering sixty yards behind.

`Don't worry,' the Weasel said, `he's with me.’

`Getting jittery?’

`After Paisley, Telford's out for blood.’

`What do you know about Paisley?’

The Weasel's eyes became slits. `Nothing.’

`No? Cafferty's begi

Rebus watched the Weasel shake his head.

`I don't know the first thing about it.’

`Who's your boss's main man?’

`Ask Mr Cafferty.’

The Weasel was looking around, as if bored by the conversation. He made a signal to the backmarker, who passed it along. Seconds later, a newish Jaguar – arterial-red paint-job cruised to a stop beside them. Rebus saw: a driver itching for a less sedentary occupation; cream leather interior; the back-marker jogging forwards, opening the door for the Weasel.

`It's you,' Rebus said. The Weasel: Cafferty's eyes and ears on the street; the man with the look and dress-code of a down-and-out. The Weasel was ru

Rebus actually laughed. The bodyguard got into the car's passenger seat, having made sure his boss was comfortable in the back. Rebus tapped on the window. The Weasel lowered it.

`Tell me,' Rebus asked, `have you got the bottle to wrest it away from him?’

`Mr Cafferty trusts me. He knows I'll do right by him.’

`What about Telford?’

The Weasel stared at him. `Telford's not my concern.’

`Then who is?’

But the window was rising again, and the Weasel – Cafferty had called him Jeffries – had turned his face away, dismissing Rebus from his mind.

He stood there, watching the car drive off. Was Cafferty making a big mistake, putting the Weasel in charge? Was it just that his best men had scarpered or gone over to the other side? Or was the Weasel every bit as sly, clever and vicious as his namesake? Back at the station, Rebus sought out Bill Pryde. Pryde was shrugging his shoulders even before Rebus had reached his desk.

`Sorry, John, no news.’

`Nothing at all? What about the stolen tapes?’

Pryde shook his head. `That's fu

Pryde sat back in his chair. `I wondered why you hadn't been chasing me up. What've you done, hired a private eye?’