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Well, hell.

He checked Izmir, whose phone had been in his vest pocket before Turga blew that to shreds.

What did it take to get just one break on this freakin’ job?

Carlos shoved his weapon inside the front waistband of his jeans and strode back where Gabrielle faced out the door opening. He could hear her taking deep breaths. When he touched her shoulder, she yelped and bumped her head against the door.

She turned a panicked face to him.


“What now?” she asked.

Underneath the fragility glistening in her eyes, she made a damned impressive effort to pull herself together.

“We leave.” He opened the door. “Let’s go.”

“What about…them?”

“No one’s phone works. I’ll send someone to get Lee and deal with this as soon as I get a phone.”

“Where are we going?” She finally started walking when he put his hand to the small of her back.

“Somewhere safe.” Guess he’d earned the dubious look she gave him, but she continued without question until they reached the end of the building.

Hallelujah. A break.

A dual-cab pickup truck was parked beyond the security lights that shone over the lot.

“Stay here.” Carlos eased her against the wall in a deep shadow, then hurried over to the truck. He dug around to all the normal places a guy would throw a set of keys if he didn’t want to carry them. The key ring was under the driver’s seat. Probably Izmir’s truck since the interior stank of strong European cigarettes and the goon would have left his keys in easy access in case he’d had to run.

Carlos waved Gabrielle to the truck. She rushed forward and climbed in on the passenger side. He tossed the backpack on the rear seat.

Once he pulled the truck out and motored to the opening of the industrial center, Gabrielle said, “We’re in Tyrone.”

“Yep. What’s the fastest route to the library in Peachtree City?”

“What? You’ve got an overdue book?”

He couldn’t believe the spark of sarcasm in her voice. “No, that’s where I left my car. I figured you might know a quicker way since you live down here.”

“To the right, then stay on this road. It will merge into Highway 74 southbound.”

“Thanks.” Carlos gave her points for not trying to steer him the wrong way. “Dig around in the glove box, under the seat, anywhere you think someone might stick a cell phone.”

She started searching. “Who leaves keys and a cell phone in their vehicle?”

Anyone who lived on the wrong side of the law. “All of Turga’s men,” he answered, speculating as much as lying.

“Really?” She paused, seemed to process that, then kept searching. “Unbelievable.”

Carlos did a double take at her soft curse. “What?”

She stared at him with new respect and pulled a cell phone from the glove box. She handed it to him.

“It’s not that unusual. These guys carry three or four of everything they need.” Carlos flipped open the phone and damn. A signal. He punched in numbers for Joe’s direct line.

When the ringing stopped and no one on the other end spoke, he said, “It’s me, Carlos.”

“Glad to hear it,” Joe snapped. “What about Lee?”

Carlos didn’t say a word.

Joe muttered, “Shit.”

Carlos gave him the address in a coded phrase. “If you don’t get there first-”

“Hold on.” Joe rattled the address and orders to someone, then turned back to the phone. “We’ll get Lee and handle cleanup.”

“What about the first bunch?” Carlos asked, indicating Baby Face and his backup’s body plus their SUV at the place he’d found Gabrielle.

“Already gone. You on your way in?”

“No. The source is in rough shape and I need some sleep. We’ll head in tomorrow.”

“Going to our secure location?” Joe asked, indicating the safe house in north Georgia where Carlos had been heading earlier.

“Yep. I’ll text a new contact number in about ten minutes.” Carlos also had another phone in his car.

“Want backup sent to meet you?”

“No.” Carlos didn’t want another human being to keep alive for the moment. “I’ve got this. I’ll fill you in later on everything.”

“Your call,” Joe said, letting Carlos know he understood until they had the chance to speak over a secure line.

Joe would let him know at that point what he pla

In spite of how Joe had left their conversation, there could very well be an unmarked van with two armed security guards at the cabin waiting to take her into custody by the time Carlos reached north Georgia.

For the first time since signing on with BAD, he faced having to make a decision he hesitated on. Could he really hand this woman over to guards after all she’d been through tonight?

Carlos ended the phone co

Why that pinched him, he couldn’t say.

“What are you going to do with me?” she asked, turning her head to finally look at him with suspicious eyes.

“We need to talk to you.”

“Who wants to talk to me?”

He didn’t answer at first, debating on how much to say. No point in trying to get anything out of her right now when she was probably holding herself together with sheer will.

“I can’t get into all that until tomorrow,” he said. “You have to know by now I’m not going to harm you or let anyone else. I’m taking you somewhere safe for the night. That’s all I can tell you.”

She didn’t make a sound of acknowledgment or to argue.

Carlos kept his speed within the limits. The roads intersected, just as she’d said. Once he was on the main highway, he knew where he was going. A thought popped into his mind.

Was anyone waiting to hear from her?


“Yes?” That answer came out on a weary sigh. She sagged against the passenger door, a rag doll that had been dragged through the muck and run completely out of batteries.

“Who knew you were living in Peachtree City?”

“No one but the man I rented from and I never see him.”

The mumbled answer combined with her sad voice tugged at his insides. She was co

A sigh escaped on a cough…or a sob. No, she hadn’t cried yet. He hoped like hell she wouldn’t now.

The adrenaline power charge he’d been relying on was spent. He rubbed his forehead, aching from jet lag, seventy-two hours of ru

Not to mention finding out the informant everyone wanted was a woman who could more easily pass as a schoolteacher than someone involved in international espionage.

She leaned against the door, her head touching the window. He fought the urge to draw her next to him and tuck her close out of reflex.

Not exactly protocol for taking a felon into custody.

They both needed sleep tonight, but he didn’t know what waited for him at the cabin.

He also couldn’t allow her to see where they were going.

The throb behind his eyes pulsated. Taking down an armed felon would be easier than treating her like a prisoner once they reached the safe house, but he still had a job to do and couldn’t risk letting his guard down.

Not after finally capturing Mirage.

She slumped back against the seat. He shouldn’t have looked over at her.

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