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BROGAN WAS THE guy who made the breakthrough in Chicago. He was the third guy that morning to walk past the can of white paint out there on the abandoned industrial lot, but he was the first to realize its significance.

“The truck they stole was white,” Brogan said. “Some kind of ID on the side. They painted over it. Got to be that way. The can was right there, with a brush, about ten feet from the Lexus. Stands to reason they would park the Lexus right next to the truck, right? Therefore the paint can was next to where the truck had been.”

“What sort of paint?” McGrath asked.

“Ordinary household paint,” Brogan said. “A quart can. Two-inch brush. Price tag still on it, from a hardware store. And there are fingerprints in the splashes on the handle.”

McGrath nodded and smiled.

“OK,” he said. “Go to work.”

BROGAN TOOK THE computer-aided mug shots with him to the hardware store named on the paintbrush handle. It was a cramped, family-owned place, two hundred yards from the abandoned lot. The counter was attended by a stout old woman with a mind like a steel trap. Straightaway she identified the picture of the guy the video had caught at the wheel of the Lexus. She said the paint and the brush had been purchased by him about ten o’clock Monday morning. To prove it, she rattled open an ancient drawer and pulled out Monday’s register roll. Seven-ninety-eight for the paint, five-ninety-eight for the brush, plus tax, right there on the roll.

“He paid cash,” she said.

“You got a video system in here?” Brogan asked her.

“No,” she said.

“Doesn’t your insurance company say you got to?” he asked.

The stout old woman just smiled.

“We’re not insured,” she said.

Then she leaned under the counter and came up with a shotgun.

“Not by no insurance company, anyway,” she said.

Brogan looked at the weapon. He was pretty sure the barrel was way too short for the piece to be legal. But he wasn’t about to start worrying over such a thing. Not right then.

“OK,” he said. “You take care now.”

MORE THAN SEVEN million people in the Chicago area, something like ten million road vehicles, but only one white truck had been reported stolen in the twenty-four-hour period between Sunday and Monday. It was a white Ford Econoline. Owned and operated by a South Side electrician. His insurance company made him empty the truck at night, and store his stock and tools inside his shop. Anything left inside the truck was not covered. That was the rule. It was an irksome rule, but on Monday morning when the guy came out to load up and the truck was gone, it started to look like a rule which made a whole lot of sense. He had reported the theft to the insurance broker and the police, and he was not expecting to hear much more about it. So he was duly impressed when two FBI agents turned up, forty-eight hours later, asking all kinds of urgent questions.

“OK,” MCGRATH SAID. “We know what we’re looking for. White Econoline, new paint on the sides. We’ve got the plates. Now we need to know where to look. Ideas?”

“Coming up on forty-eight hours,” Brogan said. “Assume an average speed of fifty-five? That would make the max range somewhere more than twenty-six hundred miles. That’s effectively anywhere on the North American continent, for God’s sake.”

“Too pessimistic,” Milosevic said. “They probably stopped nights. Call it six hours’ driving time on Monday, maybe ten on Tuesday, maybe four so far today, total of twenty hours, that’s a maximum range of eleven hundred miles.”

“Needle in a haystack,” Brogan said.

McGrath shrugged.

“So let’s find the haystack,” he said. “Then we’ll go look for the needle. Call it fifteen hundred maximum. What does that look like?”

Brogan pulled a road atlas from the stack of reference material on the table. He opened it up to the early section where the whole country was shown all at once, all the states splattered over one page in a colorful mosaic. He checked the scale and traced his fingernail in a circle.

“That’s anywhere shy of California,” he said. “Half of Washington State, half of Oregon, none of California and absolutely all of everywhere else. Somewhere around a zillion square miles.”

There was a depressed silence in the room.

“Mountains between here and Washington State, right?” McGrath said. “So let’s assume they’re not in Washington State yet. Or Oregon. Or California. Or Alaska or Hawaii. So we’ve cut it down already. Only forty-five states to call, right? Let’s go to work.”

“They might have gone to Canada,” Brogan said. “Or Mexico, or a boat or a plane.”

Milosevic shrugged and took the atlas from him.

“You’re too pessimistic,” he said again.

“Needle in a damn haystack,” Brogan said back.

THREE FLOORS ABOVE them, the Bureau fingerprint technicians were looking at the paintbrush Brogan had brought in. It had been used once only, by a fairly clumsy guy. The paint was matted up in the bristles, and had run onto the mild steel ferrule which bound the bristles into the wooden handle. The guy had used an action which had put his thumb on the back of the ferrule, and his first two fingers on the front. It was suggestive of a medium-height guy reaching up and brushing paint onto a flat surface, level with his head, maybe a little higher, the paintbrush handle pointing downward. A Ford Econoline was just a fraction less than eighty-one inches tall. Any sign writing would be about seventy inches off the ground. The computer could not calculate this guy’s height, because it had only seen him sitting down inside the Lexus, but the way the brush had been used, he must have been five eight, five nine, reaching up and brushing just a little above his eye level. Brushing hard, with some lateral force. There wasn’t going to be a lot of finesse in the finished job.

Wet paint is a pretty good medium for trapping fingerprints, and the techs knew they weren’t going to have a lot of trouble. But for the sake of completeness, they ran every process they had, from fluoroscopy down to the traditional gray powder. They ended up with three and a half good prints, clearly the thumb and the first two fingers of the right hand, with the extra bonus of a lateral half of the little finger. They enhanced the focus in the computer and sent the prints down the digital line to the Hoover Building in Washington. They added a code instructing the big database down there to search with maximum speed.

IN THE LABS at Quantico, the hunters were divided into two packs. The burned pickup had been torn apart, and half the staff was examining the minute physical traces unique to that particular vehicle. The other half was chasing through the fragmented records held by the manufacturers, listening out for the faint echoes of its construction and subsequent sales history.

It was a Dodge, ten years old, built in Detroit. The chassis number and the code stamped into the iron of the engine block were both original. The numbers enabled the manufacturer to identify the original shipment. The pickup had rolled out of the factory gate one April and had been loaded onto a railroad wagon and hauled to California. Then it had been driven to a dealership in Mojave. The dealer had paid the invoice in May, and beyond that, the manufacturer had no further knowledge of the vehicle.

The dealership in Mojave had gone belly-up two years later. New owners had bought the franchise. Current records were in their computer. Ancient history from before the change in ownership was all in storage. Not every day that a small automotive dealership on the edge of the desert gets a call from the FBI Academy at Quantico, so there was a promise of rapid action. The sales manager himself undertook to get the information and call right back.