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Charles Ferguson said, “Miss Ryan, I believe?”

She turned and found Ferguson, Ha

“Martin, is that you?”

“As ever was, Kate.”

“I’ve come for it, Martin, come for the gold like Uncle Michael wanted. We’ll beat the IRA at their own game.”

“It’s over, Kate,” he said. “We’re into peace now. We’ve got to give it a chance.”

“Peace?” She frowned as if having difficulty at taking the idea in at all and then her eyes blazed. “Peace with the Taigs?” She was like an avenging angel and her hand came out of her raincoat pocket holding the Browning. “You saved me, Martin, in the alley with those three bastards, remember?”

“Of course I do.”

“But you weren’t there the other time when I was fifteen and there were four of them.” It was as if she was choking. “Dirty, rotten Taig bastards. To hell with them for what they did to me. And Uncle Michael, he hunted them down personally. He killed each one himself.” The gun shook in her hand. “We have to stand and fight. We have to face the Catholic scum.”

And only at that moment did Dillon realize how truly mad she had become, but before he could speak it was Be

“No, Kathleen, guns bad. Mustn’t point guns.”

His hands fastened on her shoulders and she screamed, “Get away, Be


She grabbed for his hand. “Martin, is that you?” Her body jerked once, then went very still.


“Yes, I can see that.”


“Straight through his side. There’s an exit wound. He’ll live.”

Ferguson gently took the shotgun from Mary Power. “Oh, God, what have I done?” she asked.

“Not your fault, my dear,” Ferguson told her. “You’ve nothing to worry about. I’ll see to it personally.” He turned to Ha


Ferguson said, “I gave the Sea King an hour. He’ll be back soon. Are you all right?”

“Of course I am, Brigadier.” Dillon found a cigarette and lit it. “End of a perfect day, wouldn’t you say?” and he turned and walked out.

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