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Parsons clearly hadn’t shaved for a couple of days, and it looked as if he’d been wearing the same T-shirt and jeans for much longer. There was a snail-like lethargy about him that hinted at lack of ambition. Yet, A


The room itself seemed clean and tidy enough, which pleased and surprised A

“I suppose it’s about Je

“Among others,” said A

“I don’t care what people think about me. They don’t really know me, anyway. They’re just a bunch of superficial losers.”

“Oh, it’s like that is, it? Poor, hard-done-by misunderstood genius takes on the world.”

He gave her a look of scorn. “What do you know? You wouldn’t understand.”

“You’re right,” said A


“Good. I’m glad we’ve got that sorted. Now let’s get down to business. Where were you last Friday night?”


“Doing what?”

“Watching TV.”

“What were you watching?”

“Coronation Street, East Enders, Le

“Any good?”

“It had its moments.”

“That’s pretty impressive, Victor, remembering all that.”

“I’ve just got a good memory, that’s all, and it’s pretty much the same every Friday. Different film, of course.”

“Anyone else with you?”

“Gavin was out till about one o’clock, but Ravi was here most of the time. You can ask him.”

“Thanks. I will.”

“Look, I’m gutted, you know. By what’s happened. I loved her.”

“So I hear. Can be a nasty thing, unrequited love.”

“She loved me, too. She just didn’t realize it. She would’ve, if…”


“Given time.”


“You don’t know her.”

“What do you do?”

“Do? What do you mean?”

“Your job. Work.”

“I’m an actor.”

“Working these days?”

“Resting. It’s true, though. I’ve had roles. I’ve even done TV. Only adverts, and one non-speaking part, but it’s a start.”

“Earn much money?”

“Not a lot, no.”

If A

“I’m not proud of that. I was pissed. I’d been drinking with Ravi at lunchtime and I’m not used to it. The booze went to my head, that’s all, and I got overexcited. I was sorry about it afterward. I even rang her to apologize but she wouldn’t talk to me.”

“Did you talk at all since you split up?”

“No. I couldn’t get near her at work and she always hung up the phone if I tried her at home. Or the other girl did.”

“Kate Nesbit?”

“Is that her name? I don’t know.”

“But you knew where she lived, where she’d moved to?”

“Yeah. I made it my business to find out.”

“Have you any idea if anything, or anyone, was bothering her over the past while?”

“No. Like I said, she shut me out of her life completely.”

“Did you ever hang around outside her house?”

“I walked by once in a while, yes. I thought I might bump into her.”

“Once in a while?”

“We’ll, not every day, but regular, like.”

“And did you see her?”

“No. Never.”

“When were you last there?”

“Couple of weeks ago.”

“Did you notice anyone else hanging around?”


Of course he wouldn’t, A

“She worked late sometimes. I used to wait across the street. Just to see her.”

“Did you ever approach her when she left?”

“No. I didn’t have the bottle. I’d just watch her. I told you, it was only because I was pissed that I made a scene.”

“When was the last time?”

“Last week. Monday.”

“And did you see her leave?”

“Yeah, but she was with someone.”


“It wasn’t anyone I knew, just some girl, by the looks of her.”

“A young girl?”

“Yeah. Probably one of the rich pregnant teenagers they deal with there. Only this one didn’t look particularly rich.”

“What time was this?”

“About eight o’clock.”

“Wasn’t the center closed by then?”

“Yeah. They close at five. I think everyone else had gone home, but Je

“Can you describe the girl?”

“Long dark hair. Bit ski

“I take it by the ‘bump’ you mean her pregnancy was showing?”


“Where did they go?”


“Why not?”

“A bloke got out of a car parked in front, had a word in her ear, and she got in the car with him.”

“Who, Je

“The girl.”

“What did Je

“Walked toward the tube station.”

“Did you follow her?”

“No. I just went for a drink.”

“What did the man look like?”

“Like he lifted weights. You know, big, broad shoulders, no neck. And he had a ponytail.”

“And the car?”

“Didn’t notice.”

“Dark or light?”

“Light, I think. Maybe silver.”

“Was there anyone else in it?”

“I didn’t see.”

“Did he force the girl into the car?”

Parsons frowned. “No. But it was like he was in charge and he was saying ‘That’s enough, time to go.’ ”

“She didn’t resist?”


“Okay,” said A

“No. I already told you. I stayed in. I do most nights.”

Had Victor Parsons killed Je

“Tell me something,” she asked, “just out of interest. Why did you split up with Je

“It was all a misunderstanding. That’s it, you see. I thought we wanted different things. You know, Je

“So you chucked her?”

“No. It wasn’t like that. All I said was that we should give one another a bit more space and get clear about what we wanted, that’s all. And I did. I decided I wanted her, no matter what, that I’d even give up my career, she meant that much to me.”