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He was smiling, surveying the premises like he was thinking of moving in. The mug meant for Rebus was on the corner of the desk. Abernethy picked it up and slurped, made a face, started chewing again. The three Crime Squad officers were like a frozen tableau. Suddenly they looked like a unit: it had taken Abernethy to do that.

Had taken him all of ten seconds.

`What you working on?’

No one answered. `Must've got the sign on the door wrong,' Abernethy said. `Should be Mime Squad.’

`Is there something we can do for you?’ Claverhouse asked, his voice level, hostility in his eyes.

`I don't know. It was John pulled me in here.’

`And I'm pulling you out again,' Rebus said, taking his arm.

Abernethy shrugged free, bunched his fists. `A word in the corridor… please.’

Abernethy smiled. `Ma

`What does that maketh you?’

Abernethy turned his head slowly, looked at Siobhan Clarke who'd just spoken.

`I'm just a regular guy with a heart of gold and twelve big inches of ability.’

He gri

`To go with your twelve big points of IQ,' she said, going back to the report. Ormiston and Claverhouse weren't trying too hard to conceal their laughter as Abernethy stormed out of the room. Rebus hung back long enough to watch Ormiston pat Clarke on the back, then headed off after the Special Branch man.

`What a bitch,' Abernethy said. He was making for the exit.

`She's a friend of mine.’

`And they say you can choose your friends…’

Abernethy shook his head.

`What brings you back?’

`You have to ask?’

'Lintz is dead. Case closed as far as you're concerned.’

They emerged from the building.


`So,' Rebus persisted, `why come all the way back here? What is there that couldn't be done with a phone or fax?’

Abernethy stopped, turned to face him. `Loose ends.’

`What loose ends?’

`There aren't any.’

Abernethy gave a cheerless smile and took a key from his pocket. As they approached his car, he used the remote to unlock it and disable the alarm.

`What's going on, Abernethy?’

`Nothing to worry your pretty little head about.’

He opened the driver's-side door.

`Are you glad he's dead?’


'Lintz. How do you feel about him being murdered?’

`I've no feelings either way. He's dead, which means I can cross him off my list.’

`That last time you came up here, you were warning him.’

`Not true.’

`Was his phone bugged?’

Abernethy just snorted. `Did you know he might be killed?’

Abernethy turned on Rebus. `What's it to you? I'll tell you: nothing. Leith CID are on the murder, and you're out of it. End of story.’

`Is it the Rat Line? Too embarrassing if it all came to light?’

`Christ, what is it with you? Just give it a rest.’

Abernethy got into the car, closed the door. Rebus didn't move. The engine turned and caught, Abernethy's window slid down. Rebus was ready.

`They sent you four hundred miles just to check there were no loose ends.’


`So there's rather a large loose end, isn't there?’

Rebus paused. `Unless you know who Lintz's killer was.’

`I leave that sort of thing to you guys.’

`Heading down to Leith?’

`I have to talk to Hogan.’

Abernethy stared at Rebus. `You're a hard bastard, aren't you? Maybe even a bit selfish.’

`How's that?’

`If I'd a daughter in hospital, police work would be the last thing on my mind.’

As Rebus lunged towards the open window, Abernethy gu

`Good riddance,' she said, watching the car speed off. A finger appeared from Abernethy's window. She gave a two fingered reply. `I didn't want to say anything in the office…’

she began.

`I took the test yesterday,' Rebus lied.

`It'll be negative.’

`Are you positive?’

She smiled a little longer than the joke merited. 'Ormiston chucked your tea away, said he was going to disinfect the mug.’

'Abernethy has that effect on people.’

He looked at her. `Remember, Ormiston and Claverhouse go back years.’

`I know. I think Claverhouse has a crush on me. It'll pass, but until it does…’

`Tread carefully.’

They started walking back towards the main entrance. `And don't let him tempt you into the broom cupboard.’


Rebus went back to St Leonard's, saw that the office was coping quite well without him, and headed over to the hospital with Dr Morrison's Iron Maiden t-shirt in a plastic bag. A third bed had been moved into Sammy's room. An elderly woman lay in it. Though awake, she stared fixedly at the ceiling. Rhona was at Sammy's bedside, reading a book.

Rebus stroked his daughter's hair. `How is she?’

`No change.’

`Any more tests pla

`Not that I know of.’

`That's it then? She just stays like this?’

He lifted a chair over, sat down. It had turned into a sort of ritual now, this bedside vigil. It felt almost… the word he wanted to use was `comfortable'. He squeezed Rhona's hand, sat there for twenty minutes, saying almost nothing, then went to find Kirstin Mede.

She was in her office at the French Department, marking scripts. She sat at a big desk in front of the window, but moved from this to a coffee-table with half a dozen chairs arranged around it.

`Sit down,' she said. Rebus sat down.

`I got your message,' he told her.

`Hardly matters now, does it? The man's dead.’

`I know you spoke with him, Kirstin.’

She glanced towards him. `I'm sorry?’

`You waited for him outside his house. Did the two of you have a nice chat?’

Colour had risen to her cheeks. She crossed her legs, tugged the hem of her skirt towards her knee. `Yes,' she said at last, `I went to his house.’


`Because I wanted to see him close up.’

Her eyes were on his now, challenging him. `I thought maybe I could tell from his face… the look in his eyes. Maybe something in his tone of voice.’

`And could you?’

She shook her head. `Not a damned thing. No window to the soul.’

`What did you say to him?’

`I told him who I was.’

`Any reaction?’


She folded her arms. `His words: "My dear lady, will you kindly piss off.’

`And did you?’

`Yes. Because I knew then. Not whether he was Linzstek or not, but something else.’


`That he was at the end of his tether.’

She was nodding. `Absolutely at breaking point.’

She looked at Rebus again. `And capable of anything.’

The problem with the Flint Street surveillance was that it had been so open. A hidden operation – deep cover – that's what was needed. Rebus had decided to scout out the territory.

The tenement flats across the road from Telford's cafe and arcade were served by a single main door. It was locked, so Rebus chose a buzzer at random – marked HETHERINGTON. Waited, pushed again. An elderly voice came on the intercom.

`Who is it, please?’

`Mrs Hetherington? Detective Inspector Rebus, I'm your Community CID officer. Can I talk to you about home security? There've been a few break-ins around here, especially with elderly victims.’

`Gracious, you'd better come up.’

`Which floor?’

`The first.’

The door buzzed, and Rebus pushed it open.

Mrs Hetherington was waiting for him in her doorway. She was tiny and frail-looking, but her eyes were lively and her movements assured. The flat was small, well-maintained. The sitting-room was heated by a two-bar electric fire. Rebus wandered over to the window, found himself looking down on to the arcade. Perfect location for a surveillance. He pretended to check her windows.

`These seem fine,' he said. `Are they always locked?’