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“Don’t shoot!”

“Hold fire, it’s Cat!” Tate boomed.

What happened next happened almost instantly, though it would be forever slow motion in my mind.

“Hostile coming fast, aim high!” I yelled, and ducked down to clear their line of fire. Tate, who hadn’t relaxed stance, fired blindly into the blackness behind me. Dave, who had lowered his gun to try to locate me in the stygian dark, came throat to face with Lazarus instead.

There was a sickening gurgle as his artery was freed. I screamed, dropping Da

“Man down, man down!”

Juan sprinted inside the cave, flashlight drawn, followed closely by Cooper and three others. I tore my shirt off to apply pressure to Dave’s neck.

Dave could barely talk, but he was trying. “…’on’t…let me…’ie…”

There was only one chance. Maybe not even that.

“Hold him,” I snapped to Juan. Then I dashed deeper into the cave as rapidly as I’d left it. When I came to the first body, I hoisted it on my shoulders and ran back.

“What are you doing?” Cooper demanded.

I ignored him, taking a knife and slicing deeply into the dead vampire’s neck. Blood dripped, but not enough. I hacked the head off completely and flipped the vamp upside down, holding him by his feet. Now a steady stream of purplish liquid trickled directly onto Dave.

“Open his mouth. Make him swallow,” I commanded. God, let it not be too late. Let it not be too late…!

Juan pulled back Dave’s lips with tears coursing down his face. He was praying as well, out loud and in Spanish. Ruthlessly I kicked the cadaver to send more blood downward, and Juan forced Dave to swallow.

The skin around Dave’s neck reacted to the undead blood, but not quickly enough. The flow from his jugular slowed even as the edges started to close. Soon it stopped. Dave was dead.

I stormed out of the cave, seething with grief. Men were searching the area, and I grabbed the nearest one.

“Where did he go? Did you see which way he went?”

The soldier, Kelso, blanched at seeing me covered in blood. “We couldn’t tell. Someone said vampire, but all I saw were trees. We’re looking now. He can’t be far.”

“Like hell he can’t,” I snarled. A Master vampire at full gallop, even injured, could run upward of sixty miles an hour. No way was Lazarus getting away. No way.

The three men still hovered around Dave’s lifeless body. Juan wept unashamedly, and Tate’s eyes overflowed with tears.

“The vampire got through the perimeter,” I began without preamble. “I’m going after him. Tate, fix me with a transmitter and have the team follow. I’m telling you right now, I don’t give a shit what the rules are, because I’m changing them. When I get him, only the ones who do exactly what I say will be with me. If you don’t, you can hang back with the rest of the crowd. I’m not standing over the body of another man today, no matter what Don thinks is acceptable. Whoever wants to be there when this vamp gets his, come with me. Tell the rest of the crew to stay back until we come out.”

Tate and Juan stood immediately. Cooper hesitated. I stared at him and didn’t blink.

“Pussying out, Coop?”

He shot me a measured look. “I’m half Sicilian and half African. Both sides believe in retribution. The only pussy here is yours, Commander.”

“Then order the rest of the men to stand by and follow me. We’ll see what you’re made of.”

He jerked his head at where Da

“Hand him over to the medics. He’s got a gunshot wound.”

“The vampires shot him?” Tate questioned in surprise. Vampires didn’t traditionally use guns. Why would they, when their teeth were more powerful?

“They didn’t. I did. Let’s move; every second counts.”

Cooper chucked Da

“This way.”

When we reached the area where I’d killed the other vampires, I started in.

“All right, men, I’m only going to say this once. Take a knife, grab a vamp, and I don’t care if you have to suck the blood off their balls, you’re going to get as much of that liquid in you as possible. Humans can drink a pint of blood before the body automatically regurgitates. I expect a pint in each of you, and now. The vampire who killed Dave was a Master and he’s ru

So speaking, I led by example and sliced the neck of the corpse in front of me, digging my mouth in like a pit bull. For a second, no one moved. I picked my head up and scorched them with the emerald glare from my eyes.

“Would Dave have shrunk back from avenging any of you out of squeamishness?”

That did the trick. Soon the sounds of sucking and swallowing were heard in the cave. It tasted bad, decomposing as quickly as it was, but even after death, the blood still held power. After several hard pulls, I felt the change begin. The second it started to taste less heinous, I threw the vamp aside, shaking.

“Everyone stop,” I ordered.

There was glad compliance. With my mixed lineage, it took much less for me to acquire a liking for it. They weren’t in danger of succumbing to the urge to feed like I was.


Tate reached out to touch me, and I flinched. His heartbeat was louder in my ears, and I smelled blood, sweat, and tears on him. That was the whole point. I could smell him now-and everyone else.

“Don’t touch me. Wait.” My hands clenched. Dimly I remembered Bones flattening me on the bed, restraining me from chewing his throat open. Ride it out, Kitten, it will pass…

Several deep breaths later I could think again. Un-erringly I went to where Lazarus had lain after I shot him. I took a long, deep whiff of his blood, and then licked it, letting his scent fill my nose. With grim satisfaction I turned to Tate.

“I’ve got him. Give me the transmitter and follow me by car. When I stop moving, that means he’s down. We’ll find out what he knows.”

“Cat…” Tate looked in wonder at his hands and then around the cave. I knew he was experiencing more than he had before. “I feel…”

“I know. Let’s go.”


THE BULLETS SLOWED LAZARUS, SILVER BEING kryptonite for vampires. Lazarus had used his power to heal himself, but because he hadn’t fed yet, he wasn’t ru

Is this the best you can do, Kitten? That all you’ve got? You move that slowly and you’ll be nothing more than a flush in some bloke’s cheeks…come on, Kitten! This is a death match, not a bloody tea party!

God, how I’d hated him those first few weeks, and oh! how I’d do anything to turn back the clock and be there again. Recollection spurred me on faster. I smelled Lazarus about five miles ahead. He couldn’t scent me yet, being upwind, but soon he would hear me. I hoped he was afraid. If he wasn’t, he would be.