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Gabrielle sat silently for a moment, then said, “I’ll instruct them after I’ve completed my work.”

Carlos was glad for the dark shades or LaCrosse might have caught his surprise, too, at her curt tone.

“You only have four days,” LaCrosse pointed out.

“I see no problem,” Gabrielle answered with less edge.

“Surely, you’ll need assistance while making the repairs and changes,” LaCrosse countered congenially, but his a

Having others nosing around would complicate things, but Carlos would figure out how to cover for her.

“If I do, I’ll inform you of such.” Another sharp reply from her that wiped the smile from LaCrosse’s eyes.

Carlos cut his gaze at Gabrielle. If she rebuffed this guy a little too hard, they might get tossed out on their ears. What had happened to her fear of this man?

LaCrosse leaned forward, hands clasped together in front of him. “We prefer that everyone be escorted while visiting here.”

In other words, he would not allow Gabrielle free run of the estate.

Silence piled into the space between them while LaCrosse waited on her to acknowledge his decree, clearly not pleased with her countermanding his rules.

Gabrielle lifted her head, eyes calm and unwavering. “I came in good faith, as an alumni who walked these halls for many years unescorted. I still remember how to traverse the compound without getting lost, so I appreciate the offer of a guide, but respectfully decline.”

Carlos was torn between wanting to tell her “Atta girl” and wishing he was close enough to give her a warning nudge. Didn’t she realize he could keep any escort distracted while she worked? She was obviously making a valiant effort to maneuver an optimum situation, but getting tossed off the property wouldn’t aid their cause.

That’s when the difference in her dawned on Carlos. It was as if the clothes she’d do

LaCrosse studied her a moment, deliberating on something, then offered her a smile that looked as though he had a mouthful of tacks. “As you wish.” He stood. “Would you like to get settled in your quarters then take a look at the system?”

“Yes, that sounds fine.” Her voice had returned to that of the demure woman who had entered. She stood as LaCrosse stepped around his desk.

When he reached her, she said, “I’d like to introduce my security companion-”

“That won’t be necessary,” LaCrosse cut her off. “We have exceptional security and you know our six-month review protocol for allowing anyone on this property. I’ll have the driver drop your man in Carcasso


GABRIELLE WAS NOT staying here alone.

Carlos had agreed to let her handle LaCrosse when she assured him she understood the man’s personality, but it was time for him to step in. He opened his mouth to tell LaCrosse they would both stay in Carcasso

“What?” She served that cutting reply with a dose of outrage. “I thought you were in a dire situation. That’s why I dropped everything and came immediately. I do this for you and you insult me?”

LaCrosse’s hard gaze didn’t budge. “Mademoiselle Saxe-,” he started in a clenched-jaw, you-must-understand tone.

“It’s Mademoiselle Tynte Saxe.” The razor edge she delivered that on was meant to cut a man off at the knees. “The Tynte family who have donated to this institution for almost two decades, building an entire wing for the IT department, re-creating the historic design of this structure right down to hand-cut stones. I’ve had two attempts on my life in the past ten years. I do not travel without personal security and took a risk just to make this trip. I assure you your background checks are nothing compared to my family’s vetting process for my protection. Your security is much appreciated, but nothing will give me the comfort of being away from the safety of my home except my bodyguard, Mr. Delgado, to whom I expect to have the same welcome extended if you want my help. If not, I can arrange for accommodations in Carcasso

Sweat beaded along the smooth skin on LaCrosse’s forehead.

Damn. Carlos stared at Gabrielle through new eyes. She was terrified and he knew it, but she’d given that speech with all the passion of a queen tossing a gauntlet at the feet of her worst enemy.

“Mademoiselle Sax-Tynte Saxe, I beg your pardon. I meant no insult.” LaCrosse swallowed hard, his Adam’s apple convulsing. His pale skin turned a greenish cast.

A verbal kick in the nuts did that to a man.

“Oh, well.” Gabrielle turned to Carlos, her voice firm. “To use your favorite line, let’s go.” She stepped toward the door and Carlos moved ahead of her to reach for the knob.

“Wait, please.” LaCrosse cleared his throat. “Allow me to make a phone call.” He reached over and dialed the phone with decisive punches to each key, but his hand trembled. When someone on the other end answered, he covered his mouth and whispered tersely, shaking his head as if the other person could see him, then sighing right before he hung up.

“We can accommodate Mr. Delgado as well.” He’d agreed with polite grace, but he wasn’t particularly happy. Someone had him by the short hairs and was braiding them.

Carlos waited for Gabrielle to make the next move. This was her show and she’d been ru

That was one gutsy female.

She sighed dramatically and turned to face LaCrosse. “If you’re sure. I wouldn’t want to insult you either.”

“You’re positive you can get us back ru

“Perhaps sooner if things go well, but four days are the most I’ll need,” she assured him.

Carlos moved to the side again, guard position stance.

LaCrosse strode to the door and opened it to his assistant. “Pierre, please show Mademoiselle Saxe and her security companion to their accommodations.”

A moment of surprise flickered on Pierre’s face before he stood, a polite mask slapped over his pale features. “Of course. Please follow me.”

Gabrielle forced her breathing not to escalate, but her blood pressure was another matter as she walked behind Pierre. Her rapidly thumping heartbeat should be loud enough to echo against the stone-and-mortar walls of the hallway and betray her false confidence. She clutched the coat in her arms to keep her hands from shaking. That whole threat to leave had been a bluff, but Carlos would not stay without her and she couldn’t ruin this chance to win her freedom.

She had four days to complete her work on the computer system, then find a way to elude Carlos. The thought of leaving him knocked a massive hole in her confidence.

Could she survive without him right now?

What would he do if she did try and he caught her?

Pierre paused at a door, punching a code into a panel to unlock it, then turned to her. “This will be your quarters.”

Gabrielle entered, her eyes trying to take it all in at once. This was the first time she’d ever set foot in the i

Gabrielle had crossed to the beveled-glass window and turned in time to see Pierre start to step forward, then pause.

Carlos lowered a dark-shade-covered gaze at Pierre.