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Back at his desk, he started on his memoirs – as ordered by Watson. Gill Templer came past, decided he needed a few soft words.

`None of us thinks you did it, John. But something like this… questions being asked by the Japanese consul… it has to be done by the book.’

`It all comes down to politics in the end, eh?’

He was thinking of Joseph Lintz.

At lunchtime he dropped in on Ned Farlowe, asked him if he needed anything. Farlowe wanted sandwiches, books, newspapers, company. He looked drawn, weary of imprisonment. Maybe soon he'd think to ask for a lawyer. A lawyer – any lawyer – would get him out.

Rebus handed his report to Watson's secretary and headed out of the station. He'd gone fifty yards when a car pulled up alongside. Range Rover. Pretty-Boy telling him to get in. Rebus looked into the back of the car.

Telford. Ointment on his blistered face. Looking like a scaleddown Jake Tarawicz…

Rebus hesitated. The cop shop was a short sprint away.

`Get in,' Pretty-Boy repeated. Sucker for a free offer, Rebus got in.

Pretty-Boy turned the car. The giant yellow teddy had been strapped into the passenger seat.

`I don't suppose,' Rebus said, `it's worth my while asking you to leave Ned Farlowe be?’

Telford's mind was on other things. `He wants war, he's going to get war.’


`Your boss.’

`I don't work for Cafferty.’

`Don't give me that.’

`I'm the one who put him inside.’

`And you've been snuggling up ever since.’

`I didn't kill Matsumoto.’

Telford looked at him for the first time, and Rebus could see he was itching for violence.

`You know I didn't,' Rebus went on.

`What do you mean?’

`Because you did it, and you want me to-'

Telford's hands were around Rebus's neck. Rebus shrugged them off, tried pi

`You're not going to pin this on me!' he roared. Drivers slowed to watch. Pedestrians crossed the road to safety.

`Who else?’ Rebus's voice was shaky.

'Cafferty!' Telford screeched. `It's you and Cafferty, trying to shut me down!' `I'm telling you, I didn't do it.’

`Boss,' Pretty-Boy was saying, `let's screw the head, eh?’

He was looking around, nervous of the attention they were attracting. Telford saw his point, let his shoulders relax a little.

`Get in the car,' He said to Rebus. Rebus just stared at him. `It's okay. Just get in. I want to show you a couple of things.’

Rebus, world's craziest cop, got back in.

There was silence for a couple of minutes, Telford rearranging the dressings on his fingers, which had come loose during the fight.

`I don't think Cafferty wants war,' Rebus said.

`What makes you so sure?’

Because I've done a deal with him – it's me who's going to shut you damn. They were heading west. Rebus tried not to think about possible destinations.

`You were in the Army, weren't you?’ Telford asked.

Rebus nodded.

`Paratroops, then the S A S.’

`I didn't get past training.’

Rebus thinking: he's well-informed.

`So you decided to become a cop instead.’

Telford was completely calm again. He'd brushed down his suit and checked the knot in his tie. `Thing is, working for structures like those – Army, cops – you need to obey orders. I hear you're not very good at it. You wouldn't last long with me.’

He looked out of the window. `What's Cafferty pla

`No idea.’

`Why were you watching Matsumoto?’

`Because he tied into you.’

`Crime Squad pulled their surveillance.’

Rebus said nothing. `But you kept yours going.’

Telford turned towards him. `Why?’

`Because you tried to kill my daughter.’

Telford stared at him, unblinking. `Is that what this is about?’

`It's why Ned Farlowe tried to blind you He's her boyfriend.’

Telford choked out a disbelieving laugh, started to shake his head. `I'd nothing to do with your daughter. Where's the reason?’

`To get at me. Because she helped me with Candice.’

Telford was thoughtful. `Okay,' he said, nodding, `I can see your thinking, and I don't suppose my word's going to count for much, but for what it's worth, I know absolutely nothing about your daughter.’

He paused. Rebus could hear sirens nearby. `Is that what took you to Cafferty?’

Rebus said nothing, which seemed, to Telford's mind, to confirm his suspicions. He smiled again.

`Pull over,' Telford said. Pretty-Boy stopped the car. The road ahead was blocked anyway, police diverting traffic down side-streets. Rebus realised he'd been smelling smoke for some time. The tenements had hidden it from view, but now he could see the fire. It was in the lot where Cafferty kept his taxis. The shed used as an office had been reduced to ash. The garage behind, where the cabs were worked on and cleaned up, was about to lose its corrugated roof. A row of vehicles was burning nicely.

`We could have sold tickets,' Pretty-Boy said. Telford turned from the spectacle to Rebus.

`Fire Brigade's going to be stretched. Two of Cafferty's offices are spontaneously combusting…’ he checked his watch… `right about now, as is that beautiful house of his. Don't worry, we waited till his wife was out shopping. Final ultimatums have been delivered to his men – they can shuffle out of town or off this mortal coil.’

He shrugged. `Makes no odds to me. Go tell Cafferty: he's finished in Edinburgh.’

Rebus licked his lips. `You've just said I'm wrong about you, that you had nothing to do with my daughter. What if you're wrong about Cafferty?’

`Wake up, will you? The stabbing at Megan's, then Da

`Did Da

`He knows, same as I do.’

Telford tapped Pretty-Boy's shoulder. `Back to base.’

To Rebus: `Another little message for you to take to Barli

He sniffed, seemed pleased with himself, settled back in the seat. `You won't mind if I drop you at Flint Street? Only I've a business meeting in fifteen minutes.’

`With Matsumoto's bosses?’

`If they want Poyntinghame, they'll keep dealing with me.’

He looked at Rebus. `You should deal with me, too. Think about this: who'd want you pissed off with me? It comes back to Cafferty: hitting your daughter, setting up Matsumoto… It all comes back to Cafferty. Think it over, then maybe we should talk again.’

After a couple of minutes, Rebus broke the silence.

`You know a man called Joseph Lintz?’

`Bobby Hogan mentioned him.’

`He phoned your office in Flint Street.’

Telford shrugged. `I'll tell you what I told Hogan. Maybe it was a wrong number. Whatever it was, I didn't speak to any old Nazi.’

`You're not the only one uses that office though.’

Rebus saw Pretty-Boy watching him in the rearview mirror. `What about you?’

`Never heard of the cat.’

A car was parked in Flint Street – a huge white limousine with blackened windows. There was a TV aerial on the boot, and the hubcaps were painted pink.

`Christ,' Telford said in amusement, `look at his latest toy.’

He seemed to have forgotten all about Rebus. He was out of the car and loping towards the man who was emerging from the back of the limo. White suit, panama hat, big cigar, and a bright red paisley shirt. None of which stopped you staring at the scarred face and blue-tinted glasses. Telford was commenting on the attire, the car, the audacity, and Mr Pink Eyes was loving it. He put a hand around Telford's shoulder, steering him towards the amusement arcade. But then he stopped, clicked his fingers, turned back to the limo and reached out a hand.