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“Why, boss, you look like someone just walked over your grave,” I said softly.

Tate and Juan cast interested glances in his direction as well, but their faces were blank. Maybe Don was the only one in on the secret.

Don opened his mouth to speak, but was saved when his cell phone rang. He glanced at the number, answered it, and then shot me a guarded look and covered the phone.

“I, ah, have to go in the hall where there’s better reception.”

“Is something wrong?” I asked at once.

“No, no,” he assured me while backing away. “Give me a moment.”

Don left the office, and from the sounds of it, the entire sublevel as well, since I couldn’t hear anything from him anymore.

Tate used the interruption to start on me. “Cat, you need to tell us who this vampire is that you’re consorting with, and anything else you know about him, because he knows far more than he’s letting on.”

I bristled at being spoken to like a junior officer. “His name is Crispin, he’s lived in and around Virginia for the last ten years, and he can go all night in bed.” There. Take that and shove it.

Tate shot me an angry look. “That’s nice for him, but it still doesn’t tell us anything useful.”

I shrugged. “Isn’t the bigger problem who this Maximillian is, or how he’s co

“No.” His denial was immediate. From his expression, I didn’t think he was lying, but I wouldn’t have sworn to it.

Then Tate’s cell rang. He glanced at it and frowned.

“Yeah…what? Okay, on my way.” Tate hung up and then rose. “I have to go, Don needs me for something. Juan, he wants you to wait in here with Cat-and he says neither of you are to leave this room until he gets back.”

Tate left. It was just Juan and I.

“Between Tate’s jealousy and Don’s paranoia, they’re probably on a three-way call with my mother to discuss my lack of brains,” I said bitterly. “After over four years and all the times I’ve risked my life, this is the payback I get. Cooling my heels with you babysitting me. What a joke.”

Juan didn’t reply, but his silence said it all.

“Juan.” I swiveled to face him. “You’re the only one who isn’t operating with clouded judgment. There’s more to a person than their temperature. You’ve seen enough to know that. Don’t let them fuck everything up because of prejudice. Just look at all the facts before rushing to condemn anyone, that’s all I ask.”

“I owe you, querida. You’ve saved my life many times.” Juan’s normal playfulness was gone, and he was equally somber. “I will give you the benefit of the doubt, but your lover…I owe him nothing.”

I took his hand and squeezed it. “Then do it for me. Please. For me.”

The door swung open as Don and Tate returned. Don was the first to speak.

“Cat, I’m sending some men to escort your mother here, where she’ll be safe until we’ve determined who’s behind the threat on your life. It’s just precautionary. I have some calls to make and a few other employees to round up, so you can wait in your office. The compound will be locked down when they leave, as you requested. We’ll speak when they return.”

My stomach twisted with anxiety but I squelched it. Bones had told me to trust him. This time, I’d do just that.

“Fine. Go ahead. Get my mom.”

Tate grabbed Juan’s arm and almost yanked him out the door. “We’re on our way.”


TIME LIMPED ALONG. IT WAS WELL OVER three hours before I heard activity at the far end of the compound. Several of my team were there, talking in loud, excited voices. That was the only way in from the exterior to the fourth sub-level, where we housed the vampires. I strained my ears, then heard the unmistakable alarm bells for the reinforced elevator that was only used for transporting the capsule inside.

I barged straight into Don’s office. He’d been on the phone, and with a supremely confident air, he set it down.

“They’re back, and they’ve got the capsule with them. What the fuck is going on, Don?”

“Sit down.” He inclined his head toward the chair, and with a huff I sat. “I’m afraid I have some disturbing news, Cat. I didn’t tell you before because I couldn’t risk you endangering yourself by leaving. Your mother called me earlier because she was afraid. Apparently your new vampire boyfriend phoned her to say he was coming over. Once he got there, he attacked her. She’s okay, just cuts and bruises. After we arrived, he, ah, surrendered and was brought here. Already he’s implied that he knows who’s after you and that he’s in on it. The men are securing him now, and then they will question him in detail.”

“I want to see him,” I said at once.

Don shook his head. “Not a chance. You’re too emotionally involved, and it’s clouded your objectivity. As of an hour ago, your access to the lower levels is restricted. You are to have no contact with any of the vampires. I’m sorry, but your actions have determined my response. Don’t be too harsh on yourself. Many others have also fallen prey to their influence. Let this be a lesson to you, and I’ll keep you informed.”

He was dismissing me. I jumped to my feet, pissed.

“Fine, if you want to be all brass balls about it, then let me talk to Tate before he questions him. You can at least do that. Bring Tate up here if you’re so goddamn worried I’ll cause a scene downstairs. He can meet me in my office.”

Don gave me a look of thinly veiled a

“He’ll be here in fifteen minutes.”

I slammed the door behind me.

If Tate expected me to be quivering on my couch when he opened my door, he was disappointed. Coolly I sat behind my desk and waved a hand at the door.

“Shut it.”

Tate closed it and then folded his arms across his chest.

“I came like you asked, but you can save your breath, Cat. Nothing you say will change anything. We caught him red-handed at your mother’s. She’s lucky to be alive, if you can see past your concern over your lover to be bothered with that.”

He looked mildly disgusted with me, yet his heartbeat still accelerated when I went to stand near him.

“Oh, I care more than you imagine, Tate. Not just about him, but about you as well. That’s why I’m going to ask you this first, and hope you do the right thing. Take Juan with you and let him out. Then we’re locking down the building in emergency mode and finding out who our mole is. We can do this two ways, but it will get done.”

His nostrils flared as he shook his head. “You’ve lost your mind, Cat. Just absolutely lost it! God, no fuck can be worth throwing your life away for-”

“I love him,” I interrupted.

He cursed viciously before finishing with “Now I know you’re crazy! You’ve only been seeing him a couple weeks and you think you’re in love? That’s fucking nuts!”

He grasped my shoulders and gave me a hard shake. I just closed my hands over his.

“Tate, once you accused me of not trusting anyone. You were right-I haven’t. I’m going to trust you now, though, and I hope you’ll trust me. When you saw him today, when you looked in his eyes and really saw him…didn’t he look familiar?”

“Of course he did. I’ve been over that goddamn video for hours! And I’m the one who spotted him outside your house the other night.”

I tightened my hands. “Not from last night or the video. Further back. To be fair, you only saw him for a second, but it was a memorable one. After all, you shot him. Right before the car plowed into him.”


Tate stopped. A growing look of awareness dawned on his features. He stared at me with widening eyes, and then his mouth tightened in a thin, hard line.

Well.” The word was soft. “Didn’t you play us all for fools, Catherine Crawfield?”