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"Yes you are!"

He shook his head as he held her hand tightly in his. "You are my saving Grace. Without you, I would never have known love." He swallowed and moved her hand to his heart. "And I would never have known me again."

She watched as the light faded from his eyes. "No!" she screamed again, cradling his head to her breast. "No, no, no! You can't die. Not like this. Do you hear me, Julian! You can't leave me. Please, please don't go. Please!"

Grace held him tight as she wept out the agony in her heart, her soul.

"No!" The fierce scream echoed through the room and shook it.

Grace saw Priapus actually pale at the sound. A clap of thunder sounded and, in a brilliant flash of white light, Aphrodite appeared in front of her. The agony on the goddess's face was indescribable as she looked down at Julian's cold, pale body.

Her blue eyes filled with disbelief, Aphrodite glared at Priapus.

"What have you done?" she asked him.

"It was a fair fight, Mother. Me or him. I had no choice."

Aphrodite let out an agonized scream that came straight from her heart. "I invoked the wrath of Zeus and the Fates to give him his freedom. Who the hell do you think you are to do this?" She looked at Priapus as if he made her ill. "He was your brother!"

"He was your bastard son, but never my brother."

Aphrodite shrieked in rage. "How dare you!"

When the goddess turned her gaze back to Julian, Grace saw the grief on her face.

"My precious Julian," Aphrodite wept. "I should never have let them hurt you. Sweet Cyprus, what have I done with my selfishness?" She fell to her knees by his side. "I left you alone when I should have protected you."

"Oh, give it a rest, Mother," Priapus said as if bored by his mother's pain. "Julian knew what all of us have known since the dawn of time. You think only of yourself, and what we should be doing for you. It's who you are. Unlike Julian, the rest of us learned to accept it aeons ago."

Aphrodite didn't take those words well. In fact, her face turned to granite as she rose to her feet with all the dignity and grace one would expect of a goddess.

She arched a brow at Priapus. "You said it was a fair fight? Well, let's have one, shall we? Thanatos has yet to claim Julian's soul. It is not yet too late to save him. All I need do is start his heart."

Grace felt a sudden warmth engulfing Julian's body.

Leaning back, she watched as a golden aura surrounded him, mending the jagged wound in his stomach. His jeans melted away slowly and were replaced by golden greaves and shoes. The golden wave traveled up over his chest, covering it with ancient gold armor and dark red leather and cloth. Dark brown leather bands covered his forearms.

The blue tinge faded from Julian's face.

Suddenly, he took a deep breath that shook his entire body, then opened his eyes. He looked up at Grace and smiled a smile that warmed her all the way to her soul.

Grace bit her lip as happiness swelled inside her. He was alive!

"What the bloody hell?" Priapus roared.

A woman appeared above them, floating serenely. Her black hair shimmered as she glared at Priapus. "As your mother said, it's time we had our fair fight, Priapus. It's long overdue. And this time, there's no Alexandria to distract Julian from his vengeance."

"What?" Aphrodite asked. "Athena, what are you saying?"

"I'm saying Priapus sent her to Julian on purpose to distract him while Priapus fled your temple in fear of Julian's wrath."

By the look on Priapus's face, Grace could see the truth of it. He curled his lip. "Athena, you treacherous bitch. You always did coddle him."

Athena laughed as she appeared next to Aphrodite. "No one ever coddled him. It's what made him the finest warrior Sparta ever trained. And it's what is going to enable him to kick your ass now."

Julian rose to his feet. The grim look on his face sent a ripple of chills over Grace.

Aphrodite moved to stand between him and Priapus, and when she looked up at Julian, Grace saw the pride in Aphrodite's eyes. "This is the second time I have given you life, Julian. I regret I wasn't the mother you needed the first time. You have no idea how much I wish I could change that. All I can do now is give you my love and blessing."

Aphrodite looked over to Priapus. "Now, go kick his spoiled little ass."

"Mother!" Priapus whined.

Julian turned his gaze to his brother. He twirled his sword around his body as he approached Priapus. "Ready?"

Priapus attacked without warning. Not that it mattered.

Grace's jaw dropped as she watched them fight. If she had thought Julian skilled before, it was nothing compared to the way he fought now.

He moved with a speed and agility she would never have thought possible.

Athena came to stand by her side. She reached out and ran a light touch over the red wrap. "Nice dress."

Grace frowned in disbelief. "They're fighting to the death and you're admiring my clothes?"

Athena laughed. "Trust me, I pick my generals well. Priapus doesn't stand a chance."

Grace turned back to the men at the same time Julian drove his shield sideways into Priapus. The god stumbled back and Julian plunged his sword straight into his side.

"Rot in Tartarus, you bastard," Julian sneered as Priapus disintegrated into a thousand lights.

Grace ran to him.

Julian tossed his sword and shield aside and grabbed her up in his arms and twirled her around.

"You're alive! Right?" she asked.

"I'm alive."

Grace surrendered herself to him then. He lowered her down his body, slowly, his armor caressing every inch of her. Until he could claim her lips with his kiss.

Grace heard someone clearing her throat.

"Excuse me, Julian," Athena said when he didn't release

Grace. "You have a decision that needs to be made. Do you want me to send you home or not?"

Grace trembled.

Julian looked down at her, his gaze searching. He ran his hand gently over her cheek as if savoring the feel of her skin against his. "In all the centuries I have lived, I've only known one home."

Grace bit her lip as tears swelled. He was going to leave her now. Dear God, she just hoped she could stand the pain of it.

He leaned down and kissed her forehead. "And it's with Grace," he said against her hair. "If she'll have me."

Grace rolled her eyes as relief swept through her with such ferocity that she wanted to scream, to laugh, but most of all she wanted to hold on to him forever.

"Gee, Julian," she said with a nonchalance she didn't feel. "I don't know. You do take up more than your fair share of the bed. And those noxious boxer shorts you wear… What is that? If you come back with me, those have got to go. And no more wearing jeans to bed at night, they chafe my legs."

He laughed at her. "Don't worry. For what I have in mind, nudity works best."

She joined his laughter as he cupped her face in his hands.

When he tried to kiss her, she pulled back impishly. "Oh, by the way, is this your armor?"

He frowned. "It is, or was."

"Can we keep it?"

"If you like. Why?"

"Cause, ooo baby," Grace said, raking a look over his gorgeous body, "you are one hot tamale in that getup. This outfit alone will get you laid at least four or five times a day."

Athena and Aphrodite laughed.

In a flash of light, they were back in Grace's bedroom, just the way they'd been before Priapus had shown himself.

"Hey!" Grace said irritably. "Where's the armor?"

It appeared along with his helm, sword, and shield in the corner.

"Happy now?" Julian asked as he pulled her across his chest.


He raised his head and delivered a kiss to her that shook her entire body. Grace moaned at the heat of his mouth on hers. The feel of his body under hers.