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She didn’t answer. I checked the locks on the cell gates. They were fine items. They looked high quality and very precise. They had milled top-hat knobs graduated with neat engraving all around the edges, from the number one to the number thirty- six. The knobs turned both ways. I spun them and felt nothing at all in my fingers except the purr of slight and consistent mechanical resistance. The feel of great engineering. Certainly I didn’t feel any tumblers falling.

I asked, ‘Do you want me to get you out?’

Lee said, ‘You can’t.’

‘If I could, would you want me to?’

‘Why wouldn’t I?’

‘Because then you’d really be in trouble. If you stay, you’re living their game.’

She didn’t answer.

I said, ‘Jake? What about you?’

He asked, ‘Did you find our shoes?’

I shook my head. ‘But you could borrow theirs. They’re about your size.’

‘What about you?’

There are shoe stores on Eighth Street.’

‘You going to walk there barefoot?’

‘This is Greenwich Village. If I can’t walk around barefoot where can I?’

‘How can you get us out?’

‘Nineteenth-century problems and solutions, versus twenty-first-century expediency. But it will be difficult. So I need to know whether to start. And you need to make up your mind real quick. Because we don’t have much time.’

‘Before they wake up?’

‘Before the Home Depot closes.’

Jake said, ‘OK, I want out.’

I looked at Theresa Lee.

She said, ‘I don’t know. I didn’t do anything.’

‘Feel like sticking around and proving that? Because that’s hard to do. Proving a negative always is.’

She didn’t answer.

I said, ‘I was telling Sansom about how we studied the Red Army. You know what they were most afraid of? Not us. They were most afraid of their own people. Their worst torment was living their whole lives proving their own i

Lee nodded.

‘I want out,’ she said.

‘OK,’ I said. I checked the things I needed to check. Estimated dimensions and weights by eye.

‘Sit tight,’ I said. ‘I’ll be back in less than an hour.’

First stop was the next room. The three federal agents were still out cold. The main guy would stay that way for eight solid hours. Or maybe much longer, because his body mass was less than two-thirds of mine. For a bad second it struck me that I might have killed him. A dose calibrated for a man of my size might have been dangerous for a smaller person. But the guy was breathing steadily right then. And he had started it, so the risk was his.

The other two would be waking up much earlier. Maybe fairly soon. Concussion was unpredictable. So I ducked through to the anteroom and tore all of the computer cords out of the walls and carried them back and used them to truss the two guys up like chickens. Wrists, elbows, ankles, necks, all tight and interco

I checked my work and reloaded my pockets with my possessions from the table and then I left the building.


THE STAIRCASE LED UP TO THE FIRST FLOOR AND CAME out at the back of what had once been the place where the fire trucks parked. There was a wide empty floor full of rat shit and the kind of mysterious random trash that accumulates in abandoned buildings. The big vehicle doors were locked shut with rusted iron bars and old padlocks. But there was a perso

The perso

I headed straight for Sixth Avenue. Nobody looked at my feet. It was a hot night and there was plenty more attractive skin on display. I looked at some of it myself. Then I flagged down a cab and it took me twenty blocks north and half a block east to the Home Depot on 23rd Street. Docherty had mentioned the address. Hammers had been bought there, prior to the attack under the FDR Drive. The store was getting ready to close up, but they let me in anyway. I found a five-foot pry bar in the contractor section. Cold rolled steel, thick and strong. The trip back to the registers took me through the gardening section and I decided to kill two birds with one stone by picking up a pair of rubber gardening clogs. They were ugly, but better than literally nothing. I paid with my ATM card, which I knew would leave a computer trail, but there was no reason to conceal the fact that I was out buying tools. That purchase was about to become obvious in other ways.

Cabs cruised the street outside like vultures, looking for people with stuff too awkward to carry. Which made no sense economically. Save five bucks at the big-box store, spend eight hauling it home. But the arrangement suited me fine right then. Within a minute I was on my way back south. I got out on 3rd near but not right next to the firehouse.

Ten feet ahead of me I saw the medical tech step into the alley.

The guy looked clean and rested. He was wearing chinos and a white T-shirt and basketball shoes. Staff rotation, I figured. The agents held the fort all day, and then the medical guy took over at night. To make sure the prisoners were still alive in the morning. Efficient, rather than humane. I imagined that the flow of information was considered more important than any individual’s rights or welfare.

I put the pry bar in my left hand and hustled hard in my loose rubber shoes and made it to the perso